Boletín (21 de septiembre de 2003)

Como Uds. saben, el domingo pasado hemos celebrado la ordenación diaconal del Sr. Abel Magaña. Después de tres años de formación ha sido un día de alegría inmensa para todos. Al mismo tiempo, hubo un dolor terrible – el día jueves recibimos la noticia triste del sensible fallecimiento de su Señora madre, María Sainz. Como nos el Diacono Abel, “tengo cuarenta y cuatro años, y no he conocido el dolor hasta el jueves pasado.”

Uds. han apoyado al Diacono Abel, no solamente ofreciendo felicidades en su ordenación, sino también el pésame para el fallecimiento de mamá. Muchos participaron en la novena de rosarios y las misas por su descanso eterno de María. Tendremos una Misa Réquiem en latín el día martes a las 8:30 p.m. Todos son cordialmente invitados.

Si Ud. tiene acceso a la Internet, puede ver las fotos de la misa y recepción: Incluye también fotos de una bendición de carro. Además de tener el poder de celebrar varios ritos litúrgicos, el diácono puede bendecir cosas y personas.

Para todos nosotros es un momento de rededicarnos a vivir las enseñanzas de Cristo en su plenitud. Un aspecto que es difícil para muchos matrimonios jóvenes es lo que Jesús enseña sobre la castidad matrimonial. A veces es difícil resistir la mentalidad de contracepción que es tan fuerte en nuestra sociedad. Muchas parejas me dicen que su medico les presiona para usar la píldora u otros métodos artificiales. Ahora tenemos un nuevo recurso: Dra. Gina Landicho-Wicks ha abierto una clínica libre del uso de métodos artificiales - Mary’s Family Medicine, 16701 Cleveland St., Redmond, WA 425-883-8050. Dra. Landicho pasó casi diez años en España y habla muy bien el castellano. Su clínica ofrece el rango de servicios médicos para adultos, niños y ancianos. Merece nuestro apoyo para poder seguir ofreciendo este servicio valioso

“In equal scale weighing delight and dole.” That line from Shakespeare aptly described our situation last weekend. On one hand we celebrated the diaconate ordination of Abel Magaña. After three years of intensive formation, it was a great joy not only for him, but the entire parish. But three days before his ordination, a terrible blow struck him and his family. On Thursday he received the news that his mother, Maria Sainz, had passed away. Abel immediately flew to Mexico City to attend the funeral and burial which took place on Friday. Then he returned for his ordination on Saturday afternoon. As he said at one of our Sunday morning Masses, “I am forty four years old and until last Thursday, I did not know what suffering is.” All those who have experienced the loss of a dear person, especially at mother or father, know what he means.

The parish community has rallied to support Deacon Abel, not only congratulating him on his ordination, but also offering sincere condolences for the death of his mom. A good number of people have participated in the novena of rosaries and the Masses for the eternal rest of María. We will have a Requiem Mass in Latin this Tuesday evening at 8:30 p.m. All are cordially invited.

If you have Internet access, you might want to take a look at the pictures from the Masses and receptions last weekend you can find them at: Speaking of the Internet, a young man from Holy Family, Khoi Duong, is working on our parish website. It is still under construction, but should be a great resource.

We received a lovely bequest this last week. Many of you heard about Steve Antonow who died on May 5 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Steve was a member of our parish Courage group and helped out in different apostolates, especially the RCIA. He donated $700 which will go toward the costs of the catechumenate, particularly the annual retreat for RCIA members. Steve inspired many people to embrace Jesus’ teaching in their fullness. We will have a six-month Mass in his honor on November 5 at 6 p.m.

Speaking of living Jesus’ teachings in their fullness, I know that many young couples struggle with marital chastity. It is often difficult to resist the contraceptive mentality which has become some prevalent in our society. Many couples tell me that their doctor pressures them to use contraceptives and that they get no encouragement to practice Natural Family Planning. We now have a new local resource to help such couples: Dr. Gina Landicho-Wicks has opened a clinic called Mary’s Family Medicine, 16701 Cleveland St., Redmond, WA 425-883-8050. The clinic offers a full range of services for adults, children and elderly. Even though it is a half hour drive from White Center, this new clinic deserves our support so it can continue to offer this valuable service.