Sherlock#1 Stud#1

Uno Studio in Holmes

"... a week later I found myself in Florence ..."

Sherlock - Prev Holmes - Up Conan - Next Doyle - Down

Sherlock Holmes - Vine#1



"Uno Studio in Holmes" is the Italian Sherlockian association. It was founded in Florence (the only Italian city surely visited by Holmes per "The Empty House") in 1987. Records of the Foundation Meeting are published, in English and Italian, in the book "The Ghost of Sherlock Holmes", which is still available. The current President of the association is Mr Francesco Leprai and the Secretary is Mr Enrico Solito.The association is a Scion Society of the Baker Street Irregulars, New York.


There are annual meetings, and a twice annual report (the "Strand Magazine") with Holmesian studies, articles and apocrypha.

Publication & Costs

The book "Uno Studio in Holmes", was published in 1995, with short apocryphal stories, by the secretary, Mr.Solito. (membership dues aprox $20/yr)


In 1996 there was a 3 day meeting in Prato entilted "Sherlock Holmes Between Myth and Reality". There were Holmesian antiques, hundred of books and news, and an exhibition of a lot of ancient pipes. Of course there were many lectures and in worldwide preview we presented in concert, the only just discovered Sonata "To Irene", composed by Sherlock Holmes, for piano and violin. A black-and-white video (NTSC & PAL) of about 15 minutes summarizing the meeting is available.

Contact name

More information is available from;

Uno Studio in Holmes
V.Aurelia Antica 268
58046 Marina di grosseto GR

Contact Enrico Solito for more information or to become a member.


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