You probably noticed the new roof on our south portable.  A group of young men from our parish, who are professional roofers, have donated their time and talent for this important project.  Once this roof is completed, we will be able to fix the portable inside so it can be used for meetings, classes and other parish activities.  These volunteers have also expressed their willingness to put a new roof on the north portable, which is now being used by our fifth grade class.  Your contributions in the January 29 two-bit collections are making possible this project.  If anyone would like to make a special donation for roof materials, please contact Gary Samaniego.


This Sunday at the 11 a.m. we have the First Scrutiny for our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) candidates.  Please pray for these men and women as they continue their journey toward the Easter Sacraments.  On March 9 they attend the Rite of Election at St. James Cathedral, becoming part of over thirteen hundred people in the Archdiocese of Seattle who will be initiated into the Catholic Church this Easter.


If you read the daily papers, you may have noted the controversy regarding freedom of conscience for Washington state pharmacists.  I wrote a little bit about it last week and included a letter from Dr. William Perez.  For those who follow issues like this, it will come as no surprise how our media attempts to frame this question.  On the editorial page, one of our dailies had a cartoon which showed a block drawing of a priest holding up a container of medicine.  Obviously they want the public to think this is a matter of religious people trying to impose their views on everyone else.  That of course is not the case.  I would use this comparison:  a faithful Catholic observes meatless Fridays during Lent, but no one has ever suggested imposing this practice on the rest of society.  Nor do we have any problem with a Catholic working at MacDonald’s and serving hamburgers on Fridays of Lent.  The issue of “emergency contraception” is very different.  Not just Catholics, but anyone who values human life from conception through natural death will have a difficulty with this drug.  One of its mechanisms – which even its proponents admit – is to create a lethal environment for a newly conceived human embryo. “Emergency contraception” not only destroys tiny humans, but damages their moms in ways no one can really predict.  Planned Parenthood and other groups are attempting force every pharmacist to dispense this death dealing drug.  If they succeed, it will mean that a pro-life pharmacist will have virtually no place to practice his or her profession in our state.  As University of Washington pharmacist major, Allison Phuong said, “For me to go to work, and leave my heart and my morals at home, I can't do it."


Next Saturday we will have a Liturgy Orientation Day, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in our parish hall.  I will be giving a detailed explanation of the celebration of Sunday Mass.  Afterwards, we have the opportunity for lectors, extraordinary ministers of Communion, ushers, sacristans, choirs, altar servers and others to learn more about their roles.  The day will conclude with a commissioning and blessing of liturgical ministers.  All are welcome.  I also ask you this Sunday to fill out a form with any suggestion, question or encouragement you have regarding the celebration of Mass here at Holy Family.


A big thank you to all who worked on and participated in our annual School Auction.  I am especially grateful to those parishioners who do not have children in our school for their support. 


Finally, I want to encourage you to mark your calendar for April 8:  popular write and speaker Mark Shea will give a retreat for confirmation and RCIA candidates, as well as any interested parishioner.  Don’t miss this enjoyable and informative event!



Gracias a los muchachos que han donado su tiempo y talento para la refacción del edificio (“portable”) al lado sur de la escuela.  Como se pueden ver de las fotos, ellos han puesto un nuevo techo.  Así vamos a poder arreglar el edificio para grupos y clases.  Sus donaciones en la segunda colecta del 29 de enero han hecho posible la compra de materiales para este techo.  Esto es parte del proyecto más amplio que se llama la Campaña Capital para reparar el templo, la escuela y la Ailbe House, y mejorar el estacionamiento de la parroquia.  El próximo domingo habrá una presentación sobre este esfuerzo y como Vd. pueda participar.  También, después de la misa de 9:30 a.m., habrá una recepción para los que han inscrito en la parroquia desde marzo del año pasado.