Bulletin (October 19, 2008)

Dear Holy Family Parishioners,

Greetings from Peru! You are very much in my prayers - and the prayers of those you help by your support and concern. Below is a picture of Obst. Luz Marron (Director of the Mary Bloom Center) with Aurelia and her daughter, Leidy. Leidy was born with a hydrocephalic condition and the Mary Bloom Center has helped with some of her treatments, as well as helping the mom to support herself with a small business. Leidy will be four years old on November 4. She was abandoned by her father before she was born. Aurelia expressed her gratitude for the support given to her and her beautiful daughter. You can be sure of the powerful prayers of people like Aurelia.

In the Spanish section I have placed a couple of pictures of earthquake relief. As you saw in the Annual Report, Holy Family Parish chanelled some eighteen thousand dollars to aid the victims of the August 15, 2007, earthquake. The work of rebuilding homes and rebuilding lives is progressing, but at a slow rate. The Vincentian Sisters (Daughters of Charity) have been able to help some of the póorest families in Pisco have their own homes. The homes are quite modest, but it gives them a basis for constructing a new life for their children. I told the Vincentian Sisters about our Parish Council project of taking a delegation next year from Holy Family Parish. They are quite excited about receiving that delegation. Please keep me in your prayers. I am praying for you and in particular for Fr. Red who is holding down the fort these weeks. God bless,

Fr. Bloom

P.S. On a more fun note, I include a picture of the children of the family staying with. As you can see, Melani, Luis Felipe and little Janine are quite happy with their Holy Family sweatshirts.

Saludos del Peru! En la parte en ingles he explicado algo sobre la ayuda que ustedes han dado para los necesitados en el Peru. Quisiera agradecerles de parte de las personas que han beneficiado de su cariño y sacrificio. Tuve la oportunidad de visitar a Pisco, el epicentro del terremoto del 15 de agosto de 2007. La construccion avanza, pero muy lentamente. Las Hermanas Vicentinas (Hijas de la Caridad) estan ayudando a unas familias mas pobres para poder tener su propia casa. Abajo hay fotos de dos familias ayudadas. Favor de seguir rezando por mi. Ustedes estan en las oraciones de muchas personas aqui en el Peru, especialmente la madres y niñas huerfanas aqui en Puno. Que Dios los bendiga,

Padre Felipe