At the request of attacked oil-ally Kuwaitis, George Bush Sr. got us into Gulf War I against Saddam's Iraqi aggressors. It was at that time the media reported that [Soviet-made] Scud missiles from the direction of Iraq hit both Haifa and Tel Aviv.

That insufficient slap on Saddam's wrist from a Bush reluctant to anger Arabs in partnership with American corporate interests allowed The Dictator to regroup until George Bush Jr. got us into Gulf War II at the request of the whoevers requesting it along with his own seemingly-impudent idea to force Saddam out of power in Iraq at that time in response to male intel agents unwilling to funnel info through inferior-gender weaker-sex Condi concocting the fabrication of WMDs and gaseous human rights violations against anti-Baathist traitors and subversives.

Since then, it seems that Saddam at the time had been in such a position of dictatorial influence as the President of an oil-rich strategically-located sovereign country in the Middle East as to adversely influence OPEC to cut off foreign oil to the United States which obviously would have done far worse damage against America from coast to coast than 19 islamic crazies taking off from Barney Frank's and TFK's don't-violate-their-civil-rights Boston airport then merely demolishing a couple of Hillary's and Schlumer's NYC Trade Towers while incinerating 3000 victims in the process.

John Kerry would have turned Saddam over to the U.N. rife with child-sex-slave starve-the-people Oil-for-Food/Swiss-bank-account blue helmets.

Bush Jr. recently reiterated his intention for U.S. troops to continue to strongarm fearful and disoriented Iraqis into the freedoms of forced decendant-western democracy as replacement for Saddam's allegedly-tyrannical law-and-order suppression against Kurdish, Sunni, and Shihite terrorists. American-flavor elections of equal-with-men feminists competing against effeminately-beardless evolutionist homowimps for USA playgirls misdressed in summertime anti-shawl/anti-robed mopheadedness and sleeveslessness and slackslessness and sockslessness looms around the corner for "liberated" Iraq.

Saddam has made and must penitently alter his non-diplomatic errors if he ever hopes to someday lead the world as Secretary General of International Peace befitting the designation of Antichrist, which perhaps the pseudo-Christian President of Iran is attempting to attain. His media-purported previous anti-American/anti-Israeli rhetoric, lack of socializing with other prime ministers around the globe, horrendous non-existent huge supplies of WMDs, supposed funding of anti-Israel suicide-bomber families, and presumed allowance of al-Qaeda training camps throughout Iraq isolated him as a lone wolf and maverick doing his own antisemitic thing. Meanwhile, the bin Laden Group keeps their iridium cellphone satellites circling the globe, and the internationally-neutral waters of the Mediterranean Sea could be the choice place for an Osama-type beast arising from the sea to emanate from.

Be that as it is, credit must be given to Bush for overruling Saddam's apparent anti-Christian hardheadness in disallowing missionaries for Jesus Christ to positively influence Iraqis previously besieged by the satanic blasphemies of Qu'ranic verses calling for destroying Israel and those who support Christian Zionism in the name of a make-believe allah miscalled "sacred" and "god" by the internationally demonic.

Of all the conquerors, Bush of course was and is the most qualified. Forthright in his disapproval against same-sex marriage and partial-birth abortion (contrasted with say-nothing-about-it John McCain), Bush is a conqueror worthy of trust who brings to the Iraqis the choice of electing a Christianity-tolerant President of Iraq like him along with a Biblically-accomodating brave Iraqi F.B.I. and C.I.A. with enough Spirit-guided insight and military power to ferret out al-Zarqawi-type terrorists arms-supplied by atheistic-communist Russians, with Scripturally-trained well-armed and responsive Iraqi police and sheriff law enforcement Iraqi citizens can trust and depend upon.

Keep in mind that the founders of the United States were near-Bible scholars as were many of the pilgrims and pioneers of early America. Abe Lincoln and most U.S. presidents since then knew the Bible well. FBI-director Louis Freeh under Reno was and yet is a devout Catholic. Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell and D James Kennedy have spoken their anti-ACLU morality with government approval. Genuine Christians maintain Christian churches within all sorts of denominations despite pro-feminist/pro-homopervert/unscientifically-anticreationist heretics infesting such in every neighborhood of every town and city and county and state across America.

For progress to be made in seeing more and more signs of Christian-expression democracy Iraqi and Afghanistan, similar Christo-religious ideologically must be given free reign as world money pours into that ancient Persian territory through the middle of which the great river Euphrates runs enroute to the Holy Land as access for the hordes from the kings of the East (e.g. China, Pakistan, India, etc.) and perhaps destined to become the apocalyptic Babylon spoken of in the New Testament's book of Revelation.

If Bush and his bipartisan associates continue to succeed in Iraq, Lebanon would be one next step to invade in the questionably-sacred name of 'Democracy.' [Perhaps The Choice to Do Either Good or Evil is holy, considering the Divine Source providing or imposing that primal Tree in Eden?] Making Beirut a safe place for Orthodox Jewish children to frolic in would strike terror into the minds and hearts of both Hamas and Fatah hideously and ridiculously miscalled "Palestinians" by Lucifer's spokespersons.