Announcements (January 27, 2008)

1. The two-bit collection is for a special project not covered by the Capital Campaign - repainting the ground floor classrooms. Volunteers will do the work, but we need your help to purchase paint and other supplies.

2. This Wednesday is the last opportunity to join the Confirmation Class. Those who are sixteen years old – or will turn sixteen before June 1 – you are eligible for this important sacrament. Please contact Gary Samaniego at the parish office.

3. Also for older teens and young adults, we will have a Lenten Bible study. Ash Wednesday is early this year – February 6. The Lenten Bible Study for Young Adults and Older Teens will begin that week.

4. Speaking of Lent, we will have Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper on the Fridays of Lent. The first Stations of the Cross will be on Friday, February 8, at 6 p.m., followed by Soup Supper in Tice Hall.

5. On Monday we begin the celebration of Catholic Schools Week. Please see Principal Glen Lutz and Fr. Bloom's columns for full information. We want to especially invite you to three events: Grandparents Mass & Reception this Friday at 8:30 a.m., the Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, from 9 to 11 a.m. and Open House on Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

5. Today’s bulletin has news about Year End Tax Statements, the March 13 Blood Drive, Bible Lecture by Catholic Evidence Guild Bible, Rachel's Vineyard Retreatrs and much more. Bulletins are available on tables at church entrances. Thank you.

Avisos (27 de Enero de 2008)

1. La segunda colecta es para un proyecto especial - repintar las aulas del primer piso de la escuela. Voluntarios harán el trabajo, pero necesitamos su ayuda para comprar la pintura y otros materiales.

2. El 10 de febrero habrá una presentacion sobre el Metódo Billings de Planficación Natural de la Familia, dada por la Dra. Gina Landicho-Wicks, M.D. Se llevará a cabo a la 1:45 p.m. (después de la misa de 12:30) en el Salon Tice. El costo es solamente $25 por pareja (o $15 por jovenes solteros). El costo incluye los materiales para hacer una grafica personal y dos clases de seguimiento en abril y junio. Si quieres mas información favor de hablar con el Padre Felipe, el Diacono Abel o con Monica Orozco, secretaria de la parroquia de Holy Family, 206-767-6220.

3. En el boletin parroquial el Sr. Glen Lutz, Director de nuestra escuela parroquial, tiene una carta en español sobre la Semana de Escuelas Catolicas. Uds. están invitados a participar en estas actividades importantes.