Boletín (9 de octubre 2005)

Quisiera agradecer a todos que contribuyeran a la compra de sillas, mesas, pizarrones y alfombras para la Ailbe House. El costo total ha sido alrededor de $4,000. Muchos de Vds. participaron en la venta de comida que hizo posible este mejoramiento. El próximo proyecto es el cambio del techo en el edificio (“portable”) al lado de la escuela. El costo es aproximadamente dos mil dólares para materiales. La comunidad hispana donará la mano de obra. Si puedes ayudar, favor de hablar con el Diacono Abel.

I want to thank all those who contributed to the purchase of chairs, tables, blackboards and carpets for the Ailbe House. The total cost came to about $4,000. Many of you participated in the sale of food which made possible this improvement. The next project is the new roof for the portable on the south side of the school. The cost of materials is approximately two thousand dollars. The Hispanic community has been donating labor for the renovation of this portable. If you can help please contact Deacon Abel or Gary Samaniego, 206-767-6220.

Este fin de semana habrá una presentación sobre la situación económica de nuestra parroquia. Para hacer breve una larga historia: el año pasado tuvimos gastos de $1,499 mil dólares e ingresos de $1,450 mil dólares para un déficit de casi cincuenta mil dólares. Hemos reducido personal empleados de la parroquia (por ejemplo, director de educación religiosa, ministro de jóvenes y coordinador de música en la escuela) pero la solución verdadera es aumentar nuestros ingresos. Si toda familia puede dar solamente dos dólares mas por semana podemos lograr lo que realmente necesitamos para los ministerios de la parroquia. Es decir, si das cinco dólares, considera dando siete, si no das nada, ¿por qué no dar al menos dos dólares en la colecta dominical? Al final del mes vamos a enviar una carta explicando la importancia de mayordomía de tiempo, talento y tesoro. Todo lo que tenemos es de Dios y tenemos que rendir cuentas a El por lo que hemos recibido.

Una forma de apoyar la parroquia es comprar y vender boletos para la rifa. Hay premios de $3,000; 1,000 y 500. Vamos a celebrar la rifa durante la fiesta de “Halloween” presentada por los Caballeros de Colón (Knights of Columbus) para todos los niños de la parroquia, el 31 de octubre. No la pierdan.

I want to thank you for your response to Dominic Parmantier’s presentation last weekend. As a member of our parish finance council, he laid out our economic situation and asked parishioners to consider giving two dollars more per Sunday. That amount from each parish family would enable us to hire back some of the positions we have lost - religious education coordinator, youth minister and music director in our school - and to address ongoing maintenance needs not covered in the Capital Campaign. After the Masses, a number of people told me they will give an additional two dollars. One family said they will make a ten dollar weekly increase. A young adult told me she would bring a check for $100 – and in the mail we received a $2500 donation! All this is very encouraging. Please say a prayer that all Holy Family Parishioners will understand the meaning of Stewardship: that all we have and all we are belongs to God. To Him we must make a return for the gifts of time, talent and treasure He has given us.

A major apostolic outreach of Holy Family is our parish school. I hope that all parishioners will appreciate the vital role our elementary school plays in the life of our parish and in forming children to follow Jesus as members of the Catholic Church. The teachers are catechists in their classrooms and are charged with proclaiming the Word of God. I have asked them to serve as lectors at our seven Masses this weekend. Also, school families will help with the offertory and second collection, which this Sunday will go for tuition assistance. I ask your support and generosity for this vital part of our parish apostolate.

This Sunday I am making available the fourth human life brochure from the U.S. Bishops. It is titled Justice, Mercy and Capital Punishment. Archbishop Chaput of Denver does an excellent job of explaining why the Catholic Church opposes the death penalty. I know this is a difficult teaching for many people. Archbishop Chaput explains what that teaching is and also what it is not. There are many misunderstandings. He acknowledges that “the case for capital punishment can seem persuasive” especially for certain horrendous crimes. He includes a letter from the mother of a boy who was murdered by a stranger. I think you will be impressed by how the Archbishop deals with this important issue in a compassionate manner without compromising the teaching of Jesus.

Speaking of human life issues, I have included in this week’s bulletin a flier from Priests for Life: You Can Save Someone’s Life Today! Among the many practical ideas it mentions, it gives suggestions for how you can help a woman who is pregnant and in need of help. One of the options mentioned is Birthright, which, as you know, now has a satellite office in the Ailbe House.

Last week KOMO-TV got the attention of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. It involved a commentary on a piece of public art that the Seattle Art Museum wants to display. The work in question is that of a nude man reaching for a nude boy; it is to be displayed at a public park on the Seattle waterfront. In that context, the commentator made a gratuitous anti-Catholic comment. It was the kind of thing no public person in America would dare say against a Jew, a Moslem or a black. Once again it demonstrates that anti-Catholicism is the last acceptable bigotry in our country. I have printed out the full statement from the Catholic League, as well as a verbatim of the commentary and a response by a local Catholic laywoman. Also, I offer my own brief reflection. I placed some copies in the vestibule if you want more information and wish to know how you can respond positively to these attacks.

We had good attendance at Mauricio Perez’ presentation on the Eucharist in the sixth chapter of St. John. Our apologetics group will be offering more opportunities for those who desire the ability to explain Catholic teaching from the basis of the Bible and human reason.