Late one night one had a dream
Which caused him both to laugh and scream:
Imagining two dinosaurs
Who claimed they both "evolved" on Mars.

The slime was "right" when starting out
And lightning hit with magic clout;
The cells assembled instantly
But after eons came to be:

A bird with wings did then arise
And flew into volcanic skies?
Another "chose," with its "own will"
To live in water, breathe with gill?

Yet when they soon did replicate
Genetic code had sealed their fate!
Mutations came, mutations went,
But could not change their given bent.

Within a week they all were made
In their own kinds they always stayed;
Those fossils prove the Bible's creed
That their Creator worked indeed!


Heretics conspired one day
To get God's Word out of the way;
Then some concocted the solution:
'Brainwash kids with evolution!

When later on, the time is right,
They'll trash the Scriptures out of sight!
Re-state the Bible 'myths by man,'
And question Truth each time they can!''

Then protest rose up o'er the land,
And letters from a faithful band;
Preachers sounded, spread the Word:
'This MUST be STOPPED' - the message heard.

Then promptly devils did decide
How they would calm the other side.
They all agreed what they would do:
Declare the Bible PARTLY true.

How foolish they are when ignorant and lying "million/billion-year" PSEUDO-"scientists" and their media-hype know-nothings presume "Big Bang" absurdity along with the false, errant, and wrong presumption that nebular gases contracted together to form galaxies and stars....when in reality such expanding gases DISPERSE rather than CONDENSE -- GREATLY OVERRIDING MUCH-weaker gravitation attraction!

Children of Scriptural faith incessantly hear the non-relenting repetition of the pseudo-"scientific" so-called "fact" of a multibillion-year history of the Universe and Earth, and megamillion-year history of dinosaurs, fossils, and evolution. Theological heretics purport "ages" of time misinterpreting a literal rendition of Genesis chapter 1 with three ridiculous theories:

a. creation occurred BEFORE Creation Week
(called the Gap or Modified Gap Theory)
b. creation occurred DURING Creation Week (called the Day-Age Theory)
c. creation occurred AFTER Creation Week

Pertaining to (c) above, few presume that the precise geneologies of Genesis 5 and 11 allow enough time to prove billion/million-year "evolutionary" mythology. Pertaining to (a) above, Exodus 20:11 obliterates any possibility of it by stating: "For in SIX DAYS the LORD made the HEAVENS and the EARTH, the SEA, and ALL that is in THEM, and rested the seventh day."

So let's evaluate (b) above, the Day-Age Theory.

The Day-Age Theory is that the DAYS of Genesis chapter one were NOT days at all, but instead eons of time. Supposedly, during such "eons," geologic and evolutionary phenomena occurred (e.g. formation of plant, animal, and human fossils, plus deposits of coal, oil, etc). But, consider the following evidence:

1. The Hebrew word yom [pronounced YOHM], correctly and only translated "day," is defined in Genesis 1:5 by God calling the light "Day" and the darkness "Night." Yom is defined here as the light period in the regular succession of light contrasted with darkness (as the earth has and continues to rotate on its axis). This definition obviously precludes any possible legitimate interpretation as one or more geologic ages.

2. Whenever the Hebrew word yom is preceded by a numeral, it ALWAYS has the meaning of a 24-hour day. Yom occurs over 100 times in the Old Testament in this manner, and ALWAYS has the meaning of a 24-hour day. There are NO exceptions!

3. Whenever the Hebrew word yom appears in the plural (yamim), it ALWAYS refers to a literal 24-hour day. When the word 'days' appears in the plural (Heb. yamim) as it does over 700 times in the Old Testament, it ALWAYS refers to literal 24-hour-period days.

4. The Hebrew phrase translated "evenings and mornings" is used over 100 times in the Old Testament with the word yom. EACH time, it refers to a literal 24-hour day.

5. Had Moses wanted us to understand and interpret those Creation Week days as long geologic periods, he could have used Hebrew words denoting such. For example, Moses could have used the Hebrew term olam, or the term dor - both of which would indicate long, indefinite periods of time. But he did not. He also could have modified the word yom with the adjective rab (yom-rab: a "long" day). But again, he did not. And, as one author pointed out, if God said He created everything in SIX DAYS but really meant six EONS, would that not make Him a deceptive dishonest liar.....and how could anyone with any sensibility and rationality trust ANYTHING God said about OTHER things?

6. In Genesis 1:14, God stated that He created the lights to divide the day from the night....and that they were to be "for signs, for seasons, for days, and for years." If "days" are "ages," then WHAT are "years?" If a "day" is an "age," then WHAT is a "night?" If the word DAY in this historical Biblical record does NOT mean ONLY a period of twenty-four hours, then timely interpretation of Scriptural words is both hopeless and impossible!


There is NO sacrifice nor offering WE can make or do which can ever take away any of our sins or get us into heaven. "A sacrifice acceptable to God" such as occasionally doing a few "good" works, having more often than not a humble and penitent spirit, and infrequent fruit of lips acknowledging His name or largely presenting our bodies as a holy living sacrifice can NEVER absolve us of even the slightest sin. To presume otherwise is insidiously-idolatrous self-worship and abhorrent self-justifying BLASPHEMY! Even our sacred belief and faith in Jesus Christ as our crucified Redeemer and resurrected Lord can NEVER purge our sins! Blessing and ingestion of the spiritual (not actual-physical DNA/genetic) 'body' and 'blood' of repeated wafer-and-wine eucharist(s) is(are) pathetic farce if such is alleged to blot out our inquities.

Only CHRIST'S one-time PERFECT sacrifice of HIMSELF by Himself has - for all time - both completely eradicated our sins and guaranteed us entrance into eternal life with Him and His awesome majesty in the everlasting and overwhelming colossal splendor of His omnipotent and omnipresent glory.

With such Divine all-pervasive mercy, no sinful MISTAKES we do under demonic duress nor faith faltering because of oppressive extortion against our inner desires and free will can get us into hell -- being that it is not what WE ALONE do or do not do which either gets us into Paradise or into Hades. Otherwise, salvation would be conditional on the whims of tyrants or even us alone, and what WE do or do not CONSISTENTLY do. It is all up to God as to who goes where, and for those of us who [deep down] WANT to do and to varying degrees ACTUALLY DO that good faith-work of believing in His sacrificial atonement for us and obeying [as much as we do] the Lord's commandments and suggestions, the Lord merits US with the ability to do whatever TRULY-good works we can do in our limited capacity....and have those count for edification of ourselves and all others.

Arabs and Israelis will never co-exist peacefully without accepting Jesus Christ as their national Mediator and Messiah.


(a rough English-wording translation)

Dies irae, dies illa.....................Day of anger, Day of wailing
Solvet saeclum in favilla...............When everything is incinerated
Teste David cum Sybilla.................As David with witnesses testified

Quantus tremor est futurus..............What future trembling
Quando judex est venturus...............When the Judge comes
Cuncta stricte discussurus..............To adjudicate with strictness

Tuba mirum spargens sonum...............A great trumpet shall sound
Per sepulchra regionum..................Throughout regions of sepulchres
Coget omnes ante thronum................Calling all to the Throne
Mors stupebit et natura.................Death and nature stupefied
Cum resurget creatura...................With creatures resurrected
Judicanti responsura....................Responding to Judgement

Liber scriptus proferetur...............Books of scripture profess
In quo totum continetur.................The total contents
Unde mundus judicetur...................Under which the world is judged
Judex ergo cum sedebit..................When all come to adjudication
Quidquid latet apparebit.......................Nothing remains apparently hidden
Nil inultum remanebit..........................Not a thing remains nonscrutinized
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?...........How bemoan my misery?
Quem patronum rogaturus.................Who pleads for me
Cum vix justus sit securus?.............With what justice be secure?

Rex tremendae majestatis................King of tremendous majesty
Qui salvandos salvas gratis.............Who saves with free salvation
Salve me, fons pietatis.................Save me, with pity.

Recordare Jesu, pie.....................Remember, kind Jesus
Quod sum causa tuae viae................For what cause You lived.
Ne me perdas illa die...................Let me not perish wailing that Day
Quaerens me sedisti lassus..............Seeking me You left your state
Redemisti crucem passus.................Redeemed with crucifixion passion
Tantus labor non sit cassus.............Let such labor not be causeless
Juste judex ultionis....................Just Ultimate Judge
Donum fac remissionis...................Grant true remission
Ante diem rationis......................Against the Day of Reckoning

Ingemisco tamquam reus..................Ruefully with bitter sorrow
Culpa rubet vultus meus.................A culprit blushing with shame
Supplicanti parce Deus..................Supplication, God of Pardon!

Qui Mariam absolvisti...................You who absolved Mariam
Et latronem exaudisti...................And excused the thief
Mihi quoque spem dedisti................Give me bright hope
Preces meae non sunt dignae............ My prayers do not dignify me
Sed tu, bonus, fac benigne..............In Your truly abundant harmlessness
Ne perenni cremer igne..................Never ignite me with eternal cremation

Inter oves locum praesta.............Gathering sheep into Your locale
Et ab hoedis me sequestra...............From the goats separate me
Statuens in parte dextra................Instate me at your right side

Confutatis maledictis...................As malevolent confounded
Flammis acribus addictis................Are confined to flames of terror

Voca me cum benedictis..................Call me with the blessed
Oro supplex et acclinis.................Imploring with kneeling
Cor contritum quasi cinis...............In contrition and remorse
Gere curam mei finis....................Give rectification at my ending.

All federal, state, county, city, and village government funding will be withheld
and all permits refused
for any museum, zoo, historical landmark, or any other antiquities or origins entities
which explicitly states or implicitly infers
that the age of the Earth or Universe exceeds seven thousand (7000) years
which explicitly states or implicitly infers
that evolution was involved in the creation, variation, or reproduction of lifeforms.