Bulletin (June 22, 2008)

Fr. Ramon and I were touched by your kind words, good wishes and prayers on Father’s Day. It is beautiful to be a spiritual father. Some of the school children made me some nice cards. One of them I particularly enjoyed and want to share it with you: “Dear Fr. Bloom, You sacrifice for us because you work at the church. You must make a lot of money. Do you love working here? Everybody likes you.” I do. Love working here, that is. And I do have to make some money to maintain a dog like Samwise, but otherwise I am not in the highest income bracket of White Center. :) But I would not trade the priesthood for any other life.

This weekend I want to honor a great father of a family: Mr. Glen Lutz. I actually met Glen for the first time in 1997, when he and his wife, Yvonne, came for the funeral of their Aunt Irene Alm. I took the picture of them with six of their beautiful children. One of Glen’s great contributions to our parish and school these past three years has been his keen sense of the struggles and joys of families. Glen did a lot to bring Holy Family School closer to all parishioners – and for the first time in a decade, it looks like we will have a balanced budget. Glen will be going to another assignment in Tacoma, and this weekend we want to wish him well. Please join us after the 11 a.m. for a reception in his honor. At that time we will also have a blessing of the Capital Campaign memorial plaque. I should mention that Glen and Yvonne gave a generous donation to the Campaign. It was part of their wonderful spirit of stewardship – not only financial, but time and abilities. We thank you, Glen, for being a good steward of God’s gifts. (In the Spanish section you will notice a more recent picture of Glen with some Providence Sisters who were visiting our parish school.)

Next weekend we will be saying farewell to Fr. Ramon Velasco. I will write more about Fr. Ramon in that bulletin. But I want to call your attention to a very important commemoration which will begin next Saturday: The Year of St. Paul. Historians calculate that he was born between 7 and 10 A.D., so we are celebrating his 2000th birthday. It is a birthday worth celebrating because few people have had more impact on our world than Paul of Tarsus. I love St. Paul and want to do my small part to honor him. I have put together a Novena in his honor and will ask you to pray for a different intention on each day. Here are the intentions for the nine days of the Novena:

Day 1: For Non-Believers in God

Day 2: For Our Jewish Brothers and Sisters

Day 3: For Unity of Christians

Day 4: For Those Who Have Left the Practice of the Faith

Day 5: For Greater Love of the Eucharist

Day 6: For Freedom from Addictions

Day 7: For a Spirit of Stewardship

Day 8: For Perseverance in Time of Trouble

Day 9: For Faithful Departed Loved Ones

For each day of the Novena, I have selected readings from the Pauline writings to help focus on the day's intention. The Novena also has a short opening prayer and concluding prayers for each day. I will have copies of the Novena available next weekend and will invite you to use it individually or in your family. During the first nine days of the Year of St. Paul, we will use the Closing Prayer as the conclusion of our General Intercessions at each Mass. I know you will find this Novena helpful as a way of entering into this special year of grace. Here is what Pope Benedict said when he announced the Year of St. Paul:

"As in early times, today too Christ needs apostles ready to sacrifice themselves. He needs witnesses and martyrs like St Paul. Paul, a former violent persecutor of Christians, when he fell to the ground dazzled by the divine light on the road to Damascus, did not hesitate to change sides to the Crucified One and followed him without second thoughts. He lived and worked for Christ, for him he suffered and died. How timely his example is today!"

Padre Ramon y yo quisieramos agradecerles por todos sus buenos deseos, oraciones y saludos para el Dia del Padre. Me siento bien como el Padre espiritual de ustedes. Este fin de semana estamos honrando un padre de familia – el Sr. Glen Lutz que ha dirigido nuestra escuela parroquial durante los ultimos tres años. (La foto abajo muestra al Sr. Lutz con dos Hermanas de Providencia, Madre Rosa y Madre Filomena.) Habrá una recepcion en su honor antes de la misa de 12:30 – al mediodia. Todos son invitados. Tambien habra bendicion de la placa permanente memorial de la Campaña Capital despues de todas las misas.

Jim Pottmann (on site project director), principal Glen Lutz, architect Keven Broderick and project manager Todd Hartmann

With former Holy Family School teachers, Sisters Rose & Philomena, current principal, Mr. Glen Lutz:

El proximo domingo es el ultimo domingo del Padre Ramon. Quisieramos expresar nuestro agradecimiento a el por sus ocho años de servicio a la parroquia. Escribiré mas en el proximo boletin. En la parte de ingles, he mencionado algo muy importante – el Año de San Pablo. He escrito una Novena en inglés y español para inaugurar esta conmemoracion del 2000 cumpleaños de gran santo. Les explicaré mas en la homilia este domingo.


As of this past week, we have a total pledged amount of $73,615.11, which gives us the potential of having a $10,856.11 rebate! Thank you to all who have turned in your Annual Catholic Appeal Pledge Card!

So far, we have heard from approximately 433 of 1058 households in response to the 2008 Annual Catholic Appeal. As you know, I am seeking a 100% response rate to this year’s appeal. This coming week you may receive the Archbishop’s follow up letter. If you receive his letter and have not previously responded, please do so and turn it in as soon as possible. Or, you may take a pledge envelope from the ACA update board in the vestibule and fill it out and return it today. And remember, all money collected over our goal, will come back directly to us and be used towards a beautiful new church sign and other landscaping projects. To see some samples of possible sign designs, please see the display in the vestibule.

I would like to see all our parishioners take part in helping us accomplish our goals. Please turn in your card this week. Thank you for your generosity.

Father Bloom

Update as of June 17
Total Families Participating:		      433
Total Registered Households:		    1078

Total Pledged To Date:		$73,615.11
Total Required Donation Amount:	$62,759.00

Total Potential Rebate:		$10,856.11

Parish Stewardship Giving Summary
Wk. 51 of Fiscal Year (July 1, 2007 – June 15, 2008)

Amt. Needed 1st Collection Each Sunday:	$  12,289.00
June 15 Check/Cash Envelope:	$    5,174.25
June 15 Father’s Day Envelopes:	$       144.00
June 15 EFT (Automatic Deduction):$       767.93  
June 15 Loose Cash:			$    3,078.46
June 15 Total Offering:			$    9,164.64

Weekly Income Difference:		       (-) $    3,124.36   

Fiscal Year to Date
Budgeted 1st Collection FY to Date:		$626,739.00  
Collected 1st Collection FY to Date:		$605,017.45  
Difference 1st Collection FY to Date:      (-) $  21,721.55 

Some of the Gifts from the Other Half of our Stewardship
2-bit Collection (SVDP):			$       412.00  
2-bit Collection (Madre Teresa)		$       850.23


Come say good-bye to our beloved Parochial Vicar, 
Father Ramon Velasco.

Receptions will be held in his honor after ALL
the English Masses next weekend on June 28 and 29. 

Please join us as we wish him
 God’s blessings for his future.

The 11:00 after Mass reception will be a POTLUCK!


You may bring your dish to the school gym prior to Mass

Omar, Yocelin, Faride, Luis, Franco, Victor