Last Saturday we had a wonderful gathering for our parish Liturgy Orientation Day.  I was pleased by the turn-out:  over seventy parishioners who serve as lectors, extraordinary ministers of Communion, ushers, altar servers, sacristans and choir members.  I based my presentation on two books which you may wish to read:  What Happens at the Mass? By Fr. Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B. and The How-To Book of the Mass: Everything You Need to Know but No One Ever Taught You by Michael Dubruiel.  You can obtain both books through Aquinas Bookstore in Kirkland:  609 Market St.  (425) 828-4413.  Again, I want to express my gratitude to those who took time to fill out the survey regarding celebration of Mass here at Holy Family.  Many people pointed out problems with our sound system.  Hopefully, we can come up with some temporary solutions until we can install an improved sound system.  Your Capital Campaign donations make that possible.  Also, a few people mentioned the lack of heat.  Again, we will do our best to make our present system work correctly, but we do need to replace the boiler, which hobbles along after decades of service.  Choir director Paul Grady and I have taken note of the comments regarding music at Sunday morning Masses.  Meanwhile, I do want to say a special word of gratitude to Paul – and to Pat Waite – who donate their time out of love for the Lord and the desire to assist our celebration of the Eucharist with beautiful music.  At 5 p.m. we have a joyful children’s choir and the various groups and individuals who sing on Sunday morning have opened for us wonderful treasures of music.  We, of course, can always do better, and we will address specific issues though our Liturgy Commission.   Again, I thank you for your support, participation and helpful suggestions.


As Holy Week approaches, we are devoting extra time and effort to our liturgical celebrations.  I believe Holy Week will be a wonderful event for us this year at Holy Family Parish.  In that light, I would like to call your attention to a special vigil on Good Friday.  I am hoping that this year more parishioners will participate in the Morning Prayer Vigil before the Planned Parenthood Clinic on 28th Ave SW.  The vigil will follow a simple format:  We will gather at the Ailbe House at 7 a.m. and at 7:15 will walk to the clinic praying the joyful mysteries.  In front of the clinic, we will pray the luminous and sorrowful mysteries, as well as the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  On the way back to the parish, we will say the glorious mysteries.  A small group of us have been making this prayer vigil since July of 2004.  At that time I wrote to the director explaining why we are doing this, mentioning these concerns about Planned Parenthood:


        It is the largest abortion provider in the United States – and throughout the world.

        It vigorously promotes the contraceptive life-style to those married and unmarried, to adults and to youth. An example of this is the coupon you sent to local residents offering one year of free contraception to certain categories of people.

        It uses deceptive advertising, such as calling the “Morning After Pill” emergency contraception when in fact it can take effect after conception, thus destroying a newly conceived human.

        Historically, Planned Parenthood has tended to target minorities, opening clinics in neighborhoods like ours that have significant minority populations.

        It provides abortion and birth control to minors without informing their parents, thus creating an additional division between parent and child.

        It has covered up cases of statutory rape.


I mentioned that these concerns are well documented and that I would welcome the opportunity to dialogue about them.  Meanwhile, we will continue to pray for our society, our church, and ourselves that we might reject the culture of death and embrace the culture of life.  In doing this we also pray for those tempted by abortion and those who work in the abortion industry.  We do not judge them, but pray for their conversion – and we also recognize our need for a deeper conversion to the Lord and the life he offers by his saving death and resurrection. 


This week there will be a series of World Youth Day events for young adults (18-35) and a rally on Palm Sunday for youth, ages 13-35.  Please call Christina Radmacher, (206) 243-7886, for more information.


The Da Vinci DeceptionPlease make every effort to attend the Mark Shea Retreat next Saturday (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) in our parish hall.  The cost is only $10 (free for Holy Family Confirmation and RCIA candidates) and will include a lunch.  In relation to this retreat, I have made available in the vestibule copies of Mark’s book The Da Vinci Deception: 100 Questions About the Facts and Fiction of The Da Vinci Code.  You will be amazed by how much this book can teach you about the formation of the Bible and early Christian teachings regarding Jesus and St. Mary Magdalene.  In the process you will also learn a lot about Church history and art.  Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your own faith and help others understand the riches of our faith.


Also in the vestibule, I have posted the U.S. Bishops’ statement on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  It answers questions such as:  Does the Catholic Church believe in Open Borders?  Does the Catholic Church support illegal immigration?  The answer to both questions is “no.”  The Catholic Church does back an orderly program based on “earned legalization.”  If you have Internet access you can read the entire statement at:


Next Sunday is Palm Sunday.  At 7:45 a.m. we will gather on the Ailbe House steps for a Palm Sunday procession.  At the other English Masses the blessing of Palms and Procession will take place within the church. 


En la parte en inglés escribí sobre el Día de Orientación sobre Liturgia.  Vamos a tener un día semejante en español el 17 de junio de 3 p.m. hasta las 6:30 p.m., concluyendo con la santa misa.  Pido a los lectores, acólitos, ministros extraordinarios de Comunión, coros, sacristanes y ministros de bienvenida y colectas que reserven este día. 

También quisiera hacer una invitación de participar en la vigilia pro-vida el 14 de abril (Viernes Santo) comenzando a las 7 a.m.  Es una vigilia de oración ante el Planned Parenthood de 28 Avenida.  Rezaremos todos los misterios del rosario y la coronilla de la Divina Misericordia.  Además para los jóvenes quisiera hacer una invitación de participar en los eventos esta semana en relación del Día Mundial Juvenil y el Retiro por Mark Shea el próximo sábado.  El es autor del libro The DaVinci Deception que está en venta en la sacristía.  En la parte inglesa hay mayor información.

Todos somos preocupados para tener leyes mas justas sobre la inmigración.  He puesto en la entrada la propuesta de los Obispos Americanos.  Favor de tomar el tiempo de leer esto que tiene preguntas y respuestas importantes.  Mientras tanto quisiera citar el documento Juntos en el Camino de Esperanza: Ya no somos Extranjeros por los Obispos Católicos de México y Los Estados Unidos:

Desde su fundación, Los Estados Unidos han recibido inmigrantes de todo el mundo, quienes han encontrado oportunidades y refugio seguro en una nueva tierra. El trabajo, los valores y la creencia de inmigrantes de todo el mundo han transformado a Los Estados Unidos de ser un grupo de colonias, a convertirse en una de las principales democracias en el mundo actual. Desde su fundación al día de hoy, Los Estados Unidos siguen siendo una nación de inmigrantes basada en la firme creencia que los recién llegados ofrecen energía nueva, esperanza y diversidad cultural.  Nuestra fe común en Jesucristo nos lleva a la búsqueda de alternativas que favorecen a un espíritu de solidaridad. Es una fe que supera fronteras y nos hace vencer todas las formas de discriminación y violencia para que podamos construir relaciones de justicia y de amor.

El próximo domingo es Domingo de Ramos.  Habrá bendición de palmas en todas las misas y procesión antes de la misa de 12:30.  Este jueves (primer jueves de abril) habrá confesiones de 6 a 8 p.m.  Y recuerden: el próximo domingo los Caballeros de Colon ofrecerán su rico desayuno después de la misa de 9:30.