The chicken obviously came before the egg.

The parents came before the infants, the eggs and sugar and flour came before the pie, the wood and brick before the house, the typewriter before the novel, the pipes before the organ player, Bill and Melinda Microsoft before the operating systems, and assembly lines before the cars. Overwhelming-odds-against-it chance happenings were just NOT the way it all happened. Nevertheless, it all DID happen.

Adam and Eve (denudification identified in the Biblical book of Genesis) were [logically] created in probably-pristine young adulthood from the start (as they probably will appear when resurrected!), and not birthed from anyone's womb.

As animals and humanity were created (by God! by Christ Almighty!) from NON-LIVING inanimate GROUND and DUST (not sea slime nor waters-covered-the-earth lava!) in NON-EVOLVED-parts ALL-PARTS-FULLY-FUNCTIONING-AT-ONCE ADULT forms rather than being birthed as babes, it is concordant to conclude that everything else was formed fully functional instead of originating from reproductive seed....including planets, stars, nebula, and galaxies. [Skeptics and doubters hideously yet assertively mouth dissenting nonproven falsehoods as if they were facts. The pseudo-'scientific' impudence of such pseudo-'scholars' and fake 'experts' is lamentably bizarre. At the very least we have the etched-in-stone highly-respected Holy-Spirit-protected record of Scripture, while mindless motormouths change their range from 18,000 years to 18 million years to 4 or 5 billion years or whatever. May school-voucher legislation siphon Christian taxpayer's money away from such stupidity.

We of intelligent design, of course, who plainly see and feel and admit to the reality of Intelligent Design, rightly ridicule pathetic laughable fools who take airbrained pride in claiming bonehead ignorance of us intelligently designed superior creatures and our dogmatic declarations of origin certainties, astronomically predominent in our truly-enlightened genuine understanding of the no-other-alternative impossibility of random harmful mutations resulting in a 10 to the 24th power ONE-way-SPECIFIC-gene-combinations-ordered TV set being magically formed from an explosion in an electronics warehouse].

The starlight we see from mega-light-years-distant stars in the night sky was ALSO created in 'adult' form, and was never birthed by formed-by-itself/existent-from-itself contracted gases. For one thing, the kinetic heat energy of expanding gases and dust results in gas and dust particles expanding away from each other to greater and greater distances, and far exceeds the weak gravitational attraction they exert on each other which gravitation would otherwise might gradually have brought them together.

Clearly, the Creator had to have assembled massive groups of those particles in large enough quantities to cause the gravitational attraction, cohesion, and adhesion to override the tendancy toward expansive separation.

Since both stars and continuing-lightspeed starlight enroute-to-Earth from those stars was created in 'adult' form, we can easily conclude two things.

First, starlight we see from mega-light-years-distant stars in the night sky did not originate from their physical surfaces. [If it had, millions upon millions of light-year time spans would have had to occur, which would contradict the Hebrew-worded 24-hour-period meaning of the word day (Hebrew: yom) in Genesis pertaining to Creation Week, plus contradict the overlapping-numbered lifespans of the patriarchs of longevity recorded in that same historical Scriptural book.

Second, there has been recent speculation that time has not been constant, that radioactive decay rates have slowed, etc.

There is a nonresolvable theological problem against such absurdity.

Have you ever observed the second hand of a house-current-driven electric clock? Or even the consistent jerky movements of the second hand of a quartz crystal watch? They are absolutely continuous, and neither slow down nor speed up. Their in-motion progression is phenomenally constant and changeless. If you think humans near perfection in consistency and nanometer-tolerance precision, how nearly-incredibly precise would you suppose the God who created those humans is?

Have you ever taken some time staring at a LED light, and notice the Divine changeless consistency?

It's awesome. Eerie. Humbling.

Have you ever seen the outdoor shadows in sunlight? Absolutely constant and consistent. Have you ever indirectly seen the absolutely-stable one-frequency pure light from a straight-line laser through a fog out into the distance?

All these do not lead sensible and honest people to presume (not assume) that there has been nor is now any slowdown of any form of electromagnetic or nucleonic radiation - ever. Any PURPORTED discrepancies of change are either sloppy experimentation - or deceptively careless or deliberate lies.

It gets better.

Do you remember that when God created the sun, moon, and stars on Day 4 of Creation Week He designated them to delineate and measure day, night, signs and seasons? The celestial-mechanics predictability of heavenly bodies (like in forcasting exactly-timed eclipses in the far future) is impeccable in the annals of mankind. From Day Four on, there has indeed been NO variation nor shadow due to change from the Father of Lights! [If there had, all time measurement stated in Scripture would be questionable, potentially errant, and could neither be trusted nor relied upon].

The previously-mentioned truth is non-applicable to pendulum clocks which slow down as they unwind, vehicles which run out of gas without being resupplied, and human bodies which deteriorate into motionless cemetery fertilizer. There is other Scripture to relate to that.