Announcements (March 16, 2008)

1. The two-bit collection is for Deanery Prison Ministry. As part of the South Seattle Deanery, Holy Family Parish supports the work of Catholic chaplains at King County Jail. Your donations will go toward that vital ministry. Thank you.

2. Today’s bulletin contains some good news about the Capital Campaign. This week we reached the one million dollar mark in donations. At the end of this month we will formalize the list of donors for the permanent memorial plaque. If your name is not yet on that list, please consider making a hundred dollar donation. Envelopes are available in the vestibule.

3. Today’s bulletin contains our Holy Week Schedule. On Thursday at 7 p.m. we will have the Mass of the Last Supper. The Good Friday Liturgy in English will begin at 6 p.m. and the Easter Vigil at 8 p.m. on Holy Saturday. Also on Holy Saturday you are invited to a spiritual retreat, confessions from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Condolences to the Blessed Virgin from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please pick up a bulletin at the church entrances for more important information.

4. A big thank you to our Knights of Columbus for the annual Spring Clean. Our grounds look great. Also we thank our Knights for putting up the pro-life sign - and all those who made donations for this sign.

Dan Knelleken

Preparing Silent No More sign

Grand Knight Macabe Mooney

Filipino Reading of Passion

Avisos (16 de marzo de 2008)

1. La segunda colecta es para el ministerio a las carceles. Su donacion apoyará el trabajo de los capellanes catolicos de la carcel del condado (King County Jail).

2. Esta semana tenemos una buena noticia en cuanto a la Campaña Capital. Ya hemos superado un millon de dolares en donaciones. Al final del mes vamos a finalizar la lista de donadores para la placa permanente. Si su nombre no esta en la lista, favor de considerar una donacion de cien dolares. Hay sobres en la entrada del templo.

3. Semana Santa: --Misa bilingüe de la Ultima Cena, jueves a las 7 p.m. –Via Crucis, viernes a las 3 p.m. y Liturgia de Viernes Santo a las 7:30 p.m. –Condolencia a la Virgen Maria, Sabado de 9 a 5 p.m. y confesiones desde 10 a.m. hasta 1 p.m. –Vigilia Pascual a las 4 a.m. el dia domingo