Bulletin (August 17, 2008)

Thank you for your participation in the survey last Sunday regarding Faithful Citizenship. Although only four parishioners indicated they had read the document, many more expressed an interest in doing so. I have ordered 140 copies, which will be available next weekend for $2 each. Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States will repay careful reading.

Meanwhile, this weekend I am making available a “bulletin insert” from the U.S. Bishops titled Between Man and Woman: Questions and Answers about Marriage and Same-Sex Unions. It addresses questions such as: Why can marriage exist only between a man and woman? Why is it so important to society that marriage be preserved as the exclusive union of a man and woman? Does denying marriage to homosexual persons demonstrate unjust discrimination and a lack of respect for them as persons? These are important questions because for us as Christians, marriage is not only the bedrock of civil society but a sacred reality – a Sacrament of the union of Christ with his bride, the Church.

In an effort to save trees (and our parish budget) I ordered only a hundred copies of the bulletin insert on Marriage and Same-Sex Unions. You can pick up a copy in the vestibule. If we run out, I will order or print some additional copies.

Speaking of helping our parish budget, I thank you for your purchases of JMJ Hearth Breads. In the last two monthly cycles, bread sales have earned $1,682.88 for the needs of Holy Family Parish. Special appreciation goes to Roger Thibodeau and all those who are helping him in this project. They are offering a healthful product and enabling our parish to achieve fiscal health. As a result of their booth at the White Center Jubilee Days, a local website gave them this plug:

When I was at the White Center Jubilee Days Street Fair last weekend I happened across a booth, where two gentlemen were selling and sampling delicious whole grain breads. I was surprised to learn that they operate solely with the help of parishioners and volunteers, and that they sell their bread at Holy Family after masses. Here is their mission statement…

You can see the full statement on the bulletin board. It is always nice to have community support for activities of our parish.

This weekend I am asking you to support Project Rachel in the two-bit collection. On a very small budget, they are doing heroic work bringing healing to those hurt by abortion. I encourage any woman or man suffering from these wounds to consider attending a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. I have served as priest for these retreats and have found them to be profound healing experiences. Here is more information about Rachel’s Vineyard:

Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. Rachel's Vineyard can help you find your inner voice. It can help you experience God's love and compassion on a profound level. It creates a place where men and women can share, often for the first time, their deepest feelings about abortion. You are allowed to dismantle troubling secrets in an environment of emotional and spiritual safety. Rachel's Vineyard is therapy for the soul. Participants, who have been trapped in anger toward themselves or others, experience forgiveness. Peace is found. Lives are restored. A sense of hope and meaning for the future is finally re-discovered. For confidential information about Project Rachel, please call Valerie Jacobs at 800-822-HOPE.

Of course, even better than post-abortion healing is to prevent the tragedy of abortion. Next weekend we will have a two-bit collection to support Birthright, located in our Ailbe House. Also at our Masses next weekend we will be taking a brief survey regarding music at Holy Family. Our Pastoral Assistant for Music, Mrs. Anca Wilson, will give a short presentation after the Communion Prayer on her plans for developing a vibrant music program, and how you can support those efforts.

Speaking of vital staff members, many of you are aware of the wonderful work of our Pastoral Assistant for Stewardship, Mrs. Mary French. Mary assists me in the overseeing and development of Stewardship throughout the parish as well as tracks all donations and helps me in acknowledging contributions. She has also been working with our Parish Council and me in developing an overall Stewardship Plan for our parish. If you have questions about your parish donations or any aspect of stewardship, you will find Mary’s email address on the front of the bulletin, as well as the parish telephone number.

One more new staff member who many of you will be meeting is Mrs. Kathy Sheridan Moss, Administrative Assistant at our parish school. You may call Kathy at 206-767-6640 to register a child for Holy Family School and for any questions about our parish school. You may also speak directly to School Principal, Mr. Frank Cantwell at the same phone number.

Este fin de semana, en las tres misas en español, habrá una presentacion sobre los retiros del Viñedo de Raquel. Los Retiros de fin de semana del Viñedo de Raquel son una bella oportunidad para cualquier persona que haya padecido del dolor emocional o espiritual de un aborto. El retiro es un proceso específico diseñado para ayudar a recibir la piedad y la compasión de Dios. Es también una oportunidad de traer a la superficie sentimientos reprimidos y de deshacerse del dolor, la vergüenza y la ira. Hay muchos ejercicios y ritos que ayudan a lamentar la pérdida del hijo que no nació y a aceptar y recibir el perdón de Dios. El retiro concluye con un Servicio Conmemorativo y una Misa de Resurrección. El fin de semana ayudará al alma a encontrar su voz y a transformar el dolor del pasado en amor y esperanza. El proximo retiro en español será del 19 al 21 de septiembre. Para mayor informacion, favor de llamar a: Noemi 206-450-7814.

Neither Do I Condemn You Tampoco Yo Te Condeno

Les invito leer la parte en ingles para mayor informacion sobre Ciudadanos Fieles, las enseñanzas de Cristo sobre Matrimonio y “uniones del mismo sexo”, el proyecto de pan JMJ Hearth, Derecho de Nacer (Birthright), musica en la parroquia, la Coordinadora de Mayordomia y la Nueva Coordinadora de la Oficina de la Escuela Parroquial. Su numero de la Sra. Moss es 206-767-6640.

Stewardship Reflection Catechism 2404 says, “The ownership of any property makes its holder a steward of providence, with the task of making it fruitful and communicating its benefits to others, first of all his family.” How well you are fulfilling your call to be a steward of providence?

Faith and Finances with Phil Lenahan © – www.VeritasFinancialMinistries.com

Parish Stewardship Giving Summary
Wk.6 of Fiscal Year (July 6, 2008 - August 10, 2008)

Amt. Needed 1st Collection Each Sunday:	$  14,100.00
Aug. 10 Check/Cash Envelope:	$    6,622.00
Aug. 10 EFT (Automatic Deduction):$       609.85  
Aug. 10 Loose Cash:			$    3,150.49
August 10 Total Offering:			$  10,382.34  
Weekly Income Difference:		       (-)	$    3,717.66

Fiscal Year to Date
Goal 1st Collection FY to Date:		$ 84,600.00   
Collected 1st Collection FY to Date:		$ 62,267.72
Difference 1st Collection FY to Date:     (-) $ 22,332.28

Some of the Gifts from the Other Half of our Stewardship
Second Collection
Saint Vincent De Paul: 		:	$      693.73  
Madre Teresa:					$      996.88 

Our Lord needs your consistent and increasing generosity in order to continue His work at Holy Family, for indeed, that is what it is – HIS work. In the Bishops’ letter, Stewardship, A Disciple’s Response, they remind us that “we are no less than God’s co-workers with our own particular share in his creative, redemptive and sanctifying work.” When we give of our time, talent and financial resources, we are taking part in the awesome privilege of cooperating with God in his purposes for our families, parish, and community. Let us not hamper him in carrying out his mission nor obstruct one another’s growth as disciples. Please give generously.

To make on-line donations to parish or school, go to www.HFSeattle.org.

To make on-line donations to the Annual Catholic Appeal, go to http://www.seattlearch.org/ACA

Procession & Rosary in Honor of Our Lady of LaVang (August 15, 2008)

Clergy: Fr. Than Dao, Deacon Ted Wiese, Fr. Armando Red, Fr. Phil Bloom (also present - Fr. Phuong Hoang)

Burial of William R. Gilford, Gethsamene Cemetery, August 19, 2008

Caregivers Mariela & Mercedes

William was 104 when he died. August 19 would have been his 105th birthday.

Having no living relatives, Mariela and Mercedes took responsibility for his burial.

Mercedes with her son Sean

Gethsemane - a cemetery of the Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle - donated a burial site.