A Movie Review

ISAIAH 52:14 =

"As many were astonished at Him:
His appearance was so marred,
beyond human semblance,
and His form beyond that of the sons of men."

Roger Ebert of THE CHICAGO SUN-TIMES called Mel Gibson's PASSION "the most violent movie I have ever seen."

After having seen the movie twice, I wholeheartedly concur with the previously-mentioned movie critic.

Parents, warn your kids that if they see that movie, the gentle lamb-carrying Savior and tender holder of eager children is grotesquely, hideously, and non-forgettably mangled by fiendish bullyboys boasting bone-busting brutality.

It absolutely amazes me how patient God the Father is with horribly and viciously errant humanity. First, humans disobeyed His order to not eat any of the fruit of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then, they brutally and inhumanely murdered His Son Jesus Christ. Seems to me there is simply no hope whatsoever for such almost-incredibly-despicable scum, and why He continues to benevolently bestow His convenient phenomena of Nature on and for them is a complete mystery to me.

Severe beating culminating with nails-insertion crucifixion is an almost-incredibly disgusting torture humans can inflict on each other. To murder an innocent person for simply saying provocative things and not physically harming anyone by pinning them to perpendicular pieces of wood is indescribably ridiculous. One can imagine far more sensible ways to kill humans, whether by firing squad, lethal injection, simple neck hanging, stabbing, or pushing off a cliff. But crucifixion is grossly barbaric, bizarre, humiliating, sadistic.

And it was all done because of simply a few out-of-the-ordinary words uttered by a tax-paying carpenter's son going around healing people and preaching without a medical license. You would think that at least they could have put Him away in an insane asylum and taken care of him according to Roman regulations therein.

This is one movie I did not look forward to seeing.

Don't get me wrong. It is obvious that the REAL Christ's passion leading to and through his actual crucifixion around 2000 years ago over in Israel was no picnic for Him, and the brief sketchy portrayals of it by effeminately-mopheaded wimps caricaturing Christ in previous Jesus movies leave much to be desired as to authentic historicity.

I also realize that when it dawns on some of these cowardly, materialistically-minded "christians" that there will be NO pie-in-the-sky-by-and-by Pre-Trib Rapture conveniently whisking them away upward before the Great-Tribution hate horrors beset and besiege them....they will have had a Mel-Gibson-portrayed taste of what pernicious pain and humiliation they will experience off-screen in real life (if they remain true to the actual and genuine Lord) during the indescribably-horrible regime of the 666 Beast and False Prophet spoken of in Second Thessalonians chapter 2 and Revelation chapters 13-19.

Be that as it will be, and back to the movie, you thought that arm-twisting cops were tough on anti-abortion protesters? And the pushy polite-less police on COPS? You ain't seen nothing yet until you are confronted by the cruelty of the PASSION!

What maryolatrous, purgatorial, eucharistic-self-sacrificing, apocrapha-as-fake-scripture, harsh-oppression legalism was inflicted on blood-and-gore-oriented Mel Gibson and shoved down his throat in catholic reform school to cause him to make such a monstrous movie like that?

Besides the weirdness of all actors and actresses in PASSION speaking ridiculous-sounding/serious-jibberish Klingon with subtitles, plus a pornographically-mopheaded Mary Magdalene faking tears and more [played by NUDE-model-in-real-life] Monica Bellucci (obviously qualified to play the part? -- who also acted in Tears of the Sun and the Matrix movie).....the one who played Jesus in the PASSION is made out to be a sullen jewish whipping boy: a pathetic, astonishingly-abused, mentally-disturbed LOSER with little to say but surrounded by much outside-of-Scripture additional garbage from the dark caverns of cultic-catholic superstition, questionable legend, speculative rumor - devoid of both faith-inspiring non-illusional post-resurrection power plus pentecostal appearances of Divine victory. A grave-clothes-exited quasi-nude resurrected Jesus walking toward the lighted opening of His earthquake-shaken tombstone opening at the end of THE PASSION was indeed a redeeming factor viewers fortunately encountered.

If the world ever wanted to bash Christ, Christians, and Christianity, this is their grand death-wish opportunity to do so in the free expression of fantasyland. Some alleged "christians" purport that THEIR sins slaughtered Christ, while the helpless and benign jews and romans stood by aghast in complete innocence and sympathetic pity. If so, I want NO association with such brutal bastards! I suppose that the worldly (and their pseudo-christian patsies) figure that the real Scriptural Christ, born-anew Christians, and bonafide Christianity have bothered, harassed, restricted, and repressed them so much...they deserve to get beat up real good and thoroughly smashed, bruised, whipped, stabbed, and bloodied on screen.

One religious moron even belligerantly blattered out that Christ did not shed enough blood for us. How many more gallons would he want? WHAT does the quantity of blood matter? NOWHERE in Scripture does it state that Pilate said to his Roman soldiers (who were ready to lash Jesus at some whipping post): "Scourge him severely, but don't kill him." There is NO way that ANY man beaten THAT seriously at a whipping post was able to walk the way to Golgatha from where he was THAT badly mangled, not to mentioned carrying a heavy cross besides.....and yet remain cognizant and conscious of his surroundings, and even give short-sentence comments. Yet some presumptuous fools might presume that Christ could take more punishment than the average man because "He was God, and God can do anything" [including jumping off a temple top, landing like a butterfly, stinging like a bee, and flying like Superman]? The Divine Word of God does NOT even insinuate that Jesus only allowed whatever done to Himself to make it look convincing.

According to Scriptural record, Jesus did ask His Heavenly Father to forgive whoever who were murdering him. And WHO were those? It certainly was conscience-striken Roman soldiers (particularly Pilate himself) merely following orders to please a jewish lynch mob for the sake of riot control. Such soldiers had heard the lies of his jewish accusers and obviously presumed (not assumed) that Jesus was the trouble-causing terrorist behind all the jewish-Maccabean-type insurrections against Rome that had occurred. The forgiven were also innocent and just-minded jews - destined to repent on Pentacost at the preaching of Peter - caught up in the misinformational mob frenzy incited by accusatory jealous disbelieving jewish religious leaders. And Judas Iscariot betrayed Christ thinking he himself could force the hand of Jesus in embarrassed temporary captivity to supernaturally fight against hated Romans who had secular-minded jews in understandable bondage.

PASSION remains a particularly-Lenten-season-appropriate evangelistic tool for Christians to boldly go out and witness for the risen and ascended, Spirit-filled Jesus, His doctrines, His power, His beauty, and His resurrection.

To some extent.

It is also an intensely-persuasive incomplete-story film potentially causing weak-minded frightened-by-severe-persecution Christians to shut up, get out of the way of vicious jewish and government antagonists, and hide....lest they suffer the same demonic-hatred hostility, insidious torture, and bizarre degradation they were appalled at when visually and audibly assaulted viewing the PASSION.

To compensate for the inadequacies of PASSION, a significantly acceptable Jesus film for both adults and even children is