Mis-Texts 2

To this webauthor's knowledge, not one "bible" translation has First Timothy 5:11 translated correctly. The Greek-Text word for younger women: ne(o)teras [pronounced neh-OH-teh-rass having the Greek letter omega printed in English lettering with an "o" enclosed with parentheses], is found in 1st Timothy 5:11. . . . PLUS the Greek-Text word for widows: ch(e)ras [pronounced CHAY-rass having the Greek letter eta printed in English lettering with an "e" enclosed with parentheses].

The pseudo-bibles all either state "younger widows," "the younger widows," or "the younger" - thus indicating the Greek word for widows (i.e. ch(e)ras). . . . .but NOT indicating the Greek word for younger women (i.e. ne(o)teras) therefore portraying an allegedly- "slight" inaccuracy of which they combined and contracted the idea, thought, concept, context, interpretation, etc of both widows and younger women.. . . . but NOT giving all the precise and exact Greek words of The Text. . . .into a condensed phrase of "younger widows."

Thus, ALL of them are wrong....without exception !

Fortunately, the inerrant Scrivener/Trinitarian New-Testament Greek Text has it correct including that only-one-meaning word ne(o)teras, so instead of an incorrect English rendition of

"But refuse to enroll younger WIDOWS. . . ."

True, accurate, and correct rendition is rather:

"But refuse to enroll YOUNGER-WOMEN WIDOWS. . . ."

Understandably, you the reader require proof.

A photo of the Greek Text in question is shown below:

And what follows is a chart showing how a few major "bible" translations
mis-worded First Timothy 5:11 in their mistranslations:

Though the roots of various Greek-Text words are the same, the letter-endings of Greek-Text words are vital in revealing the gender intended by the Biblical authors. Observe the different letter endings for both males and. . . .(in contrast). . . .for either-gender people in the chart below regarding certain pertinent Scripture references:

Concerning (NOT regarding) all the different English words used as indicated by the above-shown charts, there - logically - has to be one best English word to use for the sake of Christian unity and veracity of language utilized. There must not be a confusing conglomeration of different-but-very-similar words used. ONE word is not only the BEST, but - when it gets right down to it - the ONLY correct and proper English word to use for the represented Greek-Text word !

That requires experts in English linguistics and semantics.

For example, if only the word "younger" is merely used, with no qualifier, that "younger" does not necessarily refer only to human lifeforms. The English word "persons" indicates individuals (of people, spirits, etc.) on an individual basis, whereas the English word "people" (in contrast to the plural word "peoples") refers to a group of people, spirits, etc. as a group.

The English word "young" implies a more-or-less definite age group, whereas the English word "younger" with specific reference to human males, human females, or both-gender humans, indicates a broader range of human age. The apostolic author of First Timothy and Titus, for one, does not give specific human age groups, although we already have an inkling of what "younger" men, women, and people refer to by recollecting Leviticus chapter 27 which delineates children being from age 5 to 20, adults from 20 to 60, and elderly above 60 years old. Jesus raised a girl (not woman) who was 12 years old. The boy (not man) Jesus was brought into the temple at age 12. Scientifically, a "girl" becomes a "woman" (forget the terms: minor, and major) when she begins menstruating, and the Pentateuch gives instructions for menstruating women (not "girls"). . . [and boys physiologically become men when penile rigidity starts to occur, especially in their response to particularly-unclothed developing or developed female humans, and images thereof].

The Received ("Majority") New-Testament Greek Text (based upon the true-church-preserved Text of apostolic autographs, conveyed to the Antioch church, retrieved by Erasmus/Stephanus/Beza/Elzevir, finally-and-completely synthesized into the infallible, Scrivener/Trinitarian-copyrighted, New-Testament Greek Text) does not contain the First Timothy 5:14 Greek-Text word for "widows" (i.e. ch(e)ras) whatsoever. Instead it ONLY contains the Greek-Text word for "younger women" (i.e. ne(o)teras).

Yet, many major translations ERRONEOUSLY misrepresent the Greek-Text word ne(o)teras as "younger widows." They probably do so because "the context" immediately before and after speaks of widows. So their presumption of "the context" (whatever they presume that to be, and wherever they presume that to start and end) outweighs [to them] the actual and precise Greek-Text word.

See if your translation has First Timothy 5:14 correct pertaining to this.

Logically, all younger widows are younger women, but not all younger women are younger widows. So the words - even in the English language - are certainly never synonymous, identical, nor interchangeable.

This is not a matter to be taken lightly, to say the least. The consequences of such novelty-Bible-sales-greed-based heresy pertaining to I Timothy 5:14 mistranslations are far-reaching and sociologically devastating.

If younger women (not merely younger widows) are not specifically instructed to marry, they will by default resort to some types, degrees, and severities of "premarital sex" (i.e. fornication), and - logically - seduce guys to participate in such immorality.

Insubordinate non-domestic gals will be encouraged to postpone marriage and pursue educational endeavors culminating in sexually-harassive competition against men in the business, legal, and political world. Grueling pre-marital interrogation sessions for engaged couples discourage marriage and in effect cause even more covert or overt immorality. Resultant prudish frigidity turns some guys to self-abusive self-sodomizing masturbation or homogay retaliation with associated perverted-erotic, same-sex pseudo-"satisfaction." Added to that, competing with defiling and embarrassing misdress misusing immodest and indecent attire is the devilish and despicable means gals then use to try to attract guys, instead of having the directive of correctly-translated First Timothy 5:14 guide them into God-intended early-enough marriage. Need I continue with the further consequences of VD, AIDS, nonwanted premature pregnancies, divorce, abortion-homicide disabilities, murder, and death?

Additional Greek-Text comparison hotlinks are:

Comparison of New-Testament Greek Texts

Scrivener/Trinitarian New-Testament Greek Text