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1984 Citroen GSA Pallas

With the CX gone, a new job in a place with no public transport, and no money, I needed a cheap runabout. When this came up on the GSA-L yahoogroup for £120, I had to have it. Yes it's a shed, but it should get me to work for a bit.

No problems whatever on the drive home, but it will need new front spheres imminently and the exhaust blows.

Got those new front spheres, for a princely £84.60 at Lewisham Motors.

Christmas Day 2004
I swear I didn't set this photo up. It was dark when we arrived in Bristol and I just parked up in the only available space. How I laughed when I went out in the morning though!

In fact, she was great on that trip. And I made record time on the way home - Bristol to Bromley in just under three hours. I think I was the only person awake at that time on Boxing Day morning!

SOLD to Chris Salter for a tenner. This was possible the sheddiest GSA in the world, but it did everything I expected of it, and then some. Despite the hideous misfire, blowing exhaust, terminal rust and totally knackered tyres, it never, ever let me down. I did only buy it as a stopgap car, so this is no complaint. Still looking for that perfect GS estate...

All content copyright (c) 1998-2005 Stuart Hedges
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