Students and Patients

(Helped by Mary Bloom Center 2007)

Some of the donations to the Mary Bloom Center (and the Melvin Bloom Endowment Fund) are used to help patients in difficult situations and to assist young people in their studies. Below are pictures of some patients and students I encountered during my two week stay in Puno (Oct 6-22).

This baby ("Leidy") suffers from a congenital defect. The Mary Bloom Center has been helping her mom (Aurelia) during the past year. Leidy shows signs of improvement:

Simon Atencio comes to the Mary Bloom Center on behalf of his wife who had an intestinal operation several years ago. The Mary Bloom Center helps by providing colostomy bags for his wife.

Gloria appears fine, but she is suffering from an infection which the doctors say could be "precancerous." Obst. Luz Marron (Director of the Mary Bloom Center) and I encountered Gloria at a gathering of a women's group. The leader of the group showed us Gloria's prescriptions which totalled about one hundred dollars. The local parish is helping Gloria with part of the treatment by giving her an interest free loan. Gloria has five children. Her husband will also require treatment.

Elias introduced himself to me by saying, "Padre, I am a schizophrenic." He lives in the streets, but has a gift for playing the violin. The Mary Bloom Center helped Elias by purchasing strings for the violin which he crafted.

This baby suffers from hydrocephalus and twisted limbs. The Mary Bloom Center has been helping his mom since shortly after his birth.

I knew Estefania since my days in Ilave (1987-94). The Mary Bloom Center has helped Estefania and her daughter Yesica with various health problems and schooling.

This fifteen year old girl (Marlove) is three months pregnant. She suffered a severe burn on her abdomen. It is not a pretty picture. I put it in a separate file. The Mary Bloom Center helped her with about fifty dollars worth of medicine and food supplements. We will contuinue to follow up on Marlove. She is shown here with her mom at the Puno hospital.

Below are some of the students the Mary Bloom Center is helping with higher studies:

Sandra with her mother, Goya:

Petronila was shot in a freak accident last December. The Mary Bloom Center has helped Petronila with some of the medical expenses and this year is helping her daughter with higher studies:

The Mary Bloom Center has helped Danitza complete her studies as a midwife. She is shown here with her husband, Michael, and daughter Jade Angel, who I baptized on Oct 20.

Karen with her mom and younger brother:

I knew Guadalupe's parents and grandparents since my days in Ilave. Guadalupe hopes to become a dentist. The Mary Bloom Center is helping her with her studies. I had lunch at her parent's home, where this picture was taken.

Irma is a volunteer at the Mary Bloom Center. We helped Irma with her cancer treatments (she is currently in remisssion) and are helping her niece Diana pursue higher studies.

Marjorie ("Mayo") is a girl the Mary Bloom Center has helped for about five years. She is currently living at the orphanage, where the Daughters of Charity are helping her with her studies. Some wonderful people from Whatcom County made beautiful quilts for the orphan girls.

The Mary Bloom Center works closely with the Daugthers of Charity in Puno. From left to right they are: Sisters Sonia, Milagros, Estela, Fanny and Maritza:

During my time in Puno, I celebrate daily Mass for the Sisters:
