School Vouchers are [promptly-delivered] monetary payments made by federal, state, county, and/or local civil governments to parents who notify such governmental authorities that those parents have their own children presently enrolled in private or parochial schools (or are PRESENTLY home schooling their posterity for Government-Tested education....instead of sending those children to public schools.

There are, obviously, understandable reasons why certain parents do NOT place THEIR OWN children in public schools but instead in parochial ones, of which a few important reasons will be mentioned.

In the last 70 years or more, and especially since 1963 and later, there has been and to a large extent continues to be a PLAINLY-OBSERVABLE continuous and blatant anti-Christian and anti-Bible bias, prejudice, suppression, restriction, criticism, antagonism, disdain, hostility, and mean-spirited hatred of and amongst a myriad number of supreme-court and lower-court judges, lawyers, social workers, "legal" groups, teacher unions, teachers, administrators, school-board members, secular anti-Christianity parents, newsprint and network-broadcast media, etc.

Indeed, this webauthor has experienced it himself against himself when he attended a public university in his home state some years ago, and since then he has heard countless instances of defamation, abuse, harassment, persecution, libel, slander, and insult against Christians and Christian influences in public education situations, from quite reliable sources.

It is expedient, as this point, to mention that the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States (along with other monumental charter documents of early-American-government history) in NO way disregards, ignores, suppresses, discredits, demeans, nor reviles not simply "religion" in public education but particularly Christian religion. Even more importantly, the God in Whom We Trust and Creator Who Has Endowed Us With Certain Inalienable Rights was and yet IS the Creator of planet Earth and everything thereon (including the entire territory of the United States), and so HisWord [The HOLY BIBLE] thus rules over all and is supreme over all educational entities and endeavors - BOTH private AND public.

Jesus did apportion what belongs to Caesar to Caesar, but - on the other hand - Caesar and his educrats belong to Almighty God through our Lord Jesus Christ [even though the proverbial Immoral Majority on the broad and easy road to destruction do not like it]!

Presently, there are NO laws (zoning or otherwise) prohibiting the establishment and continuing operation of private and parochial schools. There is some concern about Universal Standardized Testing relating to the wording of associated test questions concerning forced implications and insinuations (such as asking a loaded question like: "How many millions of years ago did dinosaurs evolve...thus forcing students tested to presume both huge periods of time in origins history and the anti-Scriptural heretical MYTH of evolution).

In hypocritically trying to hide their anti-Christian godlessness, devilish educrats try to compensate and pacify questioning, dissatisfied, and disgruntled parents by substituting in all sorts of pseudo-righteous united-way-like goody-goody-organization and aesop-fable-type philosophical diversions purportedly enhancing and bettering communities and neighborhoods.

But the bottom line of avoiding Scriptural education (which demonic educrats blasphemously MIS-call or at least INSINUATE as being "unhealthy" "indoctrination" a.k.a. "brainwashing" a.k.a. "repression") is increasing:


-- in short, VERY disfavorable places to TRY to get a safe, decent, and productive education of the basics students should be educated for and not dumbed down to a morlock-reminiscent evil-minded stupidity, arrogant insubordination, and socially-disruptive insanity.

Now, if we went back several decades in American history to a time when secular and anti-Christian educrats were less activist (against the Lord, His saints, and their holy doctrines) and simply avoided both pros and cons pertaining to "religious controversies," many Christian parents today would still NOT be satisfied with such deafening silence. Such Christian parents would, understandably, want MUCH more in-depth spiritual training and accomodating compliant environment with such for their kids -- all of which secular and worldly educrats neither have the DESIRE to give them nor the CAPACITY to give them. Hence, the NEED - yes, NEED - for parochial schools!

The PROBLEM is that Christian parents are paying TWICE for their educational expenses, by BOTH property taxes for PUBLIC schools (which schools they do NOT send their progenie to and therefore do NOT directly make use of such themselves personally, PLUS pay additional tuition for the parochial schools (they actually dosend their offsrping to and therefore make direct use of personally).

The previous statement is made with the assumption that you the reader are well aware that most every election day there is a public-school referendum or levy on the ballots to be voted on for or against, and the lobbyist educrats and their unions for public education usually succeed somehow in making sure they convince the voters that Secular Public Education Will Solve All Humanity's Problems Someday Apart From Christian Religion, thus succeed in passing the levy and imposing MORE property tax hikes onto everyone indiscriminately (especially singles, Christian parents, and seniors without children).

Those DOUBLE payments are obviously NOT FAIR!

WHAT can be DONE to correct this despicable, intolerable, and nonacceptable situation?

The solution is either that:

(1) Governments on whatever level(s) give money [without regulatory red-tape strings attached] to Christian parents for Christian-only parochial education [thus NOT to non-Christian nor anti-Christian parents], or

(2) Governments on whatever level(s) can deduct annual Property Tax requirement for Christian-only parents who fill out whatever Property Tax Reduction For Christian Parochial Education Form they can [with no further government strings attached].

You might notice that this webauthor used the word: Christian instead of: religious in the above statements. Why that was is because secular government and the immoral majority they rule generally cannot properly and adequately discriminate/discern between good and evil religion.

Some religions are genuinely cultic at best and terroristic at worst. WHY SHOULD government provide tax exemptions or reductions for The Catholic School of Maryolatry, Purgatory, and Apocrapha Heresies? Or The Muslim University of Satanic-Verse Counterfeit-Bible Qu'ran? The No-Belief-In-Hell-Torture College of Jehovah's Witnesses? The Witchcraft School of Wicca? The Jewish Jesus-as-Messiah-Rejecting School of Persecuting Christians? The Animistic Idol-Worship School of American Indians? The State-and-Immigration-Dept-allowed Florida Islamic School of Training Kamakaze Jet-Airliner Hijackers (so we can blame Saddam and Iraq for 9112001)? And there are many more.

A final point must be considered. WHO are authentic "Christian" parents? HOW is TRUE Christianity defined?

A starting point (but NOT at ALL definitive) for evaluating who are BONAFIDE Christians is a look at their police record (and I hesitate to call that a "criminal" record, which should instead be thought of as a "NON-criminal" record).

Do "Christian" parents regularly attend a Christian-denomination church if at all possible...or HOW OFTEN if not every week?

Do particular "Christian" parents have a financial record of supporting Christian groups and organizations, while NOT supporting abortionists, evolutionists, atheists, antisemitic, anti-10-Commandment pseudo-legal groups, female-human immodesty promoters and purveyers, feminist sexists, pornographers, and so forth?

Do self-proclaimed "Christian" parents have a King James, Revised Standard, American Standard, New American Standard, New King James, Wesley, Young, Green, or some other reasonable-translation Bible on their premises?

Jesus declared that "by their fruits you will know them" and so it is not possible for even government and especially saints within and of government to be completely blind and unable to adequately differentiate in determining discount amounts.