Questions to Lady Lost Part Fourteen
Questions to Lady Lost Part Fourteen:
(Off the cuff answers. Dated October, 20-25, 2002)
1) Do any of the experts involved in this situation concerning the alleged perpetrator (labeled as, "alleged," due to legal liability precautions) have any significant opinions regarding his actions or motivations? Yes they do. Their opinions vary based on their education and field based backgrounds. They all agree about a number of items, such as the following: 1)he's crazy, 2) he's delusional, 3) he's from an extremely dysfunctional or abusive childhood background (in other words he's the absolute pot calling the kettle black except he's of the gender most likely to commit violent crimes accords to the statistical data which indicates something like 80.something % of violent offenders are male verses 14.something % violent offenders are female), 4) he's ultimately a dangerous coward, 5) he won't stop until he completes his activity to his satisfaction, transfers to another female victim, kills himself, gets killed in self-defense, or gets locked up on a long-term bases. Some of them states that he likely had certain buttons that I don't care to push at this time!
2)Do you believe this website may be pressing some of his buttons? Perhaps but I don't care! I refuse to alter my life any longer because of his sick activities. I refuse to be muzzled!
3)According to Cyris, there has been contact from an unknown person who claims to have received letters from the alleged perpetrator (labeled as, "alleged," for legal liability precautions). How do you feel about this? I'm not at all surprised. He'll spew his garbage out to anyone who may listen. In my opinion, anyone who contacts this perpetrator, this legal liability label of alleged perpetrator, is at risk of becoming another co-victim.
4)What do you think of the Cyris Joke pages? They're ok. I'm glad he toned them down from the original proposition though!
5)Do you believe the alleged perpetrator could be in prison at this time due to the last major incident, the attempted shooting, at the co-victim's farm earlier in this month? There is that remote possibility as it's been rather quiet and peaceful recently. Yet it remains merely a remote possibility due to the past history of totally ineffective legal intervention in this case. Ineffective legal intervention, meaning basically nearly no legal intervention. Still it's been quiet out here. We haven't seen hide nor hair of him, we haven't sensed anything in the bushes -- so to speak. I suppose I could try to check and find out of he's locked up but I'm running short on time, I'm far from an expert at researching these things, and even if he is locked up we likely won't be notified of his release date. So, we would continue living in a state of red alert. Not knowing when he'll be released, if he is indeed locked up, means not knowing when the peaceful vacation ends.
6)What can you tell the readers about the poems, "Potty Visions," and "Stalkelstilskin," as well as the Stalkadillo series? Well, these are primarily comedy relief avenues. They are works that have been inspired by fear turning into anger and the stress of the situation turning into a sardonic type of comedy. I chose to throw in some skewed or altered childhood characters, in a sense, because of the perpetrator's (labeled as alleged perpetrator, due to legal precautions) obsessions with children and children's issues, his very inability to separate children's issues from adult issues. In a sense the qualities in these works are a mirror reflection of the alleged perpetrator's own fixation combined with some of his behaviors as seen though the eyes of the poet, or myself. "Baby Stalker," is in the same realm. 

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**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
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Questions to Lady Lost Part Fourteen
Name: Gunther S. Vanludwick