Just a note.  If you rent your skates, you will probably not enjoy yourself very much.  Rental skates are usually not the best choice!!  They can have mediocre wheels,  knotted laces,  bent axles or kingpins, hardened or cracked cushions, different sized and type wheels and they will usually not be adjusted for your type of skating. 

For example if you are heavy you need to have the adjustments a little big tighter, if you are light in weight a looser adjustment may be better for you.  .  You will be surprised how much better you can do with your own skates.  Don't get cheapo here either.  A good pair of quad skates can last many, many years and be worth the money if you use them.  A cheap pair will hurt your feet and you will not like to skate very often..  The same applies for inline skates.

Skating inside a rink is safer for most skaters, especially if you are just learning or are rusty.  Just try to go when there won't be so many kids zipping past you.  Once you've had a chance to improve, then you can venture outside, if outside skating is your forte. 

Skating inside at a rink, is probably the most fun you can have on skates.  You can enjoy the music, never have to worry about the elements and meet some good friends who share your enjoyment of skating. Sometimes it's hard for your non-skating friends to understand why you enjoy putting on wheels and skating around the rink!

If you skate outdoors always wear your helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards.  Even if you are an accomplished skater, you never know when an unexpected crack may jump up and trip you.

Check out "Skate with Loren Anderson.." A perpective of skating from a west coast point of view! skate with loren..check it out!It's informative, entertaining and it makes interesting reading!

Either way,  inside or ourside you can burn up to 600 calories an hour, if you keep up a decent pace.  As "Inline America" used to say, "why walk, when you can skate!" Most importantly don't give up after the first try. I know you see people gliding on inlines,  quads or ice skates in rinks and think you will never be able to do this. Yes you can and will, but as with anything it takes practice and patience.   If you are brand new to skating it may take you from 6-12 sessions to start to feel comfortable on skates. 

The below is fromabout skating outside!
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns that inline roller skating--a popular new sport--can be hazardous if skaters do not wear helmets and other protective equipment or do not learn to skate and stop safely. As use of in-line roller skates has increased, it appears that the number of injuries also has increased.

CPSC recommends these safety tips to help prevent injuries with inline roller skates:

•Wear a helmet, intended for use with skateboards or roller skates, along with knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves.

•Skate on smooth, paved surfaces without any traffic. Avoid skating on streets, driveways, or surfaces with water, sand, gravel, or dirt.

•Learn to stop safely using the brake pads at the heel of most inline roller skates. With one foot somewhat in front of the other, raise the toes of the front foot and push, down on the heel brake.

•Do not skate at night because of your difficulty in being seen and your difficulty seeing obstacles or other skaters.

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