Steel City Bassmasters
Black Bass Identification Page

Realizing how dificult it can be sometimes to distinguish the differrence in the "Black Bass" species, we offer these examples to help the angler determine just exactly what species he may be holding on his line or in the live well.
With the variations on length limits with the "type" of bass you hold, it could possibly mean the difference between a great outing or a fine that could spoil your whole trip.

Large Mouth
Micropterus salmoides

Characteristics - body green-shaded with a broad, continuous dark stripe
along each side; belly white to yellowish; dorsal fin almost completely
separated between spiny and soft portion and lower jaw extends past the
gold-colored eye; commonly reach lengths up to 16 inches by three years
of age.

Small Mouth
Micropterus dolomieui

Characteristics - golden green sides and back with faint, wavy olive
blotches along the sides, 5 olive-green bars radiate back from the red eye
and 1 radiates forward; spiny and soft portions of dorsal fin broadly
connected; fish over 3-4 pounds are trophy-sized..

Spotted Bass
Micropterus Puncucatus

Sometimes called the "Kentucky Bass"
Characteristics - slender, streamlined shape, large mouth that extends slightly
past rear margin of eye when closed; greenish sides with dark mottlings and
golden-shaded reflections; broad dark stripe along side, but more broken and
uneven than on largemouth bass