Boletín (25 de septiembre de 2005)

El día miércoles tuvimos una linda visita del Obispo Eusebio Elizondo. Su visita incluyó una gama de emociones desde la tristeza de dos muertes trágicas hasta la alegría de estar con los niños de nuestra escuela parroquial. El Monseñor Eusebio comenzó el día con la misa de cuerpo presente de Ivan Payan Rojas y Felix Payan Cruz, los dos hombres matados en Southcenter el 12 de septiembre. Como se puede imaginar las familias están destrozadas emocionalmente por la tragedia, especialmente la mamá del joven Ivan. El obispo celebró la misa con mucha compasión. Después de la misa, visitó a las diez clases de nuestra escuela, también almorzando con los estudiantes. Se reunió con los profesores y otros miembros del equipo parroquial para hablar de cómo podemos trabajar juntos mas eficazmente. Este fin de semana el Monseñor Eusebio estará en las misas de 6:30 p.m. y 9:30 a.m. Otro domingo estará con nosotros para la misa de 12:30 p.m.

Hablando de la escuela, los profesores servirán como lectores en todas las misas dominicales, el 8-9 de Octubre, incluyendo las tres misas en español. También familias de nuestra escuela ayudarán con las colectas y ofertorio.

El próximo domingo habrá la bendicion de catequistas en la misa de 12:30 p.m. Rezamos por los que ayudan a nuestros papás en la educación religiosa de sus hijos.

También el próximo domingo habrá la anual Cadena de Vida, desde las 2 hasta 3:30 p.m. en 16 avenida y Roxbury. Les invito estar conmigo y otros feligreses para rezar y dar testimonio a la dignidad de todo ser humano, desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural.

On Wednesday we had a wonderful visit by Bishop Eusebio Elizondo. His visit spanned the range of emotions from the sadness of two tragic deaths to the great joy of his interacting with the children of our parish school. Bishop Eusebio began the day by conducting the funeral Mass for Ivan Payan Rojas and Felix Payan Crux, the two men murdered at Southcenter on September 12. As you can imagine, the families are still stunned by the tragedy, especially the mom of young Ivan. Bishop Eusebio celebrated a very compassionate funeral Mass for the families. After the Mass, he visited the ten classes at our parish school, taking a break to enjoy the cheeseburger lunch. He also met with the school faculty and overall parish staff to share some of his personal vision to help work more effectively. This weekend Bishop Eusebio Elizondo will be present at our three English Masses, as well as two of our Spanish Masses.

Speaking of bishops, this weekend I am offering the second pamphlet from the U.S. Bishops on human life issues. It deals with a topic we must all face, either personally or regarding a family member: Dying with Dignity. It states that while true compassion “encourages every reasonable effort for the patient’s recovery, it helps draw the line when it is clear that no further treatment will serve this purpose.” The pamphlet speaks about the necessity and importance of “palliative care” to relieve various kinds of physical, psychological and mental suffering. It also explains the moral obligation of providing basic care such as food and water, “even when they are supplied through a feeding tube.” Again, I have provided fifty pamphlets and ask you to pick up one only if you intend to read it and are willing to make a small donation to offset the cost.

An important human life issue is post abortion healing. More and more women are speaking out on this difficult area in the National Silent No More Awareness Campaign. They will be holding an event next Saturday (October 1) at 12:30 p.m. at Westlake Park in Downtown Seatle to bring women and men together to share the truth about the emotional, spiritual and physical consequences they have lived with after their abortion. For more information contact Mary Emanuel at 206-853-6874 or or go online at Many women and men suffer in silence from their abortion experience; it is time for them to know that help is available, and they can be set free from their pain.

Seeing some of the evil in our world and the great suffering it causes, I have never had much difficulty that demons (fallen angels) exist. Still. I consider it prudent to treat the devil something like an obnoxious in-law: you cannot avoid him completely, but best to give him as little attention as possible. For that reason I was a little reluctant to see The Exorcism of Emily Rose. When I got together with some priest friends this past week, however, that was the film we chose. It is worth seeing because the film was well researched, being based on an actual case. There is a pretty good review at: Here is part of what it said: “This is not a movie one sees merely to be entertained. It’s pretty grim in places and quite dark. But it is not exploitative. It also tells a story of faith and compassion. Father Moore is quiet and utterly selfless. He is a man of resolute faith. And despite what is happening to her, Emily seemingly never loses her faith in God.”

It is much better to speak of great saints than the devil – he will gradually diminish away while the saints will shine ever more brightly. This week we celebrate the great Filipino Saint – San Lorenzo Ruiz. He is a good patron for those falsely accused, since an accusation against him caused him to leave the Philippine Islands and eventually go to Japan where he was martyred for the faith. The Wednesday evening 6 p.m. Mass will be in honor of San Lorenzo. A reception will follow. All are welcome.

Next weekend we will have the Blessing of Catechists at our 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Masses. This is a good moment to pray for those who dedicate themselves to this ministry, assisting parents in passing on their faith to their children. Also, for parents whose children are not enrolled in religious education, please see the pertinent information in another section of this bulletin.

On October 3 the newly formed Holy Family Parish Apologetics group will offer its first presentation, Understanding the Bread of Life. It will help you to understand and to defend the biblical basis for our teaching on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Please reserve that evening, 7 -9 p.m. for this presentation.

On the weekend of Oct 8-9, the teachers from our parish school will serve as lectors for our seven weekend Masses (English, Spanish and Filipino). Also, school families will help with the offertory procession and the collections. This will provide an opportunity for all of us to better appreciate the vital role of our elementary school in the life of our parish.

And speaking of our parish school, have you signed up for e-scrip? Nothing could be simpler: contact our parish or school office – or see me. If you have your Safeway card, I will sign you up in two minutes.