My Poems


Writing is something that I love to do. On this page, are the poems that I have written. Please e-mail me if something strikes you in your reading. Whatever that may be! I anticipate hearing from you. Thank you very much for your interest. Sincerely, Sarah Strake

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Dusk before the dark
Is an unpleasant sight
For you wish there to be light
On into the night
As you sleep in the park.

When there is morning
The world awakes
To a life full of lakes
In the park where it aches
Where it is constantly pouring.

The rain falls like death
To you who are alone
When will that end the tone
Of imaginary voices with no home
The park to you is like a heath.

A home where you groan
For another life to come
Where you sit and hum
When you let out a last moan.

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Wishful thinking brings you nowhere
But what is nowhere but not somewhere
And somewhere you will find you will be
Neither nowhere nor somewhere
But mixed in between.
Between a destiny you shall not know
To know would be a crime although
It could be a destiny to which you know
You will find happiness to go
That will always find you.

That happiness will always be complete
When you are out on the street
Searching for that someone to compete
So when you are done you will feel a cheat
For not letting him win you over.

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April 10, 1993
The stars glimmer in the mists of space
In a time without meaning and no trace
Of human conception and acute awareness
Of trivial problems and the feel of lace.

Because the true problems receive the least care
People do not deal with anything rare
And ponder what they cannot possibly conceive
As meaningful and what could be full of flare.

For what is to be alive and beautiful to each
Since everyone has an idea of this notion within reach
It is so because God made it so it would be fun to find
This moment in sleep which is as nice as a golden beach.

We dream our own dreams and enjoy this time
To find our true selves and develope a rhyme
Such as the one as is being written now
To help open those poor, narrow, boring fellow minds.

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August 5, 1994
Beautiful songs are meant to last
Weaving among the tarnished relics
Of the not so long distant past
Their names highlighted from pages of nowhere in italics.

Although these songs may not be remembered
They will be everlastingly cherished
To the hearts of those who have fatally been dismembered
And will last in ghostly tune from those who simply perished.

Songs about love, light, and dreams
May live with lilting rhythms of spring and sunshine
Grown by the warmth and heat of long reaching beams
That sometimes can spread to the night and moonshine.

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August 5, 1994
Dynamic energy and force surround him
Embrace and develop him into something real
Human in every fiber especially face and limb
Sporting effective camouflage to lure us in for the steal.

An actor by nature an actor by right
Experts note the quality of the smooth cunning
Of audiences who have no idea of the fight
That may have been won by those in films that are now running.

Free of emotion and expression could be damaging
To an amateur with no love for art
They think their talent requires managing
Which will soon prove that they are right for no part.

Troublesome, dangerous, and even murderous
May be explained away with enough sorrow and regret
Which acquires in return sympathy which is later ponderous
To the fool that no one has even met.

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August 7, 1994
Scenery bursting with hidden meanings
That have to deal with a mixture of pleasure and pains
Pleasure at what you behold before you with many greetings
And pain because it will not last and only leaves stains.

The stains of memory are neither with nor without purpose
They leave you yearning for a time that will never come again
That is why life and the moment are so important
And people have poor souls when they take them for granted.

The Alps, the Rocky Mountains, and the ocean
All represent treasures of beauty that leaves you breathless
To believe that this is impossible is an unnatural notion
And to want to put it for keeps in a bottle is absolutely

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August 7, 1994
Pumpkins, ghosts, children, costumes, and candy
Make for an exciting event that should be full of cheer
Smiles and fun are all just dandy
But some adults enjoy provoking a child to fear
This adds to the prevalent feeling of the true meaning of night.

A place in time where anything could happen and the stars shine
It may mean that there is no sun present but doesn't it seem to mean much more?
Mysterious night full of killers and people who cross over the line
To the evil side of humanity where the bad shows through to the very core
Of the part of the soul in the few people who have no goodness within them and have no light.

The night is for good people a place to imagine and dream
A roughly twelve hour period for new adventures and fun
Where there is a possibility to see a comet, a planet, an UFO or even something as simple as a moonbeam
Shadows can trigger terror and lead to praying for this blackness to be done
But in the end it was thrilling, exhillerating, and definitely worth the fight.

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August 27, 1994
Sleeping peacefully they go through the night
Undisturbed by lights, voices, and closing doors
Peeping through a crack you can hear their breathing
Lying every which way until first day's light.

They bring incredible joy that spreads along every pore
But as long as they feel secure and comfortably right
These beautiful babes in the cradle of love and might,
Leave the conclusion that caring for them is not a chore.

This can be seen as a moment in time which brings much delight,
To the witnesses of this scene of innocent and pure keeping
Of the souls of children in the throes of ignorant bliss
It is imaginable that they will always be so safe and loved at night.

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September 1, 1994
People run here and people run there
Nothing ever stops the chain of a day or the creating of new ideas
The process is terrifying to a creator of language
Because who knows when the next best seller will hit the presses.

Who knows when an idea will spread across the board
From San Francisco to New York and back again
In telepathic waves that will influence the whole of society
Round and round, it goes until nothing is original.

The wise creator will be discouraged
By nothing more than the slow process of making
The idea come to life in just the way it was meant to
But also realizing that somewhere someone else is doing the same thing.

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September 1, 1994
Small little cubby halls,
People kept in shelves
Noting that they have freedom,
But thinking nothing else.
Feeling trapped in a tiny space
Not knowing that they are lucky
To be dry and comfortable inside
While others are cold and uncomfortable outside.

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September 1, 1994
The tall grass feels cold to the feet
The wind washes over and cools the body as well,
Free, feeling free to run and jump and hop and skip
Over pastures, rivers, oceans, and forests,
Up, up, up, way high up in the sky.

Fragrances from flowers that perfume the air
Glowing from within their orange and yellow petals
So bright that you could see them at night
Shining on and on every year til the end of time.

The sky so blue and rosy at daytime's end
That you could cry over another day gone by
But just knowing about the grass, the flowers and the sky
Brings you closer to the truth within.

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