Stuff Stuff Stuff!!  A Jackpot of Stuff!!!
Congradulations!!!!  You have hit the jackpot of unknown pics!!!  These are dozens of pics we have drawn for the mere sake of drawing.  Some will be other chars in our anime, some will be completely knew animes after our first makes us famous!!  Hehehe, I know, in my dreams.  State of Dreaming and all that.  >^^< anyways, drawing is Jen Jen's and my passion, and so this is what we do.  Once again please don't take any pics without asking.  Just click on the pic for a larger view!
Adornee, Evil Drow Elf
Eh heh heh heh... yes, as you can see that 'dozen' of pics I promised you aren't up yet.  Well, they will be shortly!!  Gomen but I've been really busy!!! 
Be sure to stop by again, and drop me an email if ya want!

In Hopes of Making our own Anime




Double Edged Sythe