Questions to Lady Lost Part Thirteen
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Questions to Lady Lost Part Thirteen:
Off the cuff answers. In addition, for those many readers who wonder where the missing question #'s are; they're in the Trilogy Series plus much more! Order
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1)What are the poems, "Daydreaming," and, "Silent Reflections," about? A basic answer would be to say they're both about adult romantic issues. Perhaps different areas of these romantic issues and perhaps interrelated areas, but this is the main topic within them.
2) Could you clarify for this site's readers why you preface the word, "Romantic," with the word, "Adult," in your answer? Sure. Any normal person would see the word, "romance," or, "romantic," and naturally conclude I was talking about a relationship and that this relationship being described was an adult relationship. However, I've currently got a major problem with a certain sicko icko here! And this sicko icko has decided that this website is one of his latest stalking grounds. As far as I know, at least, this is still the case. In making this site one of his new and exciting stalking grounds he is likely up to the same-old, same-old lame brain activity of seeking more stuff to twist up and redefine in the most warped manner possible for his own demented purpose, his sole purpose in life for that matter.  Now this sicko icko isn't sane enough to see romance as a purely adult issue, or much else as a purely adult issue. Whenever the vaguest opportunity arises or remains for him to see it in his own perverted and deranged light he leaps for it with everything he's got (because he doesn't have anything else)!LOL! So I believe that it's becoming necessary to preface the obvious whenever I think of it. Heck, he's probably getting all high over the typos on this site in his perpetual state of oblivion to the most obvious realities: such as some people don't live their whole lives hyper-compulsing about some typos on an innocent reality based website, some people have a life beyond this nonsense, some people have things on their mind that are much more important than him and this stalking subject! Etc.Etc.Etc.
3) Have you had any other difficulties with the alleged perpetrator since the last severe incident? Definite occurrences no, overwhelmingly suspicious
incidents yes.
4) What do you believe the ultimate remedy, the realistic remedy, would be for this situation in regards to the alleged perpetrator? I know that this isn't a very nice or professional thing to say, but I still just personally hope he commits SOLO (capitalize that solo part) suicide! Since I'm sure he hasn't done the world a HUGE favor and done away with himself solo style, I hope he's hit the darkest most horrible haunted bottom state possible! I hope he is haunted by the things he's done and frequented by the phantoms of his evil worthlessness. I would venture to repeat, that this isn't a nice thing to say, but after these years of being stalked and victimized by this alleged perpetrator I have no empathy for him whatsoever! After the ruins he's created, and by all appearances enjoyed creating, in my live, other's lives and the live's of the voiceless innocents and utterly helpless I believe this one man creep show from beyond Hell deserves to suffer for what he's done. My loathing is so thorough, in fact, that I'd wish him to commit SOLO suicide at my place, so that I know immediately and with absolute certainty that it's finally over with. This way I can immediately call the other victims, those that can speak and comprehend spoken words, that it's over and they can rest from that night forward knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that he won't be back to stir up more damages! I just want him GONE. And he's spent the past two years proving to me that he won't ever stop, he won't get help for himself, he won't admit what he's doing even to the victims, and his family will not COT him. So there is no other solution that I can see! I wish there was but there isn't. And like I said before, I no longer have even one ounce of empathy for him as I did earlier this year. It is especially repulsive to me that he denies stalking, as he did in the E-mails to you, when others have seen him stalk. He's too loony to realize that binoculars work two ways and he's not the only one with a pair of these handy little gadgets! Also his drive by activities, and all that parking in front of the co-victim's place acting all suspicious, and that following of the co-victim and his wife when I was no where around them, in broad daylight, etc. etc. etc. He simply NEEDS to GO! Of coarse, I'd be willing to bet a million dollars, if I had it, that he's too much of a fruit loop wimp to do us all a favor and kill himself SOLO style. To do something like this would take a moment of clarity on his part and that will never happen. Clarity is not part of his mode of operations.
   "The Writing's Warning"

My writings --
Are my accounts,
Of what's happened!
If you don't like it!
My written words --
Are reality and fiction,
Complexity and simplicity,
Literal and figurative,
Concrete and metaphorical,
Truth and personification,
It is rated --
Both PG and R!
In vacillations!
If you don't like it --
Do not read it!
If it gives you strange --
Destructive urges,
Stop reading NOW and --
Seek help immediately!
If it makes you want --
To do harmful things,
To yourself or others,
See a qualified professional --
Utilize a crisis line!
Call a good therapist!
Contact a hospital --
Tell them what you feel!
Do NOT harm anyone!
Things are harmful --
If they would upset,
The victim, victim's friends,
Victim's family or neighbors!
Things are harmful --
If they hurt or disrupt,
Terrorize or coerce!

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions
5) Do you believe the alleged perpetrator has stalked someone before? Absolutely, I do. Perhaps not to the extent of what he's been up to for the past years, but I believe he's done this before. Moreover, I believe he'll stalk again if he's not stopped and as I said in question number four, he basically has to stop himself!
6) As we are feeling the need to clarify meaning within this site, as much as it is reasonably possible, can you tell us whether or not you have plans to rid yourself of the alleged perpetrator (I do know this answer of coarse and I bring it before Lady Lost for clarity purposes only)? No. I don't have the ability, the desire, nor do I know anyone who does. One might wonder why I don't have the desire, so I ought to explain that one. It's basically a matter of the following: 1) I don't have time. 2)I don't have a criminal record or any skills or training or previous experience that would help me get rid of him. 3) I refuse to lower myself to his reeking low-life level. 4) I want a future for myself that doesn’t allow for any obsession with or behaviors of hunting this Tick Man Thing down no matter what. 5) I have responsibilities in life that demand I don't get into that kind of trouble! 6) I doubt I could do such a thing in cold blood and I'm not the kind of person who stays boiling angry for very long. I'm more likely to seek other outlets for my feelings, like writing, talking to a friend, or comedy related pursuits.
7) Within the context of at least one communication with you the alleged perpetrator claimed that you knew he would never harm you or any other person or living thing. How do you feel about this statement which he made? There was a time when I would have said it, this statement on his part, shocked me! It was too crazy to be anything other than shocking. However, as the years have ebbed by my reaction has changed. Now I'd say that this claim made by him was simply retarded and it was additional evidence of exactly how delusional he is! It's absurd. I mean, he threatens to ruin my life two years ago, as is described in the poem, "Enumeration's," and then he proceeds to stalk me and others all the while calling it an investigations. In the meanwhile, he violates my life, other's lives, harasses various people, does some other things I'd rather not get into here because I don't want to give any other sickos any bright ideas, etc. etc. etc. It's never ending and then he turns around and says I know he would never hurt anyone -- like I know he's such a great and dependable guy. He's WACKA DOODLE DOO! He's insane! Either this or he's insane plus he thinks I'm severely mentally retarded. His behaviors have utterly screamed to everyone involved that he's totally capable of hurting others as long as he thinks he can get away with it. Moreover, I knew this sicko for only four months and then I became his victim. Obviously I'm going to view him as a physical threat plus every other kind of threat. Behaviors speak louder than words. If I didn't view him as a threat for anything predictable and unpredictable in the realm of the potentially dangerous and damaging everything would have been very different from the get go!

Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.

** It must be noted that Lady Lost has been plagued by this individual referred to in many terms within these webpages for an extended time period of years. Therefore, Lady Lost has evolved in her expressive realm over time. The falsely apparent appearance of fearlessness on the part of Lady Lost should be viewed as the reality, which occurs when a victim passes the phase of helpless terror and enters into the next phase, which is oftentimes anger at the continuation of the perpetrator's behaviors.  The social system within Lady Lost's domain has been entirely ineffective at the task of capturing and prosecuting this predatory individual, known in some works as the Flesh Eating Bacteria." This reality is placing Lady Lost in a hideous circumstance of terror turned to anger and anger remains a useless helpless emotional state within the current situation.  Similar to all other emotions, anger is processed through creative writing experiences.
"A Journey To The Stalker's- Mart"

Yep, I think I'll stop off at the Stalk and the Box and pick up a stalker's special misery meal, just a few fries short of a happy meal and a Jack-a-lot and off ice cream with Heckler spinkles on top and a stalkers large coke, which is a fluidless cup filled with dry sand! Yummy! Then I'll go one over to the Stalker's-Mart and pick up the, "How to Accuse Victims of Fictitious Crimes and do it With a Flourish," handbook for only $10,000 and a horse of his choosing. After which I plan to go to the Stalker's-Mall and pay a fee of only $40,000 to get in an visit the Stalker's Book Outlets where I can submit all my poetry into the, "Stalker's Library of Warped Defamation and Redefinition's of Previously Correctly Defined Works," because it sounds so GREAT to have my poetry altered by the sickest mind(s) on earth! If it looks good at the moment I can go into the, "Victim's Defiance Store" too, where I can get taxed an additional $250,000 or more for refusing to be coerced orrrrr blackmailed! Then, I'll drop in the, "Stalk and Shock," gift shop so I can purchase a box of stalker's broken record gift cards to harass all my friends with just to prove a point -- The more mentally retarded and way out there in the Twilight Zone the claims of a stalker are the more right on target they must be! "Run evil Forest (Gump) rrrrrrrrrrun!" After this, I'll take a tour of the, "Stalking Large Shop," where I too can learn how to live in delusions of fanatical grandeur! There's even an, "I'm Not A Stalker But I Am A PI And The Center Of The World Paranoia Shop!" This is the most sizzling spot in town to contract delusions of persecution, even upcoming assassination contacts through Internet websites, by your generally helpless victims and law enforcement agencies alike! Why shouldn't the whole world rotate around the stalker, isn't HE the most important thing going! LOL! Directly next door to this store the," I'm So Innocent Even Though Everyone and Their Dog Has Seen Me Stalking Shop" -- this is where stalkers can learn to deny, deny, deny and victims can watch them do it! And best of all is the "Stalker's Survivalist Corner!" This is the hottest spot in the, "Stalker's-Mall, "everyone! This is where any average person can purchase supplies and manuals on how to waste your entire life running perpetual surveillance and investigations on your victim all year around, out doors and in doors in terrible weather and in fair weather! Who wants to join me! Come on, it only costs $10,000 and a horse of his choosing and $40,000 and sometimes $250,000 or more and he'll work with you because the stalker is only doing this for your own good everyone! LOL!

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.

** It must be noted that Lady Lost has been plagued by this individual referred to in many terms within these webpages for an extended time period of years. Therefore, Lady Lost has evolved in her expressive realm over time. The falsely apparent appearance of fearlessness on the part of Lady Lost should be viewed as the reality, which occurs when a victim passes the phase of helpless terror and enters into the next phase, which is oftentimes anger at the continuation of the perpetrator's behaviors.  The social system within Lady Lost's domain has been entirely ineffective at the task of capturing and prosecuting this predatory individual, known in some works as the Flesh Eating Bacteria." This reality is placing Lady Lost in a hideous circumstance of terror turned to anger and anger remains a useless helpless emotional state within the current situation.  Similar to all other emotions, anger is processed through creative writing experiences.
My Favorite Links:
Cyris' Website. Anti-Stalking.Comedy. Rated R.
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Questions to Lady Lost Part Thirteen + Additional Material Repeated!
Name: Agent of the author: Gunther S. Vanludwick
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