Please ALL Voters

Recently in the Chronicle there was the story of an allegedly "Christian" college in the Twin Cities, some leadership of which was planning to let a busload of "Soulforce Equality" homogay-activist recruiters on campus to dialogue with selected students for "mutual understanding" (or is it instead subtly-suggestive brainwashing which is not forcibly dictated)? [Give the Serpent an inch, and he'll take a mile!]

I'll never forget that WWII war movie I saw in which an American military team snuck into the Alpine area of a large dam the Nazis had control of, which dam the GIs intended to blow up to disrupt the German enemy force. An elderly detonations expert was with a young commander, which expert set the bomb in place. After the group was at a safe distance far enough away, the young officer set off the charge....and [apparently] nothing happened. He then quickly chided the old expert for screwing up and reviled his reputation. The old guy replied: "Just wait." Several minutes later they could see with binoculars that a small crack had developed in the dam and water starting to leak out of it. Eventually the crack got larger, and finally the whole wall of the dam collapsed, thoroughly disposing of the Fuehrer's menace.

Like Herr Hitler promising non-aggression with Neville Chamberlain before the Nazi blitzkrieg, the homosexuality-promoting "Soulforce Equality" crew promised a "restricted" (!) visit which pleased college planners, who figured the homos were going to invade the campus anyway eventually. The college hierarchy stated that they would deal with the homoperverts with "grace" and "love."

One would wonder how Christ Jesus would encounter the homos, or even how exactly He would define what homosexuality is.

You the reader probably have heard about the different words for "love" in Greek (e.g. eros, philios, agape). Same-gender brotherly or sisterly love of the philios type is mutual companionship sometimes even expressed with a momentary lips-to-cheek kiss, arm around the shoulder, temporary hug or brief handholding as during group prayer. However, when obviously-lustful non-medical connection of private parts (possibly erecting or erected) into mouth or rectal openings is involved, that same-gender "love" clearly has become or is erotic, and thus accurately definable as: sodomy. Even same-gender lips-to-lips kissing and other body-part fondling usually constitutes erotic desire and is thus perversion. When done by man with women outside of marriage, such is either fornication or adultery - depending upon present marital status of participants. In Leviticus 20:13, abomination is the word used to describe "a man lying with another man as with a woman" and an honest and thorough reading of such Scripture as Proverbs 5-7, Isaiah 47, Jeremiah 2, and Ezekiel 16 and 23 is sufficient to elaborate what that is without having to resort to viewing heterosexual XXX video and movie clips on porn internet websites or DVDs. Even a man wearing women's clothing or a woman wearing man's clothing is perverse (such as bra or whatever is generally considered gender-specific attire relating to "cross-dressing" per Deuteronomy 22:5).

We know that people who called Christ "Lord" pleased Him so much that He did miracles on or for some of them. The New Testament also infers that He was tough against disbelieving religious clergy, while easy on penitent sinners who asked for His help. I say again: penitent sinners who asked for His help.

Personally, I get the impression that rebellious homogays who defiantly and arrogantly flaunt their homoperversion are anything but "penitent." They are similar to atheists in that way. They are self-sufficiently content and defensive in their sexual perversion and thus obviously do NOT ask for the Lord's help.

How Christ would confront such is revealed in His doctrines and the doctrines of His New-Testament authors Paul and Peter and John.....and such is not accomodating to homoperversion sin nor homopervert sinners themselves, to say the least. Indeed, the previously-mentioned apostles of our Redeemer would instead advocate such things as: "Do not associate with them" (Ephesians 5:7), "Do not receive them into the house nor give them any greeting" (II John 1:10), "Hate those who hate the LORD" (Psalm 139:21-22), "Leave the presence of a fool" (Proverbs 14:7).

Some might inquire: "Why pick on only homosexual sin, being that there are many other types of sin other than homosexuality?"

The answer lies in the Bible pertaining to why effeminate [Gr. malakoi] and/or sodomite [Gr. arsenokoitai] are chief Hell-by-default-deserving sins causing the perpetrators to not inherit the kingdom of God (I Corinthians 6:9). In I Corinthians 6:18 Paul states: "Shun immorality. Every other sin which a man commits is outside the body; but the immoral man sins against his own body" ".....and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority" Peter adds in II Peter 2:10.

All this while the warped twist and misinterpret verses of love, patience, kindness, non-judgmentalness, etc. with wimpish and compromising fear-of-men tolerance for the demented and blasphemously misrepresentative causes of "civil" and "human" rights, "liberty," and "freedom." "Perhaps they will change" the naiive counter. "Crush a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, yet his folly will not depart from him" said wise King Solomon in Proverbs 27:22. John the Revelator reminds us that:

"The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot either see or hear or walk" (Revelation 9:20).
Re 16:9 men were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues, and they did not repent and give him glory" (Revelation 16:9).
".....[and they] cursed the God of heaven for their pain and sores, and did not repent of their deeds" (Revelation 16:11).

But there is even a greater application.

"Even though the number of the sons of Israel be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will be saved" (Isaiah 10:22 and Romans 9:27) [even though ALL TRUE Israel will be saved, per Romans 11:26]. ONLY a remnant saved!

What do the overwhelming number of others want promised from the politician they vote for on Election Day? Certainly not to be told that "the American people" have spoken or want this or that....when many of those "American people" are thus fraudulently misrepresented who did NOT speak so nor want this or that.

Greedy poor people want the rich taxed, and affluent greedy want to take advantage of the poor. Rebellious irresponsible people want the diligent but not themselves restricted. "Tax the other people, but don't tax me." "Raise gasoline taxes on them, but not on me." "Let me express my atheism or cultic islamic heresies, but don't allow Christians to impose their beliefs and practices on me." "Do not establish Christian religion, but do not prohibit the free exercise of occultic totem-pole spiritism, witchcraft and Satanism."

How should a political who wants to get the majority vote of the evil non-remnant of both Israelites and Gentiles campaign to such a godless group? Why would a politician WANT to rule and govern such an anti-Christian assemblage? For self-defense, pertaining to survival of the fittest? "It's either them, or me" mentality?

Many of the immoral majority on the broad and easy road to destruction (contrasted with the moral minority on the hard and narrow road to life) within the United States obey the laws to not get into trouble with The Law, though they do everything they can to get around The Law and get away with it. "A rod for the back of fools" is what restrains them - NOT that they basically are "good" people. The are rightfully afraid of seeing flashing red-and-blue lights in their rear-view mirrors. As far as the extremist radicals pushing their wicked agenda around against everyone, perhaps we can bargain with God Abraham-like to spare Sodomerica for the sake of the few decent people yet around so our God of Vengeance chooses to not firestorm the entire country.

Even though as our Lord said, "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33), our present age lies under the deception of "the evil one, the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2). With that in mind, one must resort to tactical shrewdness, both overt and covert, both openly and secretly. Like in the old western movies, the smart sheriff does not display himself openly in front of the gun-firing bandits, but instead carefully and cautiously sticks his head out occasionally from behind a big rock or large tree to quickly and accurately shoot back. Non-announced and surprise attack-from-the-back ambush is frequently preferable to frontal assault into machine-gun fire. Silent movement is often better than noisy attention-getting clomping.

One does best as a politician to promise homoperverts, atheists, evolutionists, abortionists, cultic heretics, pornographers, etc. discounts and rebates after first raising the price higher than it was before. One gets the vote of the deviant by lowering a highly-visible fee but then imposing a more-money-acquiring invisible fee elsewhere against them.

There are many ways to get residual-income money out of residual-expense people in various ways without them realizing it, while making big publicity about the smaller one-time non-residual "sales" and "savings." Funding given under instead of over the counter to those righteous deserving it can and should most always be done "under the radar" (thus non-detected) and out of sight away from the perception of Satan and his ever-watchful demonically-human cohorts. It is mortally dangerous and even devastatingly lethal to disclose to the Devil and associates more privy info than they ask for.

Jesus Christ once said that "many are on broad and easy road to destruction," but "few on the hard and narrow road to life." He, of course, was correct, and that would obviously infer that most people (including voters) are NOT "basically good."

Therefore, any politician who wants to get the majority vote from those immoral majority of voters must appeal to their rebellious and deviously-wicked desires....while simultaneously appealing to the minority-vote saints of the Lord. To the Greeks, Saint Paul became a Greek....and to the Romans he became a Roman (though not himself being without conscience towards God) to win all for Christ. Well, to win all voters to get elected the same principle applies. Clearly, a genuinely-Christian political campaigner will never be untrue to Biblical doctrine nor contrary to the will of God as to his party-platform positions selectively declared to both religious and secular media, both overtly and covertly. Remember, God shows Himself pure and righteous to those who are pure and righteous, but shows Himself injust, tricky, and perverse to those who themselves are injust, tricky, and perverse.

Discreet choice of semantics selectively proclaimed to diverse groups is the answer. For example, the Christian politician will forthrightly and frankly declare only to Christian media and Christian voters his deep-down belief in the wrongness of committing abortion-homicide murder (i.e. infanticide) which is never reproductive nor freedom nor healthy for women....but instead non-reproductive slavery to harming potential mothers. However, when talking to pro-abortionists, use of the shrewed word "choice" can and should be utilized, because decisions to commit abortions do involve free-will choice - albeit a BAD choice. As to support abortion for and against pro-abortionists, the Christian politician who realizes that a group of mediapeople or other voters have permanently given in to that can declare support of abortion for THEM so that they mortally mangle their bodies and their would-have-been children to the 3rd and 4th generation of those who hate God with self-inflicted injury and harm. If a Christian campaigner is forced to come out with either a "yes" or "no" to BOTH pro-abortion AND anti-abortion media at the same time, he has the option of sidetracking that and diverting his answer into an elaboration of the complexities of the issues without letting the demonic media present pin him down with a needlessly-polarizing 'yes' or 'no' answer.

Similar technique can be used when discussing "alternative lifestyle" of homogay same-gender perversion [always remembering that homosodomite alternative lifestyle is immoral and God-given CAPACITY which is misused....never a "civil" nor "human" "RIGHT"]. However, when being asked by relentlessly-impenitent homosexuals whether or not he supports homosexuality, the Christian politicians will readily reply that he supports THEM being homosexual [so that they get cancer-like AIDS and receive in their own bodies the due penalty for their obscene error]. Or referring to "artistic expression" to a group of pornography-purveying voters (always remembering that that type of "art" is licentuously INDECENT) and supporting defilement with porn and the venereal consequences for those impenitently obsessed with that lurid and lewd addiction. Or referring to the "theory" of evolution to a group of mediapersons or pseudo-scientists who have brainwashed themselves with the anti-Genesis HERESY of evolution MYTHOLOGY, and supporting evolution for them to them alone (to allow them to continue in their ridiculously-pathetic and laughable wise-fool confusion and misunderstanding which they so richly deserve). Like God, the Christian politician simply gives up on those dead set against doing things correctly, and in essence "delivers them over to Satan for the destruction of their flesh."

One final but vital point:

There are many Christian PACs and groups around who disdain involvement with politics in an election year, having mis-convinced themselves that "Christ's kingdom is not of this world" "I alone cannot do that much to change things" and "God's prophetic will will eventually be accomplished anyway no matter what anyone does" so it is better to stick to petitioning money on the grounds of off-on-a-tangent moral issues of homosexuality indoctrination in public schools, partial-birth abortion, anti-creationist evolution, sex-education pornography in public schools, religious liberty expression in public schools, social-security preservation, anti-global-warming activism, illegal-immigration and income-tax reform, etc. rather than risking confrontation with a threatening IRS which is said to be adament about 501c3 religious entities staying out of politics completely or risk losing tax-exempt status.

They can, of course, covertly contribute non-licensed donation and gift money to specific candidates on the sly without detection, to positively influence outcome of political elections. But without giving Caesar and political candidates who become part of Caesar's government due activism and funding, such stick-their-heads-in-the-sands Christian issue groups violate God's expressed command to get politically involved to the extent of "Rendering to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God" so that "Submitting themselves to the governing authorities" does not become a dangerous anti-proselytizing burden under newly-election government-official jurisdiction.