Announcements (February 22, 2009)

1. Today's two-bit collection will go for Evangelization Outreach. Your donations will enable us to pamphlets, booklets, CD's and other evangelization materials. Especially during the season of Lent, we want to have these materials on hand for our pamphlet and CD racks in the vestibule. There are many wonderful tracts and CD's that appeal to young people. Your donations will support this evangelization effort.

2. In the Stewardship section of the bulletin, you will see an update on the Annual Catholic Appeal. As of this month, we have reached our required donation amount of $62,759 to support Archdiocesan ministries. With our current pledge total of $84,642, we have the possibility of receiving a rebate of $18 thousand. If you have fallen behind on your pledge, please read the bulletin update for ideas on what to do. The Archdiocese will be receiving payments though April 20. In the vestibule you will see a thermometer with pictures of a possible new "Church Sign" that we could purchase with the rebate. Thank you all for your support of the Annual Catholic Appeal.

3. In today's bulletin, you will find a flier with the schedule for Lenten Celebrations. It lists the times for Ash Wednesday Masses and other Lenten activities, including the schedule for Holy Week, the Divine Mercy Novena and Dr. Tom Curran's presentation on March 31. We encourage you to post the flier on your refrigerator. In Father Bloom's column you will see an explanation plans for Lent, as well as memorial Masses for long-time Holy Family parishioner, Delores Hill. Remember that Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. In addition Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are prescribed days of fast: those 18 to 59 are advised to observe a fast that at a minimum involves no snacks between meals and only one principal meal. You are of course encouraged to adopt a prudent fast on others days of Lent. A good way to live the discipline of Lent is by participating in the Stations of the Cross, Friday at 6 p.m. and the Soup Suppers at 6:30. At 7 p.m, Frs. Red and Bloom are available for Lenten Confessions. Please take a bulletin for full information. Thank you.

Avisos (22 de febrero de 2009)

1. La colecta hoy es para Evangelizacion. Sus donaciones apoyaran el programa de radio, supervisado por nuestro diacono Abel Magaņa. Es un alcance importante para nuestros hermanos que necesitan mas apoyo e informacion para defender la fe.

2. En la seccion de Co-Responsabilidad (Stewardship) hay informacion sobre la Peticion Catolica Anual. Este mes hemos alcanzado la donacion requerida de $62,759 para apoyar los ministerios arquidiocesano. Con un total de $84,642 comprometidos, tenemos la posibilidad de recibir unos $18 mil dolares. Si alguien esta atrasado en su compromiso, hay unas sugerencias en boletin. La Arquidiocesis recibira pagos hasta el 20 de abril. En la entrada de Roxbury hay un termometro y fotos de un posible "Church Sign" (letrero de avisos) que podemos comprar con la devolucion (rebate). Gracias todos por su apoyo para la Peticion Catolica Anual.

3. Hoy en el boletin hay informacion sobre las Celebraciones Cuaresmales en ingles y espaņol. Tambien un volante que se puede poner en el refrigerador para los eventos de la Cuaresma, Semana Santa y Pascua de Resurrecion. Miercoles de Ceniza y los viernes de la Cuaresma son dias de abstinencia de carne - es decir, carne de res, puerco, pollo, cordero, etc. Se puede comer pescado en esos dias. Una buena forma de observar Cuaresma es asistir a las Cenas de Sopo a las 6:30 p.m., todos los viernes, seguidas por Via Crucis y Confesiones Cuaresmales a las 7 p.m.

4. La Autoridad de Viviendas de la Arquidiocesis anuncia la apertura de "Santa Teresita del Niņo Jesus." Habra una reunion aqui el 8 de marzo a las 2 p.m. Para mayor informacion se puede hablar con el Padre Felipe o el Diacono Abel.

Oracion por el niņo Reymundo Diego Lopez, que fallecio la semana pasada.