Announcements (August 17, 2008)

1. Our two-bit collection is for Project Rachel. Fr. Bloom's column has more information on Project Rachel and the Rachel's Vineyard Retreats that they sponsor here in the Seattle area. Your donations will support this important healing work.

2. Next Sunday our will be exploring the ice caves near Everett. Please see the bulletin for more information and contact numbers.

3. If you have not yet done so, please register your Safeway card for eScrip. The bulletin contains an announcement explaining how and why to do it. Also we remind you that registration is open for Pre-K through Eighth Grade at Holy Family School. If you know someone who might be interested in sending their child to our parish school, please give them the information on the front of the bulletin.

4. Along with the weekly report on your financial giving, today's bulletin has an interesting flier on Stewardship. Remember that we are all accountable for the gifts God entrusts to us.

5. In the vestibule we have a limited number of the U.S. Bishops' flier "Between Man and Woman: Questions and Answers on Marriage and Same-Sex Unions." Next weekend we will have copies of the Bishops' document on "Faithful Stewardship" on sale for two dollars each.

6. Please be sure to take home a bulletin for important information. You will notice in Fr. Bloom's column a report on the income received from the sale of JMJ Hearth Breads. Roger Thibodeau has six varieties of these wholesome breads on sale after Mass.

Avisos (17 de agosto de 2008)

1. La segunda colecta es para el Proyecto Raquel. Este domingo habra una presentacion especial de parte de Noemi y Lupe sobre el Retiro del Viņedo de Raquel... (6:30 y 12:30)

2. Hay venta de pan para beneficiar la parroquia. Es un pan muy rico y nutritivo - y las ganancias van a la parroquia.

3. El boletin tiene un volante sobre La Corresponsibilidad Durante el Mes de Agosto. Favor de llevar un boletin y leer los avisos importantes en espaņol e ingles. El Mensaje del Padre Felipe tiene mayor informacion sobre el Proyecto Raquel.