Bulletin (May 4, 2008)

As I mentioned in my homily last weekend – and as you see in Principal Glen Lutz’ column – we will have new leadership in our parish school beginning in July. There is sadness here because Mr. Lutz has done so many fine things for our school and overall parish (more on that later). At the same time, every new beginning is an opportunity, and we need to ask God’s help to do the best for our families and children. I have formed a Search Committee to seek a new principal for our parish school. I ask you to take the time to fill out one of the surveys (they are on the tables at the church entrances).

Besides the members listed on the questionnaire, I have asked Dominic Parmantier to be parishioner at large on the Search Committee. As you know, Dominic is a member of our Finance Council and has given presentations on parish finances, such as the Capital Campaign. Dominic is also a past Grand Knight and has been involved in the vital work of the Knights of Columbus and other parish groups. Please feel free to direct any question or concern to Dominic or to Parish Administrator Gary Samaniego, to the other members of the Search Committee or to me. And I greatly appreciate your prayers as we seek the new leadership for our parish school.

In my homily last weekend, I mentioned what a great support the Archdiocese has been in this process, especially Bishop Tyson, who is taking on the role of interim Superintendent of Catholic Schools, and Karen Tarabochia, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel, who is helping guide our Search Committee. Their support has made me more convinced than ever of the importance of supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal.

Regarding the Annual Catholic Appeal, Mrs. Rica Herrera gave a wonderful testimony at the English and Filipino Masses. At the Spanish Masses, Mr. Luis Favela gave a very good testimony. Last year 432 Holy Family households donated a total of $63,566, which was $5,518 over goal. We are using that amount for the St. Michael Chapel. Our parish goal this year is $62,759. With your prayerful support, we can make that goal and receive a rebate for the purchase of a new reader board and the improvement of our grounds. This Sunday, which is Commitment Sunday, Deacon Ted will be giving the homily at the English Masses and Deacon Abel in the Spanish Masses.

In the bulletin last Sunday, the Archdiocese supplied a flier which explained the difference between the Annual Catholic Appeal and Parish Stewardship. The Appeal supports the work of the Church in Western Washington; Stewardship – which includes Time, Talent and Treasure -enables our parish to fulfill its mission of bringing Christ’s saving love through the sacraments, religious education and service. In addition to the Appeal and Stewardship, we have asked your generosity in the Capital Campaign – a three-year Campaign to “Build a Better Parish” by the renovation and repair of parish facilities. Over seven hundred people – both parishioners and other supporters of Holy Family – have contributed well over a million dollars.

On April 24 we had a reception honoring major donors. At the reception, we blessed the new BASS room, Pre-K classroom, and kitchen that is located in the space between the new rest rooms. The kitchen was dedicated in honor of the Nitkey Family. In the photo you can see John and Frances Nitkey with me in front of the kitchen door. John and Frances put their six children through Holy Family School, and they continue to be prayerful supporters of our parish and school. It was a special joy to have John and Frances’ children and grandchildren present at April 24 celebration.

Blessing of Nitkey Kitchen, April 24, 2008 Capital Campaign Celebration

Speaking of pictures, I want to thank Fred Cavazos for his wonderful pictures of our First Communion children. We had a beautiful celebration on April 26. I am grateful to Fr. Ramon, Mrs. Betty Weller and the others who taught with her, and to Ms. Christie Corbin, who teaches second grade at Holy Family. Also present at the First Communion, was Principal Glen Lutz, who has faithfully supported parish activities.

For more see: http://www.atrphoto.com/preview_folder/1stCommunion_html/index.htm

Next Sunday we honor our moms. At our weekend Masses, one of our parish and school mom’s will give a short presentation after the Communion Prayer. Mrs. Mary Horn is our new Pre-Kindergarten teacher. After the Mass anyone interested may visit the Pre-K classroom and learn more about our parish school.

A final note – and it does tie in with the concern about schools and religious education: I had the opportunity this past week to see the movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. With Ben Stein as the host and interviewer, the movie is both humorous and thought-provoking. Even though as Catholics, we have an approach to evolution a bit different than the Intelligent Design movement, still, we believe that God did design the universe. As Pope Benedict said, “We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary.” The best book I have read on this topic is Chance or Purpose? by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn. You can get it from the King County Library. Next week I will try to write more about Cardinal Schönborn’s excellent book.

Como mencioné en mi homilia del domingo pasado, tendremos una administracion nueva en nuestra escuela parroquial, comenzando el 1ero de julio. Es un momento de tristeza, pero tambien de oportunidad. He formado un Comité de Busqueda y les pido llenar un cuestionario sobre las calidades del nuevo director. Ino Hernandez, que canta en el coro y tiene un hijo en nuestra escuela es miembro del Comité. Se puede dirigir preguntas a el, a Fred Cavazos, a mi o cualquier miembro del Comité. Tambien les invito considerar la posibilidad de enviar a tu hijo a nuestra escuela. El proximo domingo la Sra. Mary Horn, maestra del Pre-Kinder, nos va a dirigir unas palabras al final de la misa sobre la Escuela de Holy Family. Es un buen ambiente de educacion y formacion. Un ejemplo es el taller de iconos religiosos de Jesús, San Miguel y Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe para los alumnos del octavo grado

25 de abril de 2008


Estoy agradecido al Sr. Luis Favela por su buena presentacion sobre la Peticion Catolica Anual. Este domingo el Diacono Abel Magaña hablará de la importancia que todos nosotros participemos en este apoyo para las obras educacionales, administrativas y caritativas de la arquidiocesis de Seattle.

Dear Parishioners,

I am sure by now you know that I will not be returning as the Principal for next year. I want to take this occasion to thank all of the parishioners for their support of the school. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the Principal of Holy Family Parish School. You will continue to be in my prayers of gratitude.

The school with the support and blessings of the parish will be formally launching the Randy Terlicker Endowment Campaign in the fall of 2008, in conjunction with the new school year. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of this endowment in helping to insure the financial viability of the school. The income generated from this endowment will be used for tuition assistance. It will make a real difference for many families in being able to send their children to Holy Family Parish School. I thank you for your prayers and financial support that it will take to make this dream come true.

The month of May is a great month for lots of reasons. One important opportunity is to celebrate Mary, the Mother of Christ, by praying the Rosary. What a great way to end or begin one’s day. I am convinced that Mother Mary watches over us in a special way. I am reminded of this each time I look out my window and see the statue of Our Lady of La Vang.

This week, May 5 – 9 is National Teacher Appreciation Week! Holy Family Parish School has been blessed by outstanding Catholic schoolteachers who are highly caring, competent, and dedicated. Please keep them in your prayers. Thank you.

We are still accepting new families for next year. Please give us a call. Mrs. Barron is helping us in the event you need a Spanish translator.

Please drop over and enjoy the Gran Kermes – Carnival. Thank you to Bertha Galvanez, Mother of Maria, for her leadership and hard work in making this fun, family day possible. Gracias!

God Bless,
Glen t. Lutz


The Annual Catholic Appeal is a once a year campaign that relies on the support of all Catholics in our diocese to accomplish what no one individual or parish can do alone. The ACA supports 63 ministries and services throughout our communities including seminarian and deacon formation and the priest pension fund. The goal for the Annual Catholic Appeal this year is to raise $10 million to support the Archdiocesan subsidy budget for the fiscal year 2008-2009. Each of the 171 parishes throughout the Archdiocese is required to contribute a certain amount towards this $10 million goal. Holy Family Parish’s required amount for this year is $62,759.

We are asking each household to participate in the Appeal and to consider a pledge/gift of $265, which is the average gift of all the parishes throughout the Archdiocese. If you have been financially blessed, please consider a pledge/gift of $1/day or $365. Of course, any amounts are greatly appreciated but also do know that whatever is not raised through this pledge drive will have to be paid from our regular general budget. Please also remember that all money collected above our parish goal of $62,759 will be retuned to us in a rebate check to be used to beautify our grounds. Last year, we received a rebate of $5,518, which will be used to develop a Sacred Heart/St. Michael prayer chapel.

Today is Commitment Sunday. If you have not already done so, please join me in making a pledge to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Your pledge does not have to be made in full today. It can be paid in monthly installments by Credit Card, automatic withdrawal, or monthly statements. Please indicate your preference on your pledge envelope. If you cannot make a gift at this time, I ask that you please pray for the success of the Appeal and to still turn in an envelope with “Prayer” written on the front. These are most important to us. I am asking you to be please be generous in your support, and I thank you for your gift. It is up to all of us to join together to help the wider church of Western Washington.

Father Phillip Bloom

Annual Catholic Appeal Update as of April 27

Goal:  Households Participating:		555
Participating to Date:				119

Goal:  Average Gift:				$265
Average Gift to Date:				$153

Goal:  Total Raised:				$62,759
Raised to Date:				$14,603

Remember, we will keep asking until we get an answer. If you don’t want to support the Appeal, “No” is an answer! But please do fill out an envelope and tell us this. If we don’t hear from you in two weeks, you will receive a follow-up mailing. Please save us this cost by turning in your envelope this Sunday or next. Next week we will have a bulletin insert listing all those who have turned in their envelope.

Parish Stewardship Giving Summary
Wk. 44 of Fiscal Year (July 1, 2007 – April 27, 2008)

Amount Needed Each Sunday:		$  12,289.00
April 27 Check/Cash Envelope:	$    6,779.25
April 27 Mother’s Day Envelopes:	$         35.00 
April 27 EFT(Automatic Deduction) $       790.43  
April 27 Loose Cash:			$    2,767.02
April 27 Total Offering:			$  10,371.70

Weekly Income Difference:		       (-) $    1,917.30 

Budgeted Fiscal Year to Date:		$540,716.00 
Collected Year to Date:			$525,640.97
Income Difference Year to Date:            (-) $  15,075.03

Some of the Gifts from the Other Half of our Stewardship
Saint Vincent de Paul				$       216.00

Capital Campaign
Total Households Pledging:			732
Total Pledged:					$1,207,999.63
Total Paid:					$1,035,929.99
Balance:					$   172,069.64

Dia del Niño Por Nacer, Puno, Peru - Luz, Irma, Eugenia e Isaias

Billboard prepared for observance

Mary Bloom Center - Puno, Peru