Media Run

Sometmes when restaurant cooks do not adequately wash their hands or wash their hands consistently enough, and/or if certain foods and drink are left out without refrigeraton, e coli or samanella or whatever develops which result in restaurant patrons desperately and quickly visiting the restroom, promptly placing their derriers on the pot, and you know the runny rest of the story. The title above not only refers to those emissions [mis-]printed in many anti-Christian newspapers, magazines, and tabloids....but also the feces who author and print such liquid dung.

Harsh and vulgar words for blasphemous and irreligious smart-ass wordsmiths expert in condemnatory reviling, you might presume?

Well, such self-righteous-themselves pseudo-"righteous" false-prophet judgmentalists would mis-call not only anti-homosexual anti-feminist and anti-evolutionist Moses, Solomon, the Old-Testament prophets, Saint Paul, Saint Peter, Saint John, but even the Lord Jesus Christ: "homophobic," "harsh," "cruel," "intolerant," "bigoted," "sexist," "noisy," "hypocritical," "holier-than-thou," and "self-righteous."

Those media editorialists who so revile and blaspheme the previous-mentioned genuinely-righteous entities of course and understandably much deserve and are thankfully destined to be tortured forever in the flames of Hell and fiery Outer Darkness alluded to in the New Testament.

Recently in the subversive media (spewed out by those damnably responsible for imposing it) have been stories of Republican legislators allegedly guilty of homosexual innuendos.....all the while as the same penis-up-their-own-rectum anti-Christian media editorialists ignore the blatant and openly-admitted and documenteed homosexual sodomy of certain democrat legislators. Such vile media filth are in no way aghast at the perversity of homosexuality, but rather in defacing purportedly-perverse character of high-ranking Republican legislators for demonically-partisan prejudice and tyranny-planning electoral-power grab intentions.

It always intrigues me how such diabolical devils can connive with corrupt law-enforcement nonmarked-squad-car-type "undercover officers" to set up so-called sting operations using decoys who themselves hypocritically play the pervert or prostitute. Why a Republican legislator would plead "guilty" to a judge in court of supposedly-indecent conduct according to a vice(!)-cop who cannot prove the accusation....and yet claim that he is not homogay (whether effeminate or a sodomite) easy for me to understand, being that in order to forego a time-consuming and clearly-inconveniencing jury trial by uttering a "not guilty" plea, the busy-scheduled legislator is forced under duress to lie and malign himself because creepo injustice prevails both by the deviously-mischarging pisshead vice-cop and the deviously-mischarging pisshead judge in court.

The reliably anti-homosexual anti-feminist and anti-evolutionist public-policies-establishing voting record of a good-at-heart Republican legislator will eventually so outweigh diabolically-dirty shenanigans of Demoncrats and Demoncrat-supportive fothermuckers that they will wish they never had done the reputational and publicly-misrepresentative castigating damage they did. The LORD will amply see to that, has already has marvelously and remarkably done so, and will continue to do so.