Worth Fighting For

(Homily for Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome)

Bottom line: Jesus shows the one thing worth fighting for.

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. Inscribed on its main door are the words: Mater et caput omnium ecclesiarum urbis et orbis - Mother and head of all churches in the city and the world. As Cathedral of the Rome - the city where the Prince of the Apostles shed his blood - the Lateran Basilica deserves that title.

On the Feast of St. John Lateran we hear about the only recorded act of violence by Jesus. With chords he made a rough-and-ready whip and drove the money-changers out of the temple, knocking over their tables. What provoked this uncharacteristic action? The answer is clear: The temple represents the people, Israel before the Lord. Jesus was defending his bride.

When all is said and done, there is only one thing truly worth fighting for - only one reality that will endure forever: the Church, the bride forever united to her groom, Jesus.*

This Sunday I will not be asking you to physically fight for the Church (no Catholic Al-Qaeda!), but I will invite you to make a sacrifice for her. Before doing that, I would like to call forward a member of our parish to give a testimony - to commitment she and her family are making because of their faith. With a prayer in your heart, I ask you to give your full attention to Mrs. Denise Leary.


*The things we typically consider "worth fighting for" (nation, family, property) have their value in relation to the Church. That is, what conducts to the salvation of souls, membership in the Communion of Saint, the Bride of Christ.

The battles we lost on November 4 (defense of the unborn and - in Washington state - the terminally ill) must be viewed in ultimate terms: That they will encourage people to lose their souls by procuring an abortion or committing suicide. On the other hand, we can take some encouragement that even in "blue" states most people do not want to sanction homosexual behavior by calling it "marriage."

General Intercessions for Feast of Dedication of St. John Lateran (from Priests for Life)

Spanish Version

From Archives (for Feast of Dedication of St. John Lateran):

2003: I Saw Water

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