Index For this Site

Mars stuff
Counter Strike bonanza 18.11.04
Kenya Rejse 10/12/05 - 18/12/05
Dk - Kazakhstan 26/03/2005
Interview i Politiken d. 10 april 2005 om Istanbul
Glade dage foran Palads (Kbh.)
Fly me to the moon ...
Gang surprise
Kommunal valg 2005
1. Coaching article dec. 2005
2. Coaching - civiloekonomen dec. 2005
A new Earthlike planet found
Amsterdam - Window shopping
Sheep Power Productions 1999
Sheep Power Productions - avi home movies
Peter Oersteds Caesar biografi
Vista Launch Feb. 2007
Usenet April 07 - The simulation argument
Manipulation - inspiration Klaus Kjoeller
Goedels existence proof
Peter Naur

Simon :