The Stalker Ridicule and Examination Page
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"Stalker Ridicule Page"

Welcome to the stalker ridicule page! Find the treasure then the pleasure of the intellectual shredder!Flushing those rotten little Stalkadillos right down the Louvre (which I can't spell and it's truly not worth looking up) -- the Louvre, not a river but a museum. Well, some of us know the meaning, the primary source, of this famous word in tides of snide-ness. LOL! We take out helpings of snide-ness wherever we can abide by our right for such lovely snide-ness. He's a stalker, he's a chicken, he's a chicken bone stuck in a cockroach's throat. Some Stalkadillos NEVER do learn a single valuable thing -- They have warped theories stacked on top of more warped theories stacked on top of heaps of Stalkadillo brain manure. Stalkadillos do inspire manure thoughts, especially when they themselves fixate on manure in their many repetitive speeches of absurdity and vindictiveness cloaked in thick layers of false advocacy and other vacuously vacant stalker style gluttonous glitz. How many synonyms are there for the word, "stalker?" My immediate current favorite is Village Idiot! However, I have lots of seconds tying in for second place in the heat of the happy, miserable, numb race. Why do those Stalkadillos stalk? Too many reasons. Too many reasons. None of them useful, worthwhile or productive except for the ultimately destructive end. Most stalkers stalk because they WANT and they believe they can GET by stalking. It could come down to the antiquated yet spry, "If I can't have her no one else will either!" Or it could revolve through the endless seamless revolving door of, "If I stalk her until she loses everything and everyone and I'm all that remains, she'll have to accept me!" Nonsense of the sort. Or it could be the utter simplicity of, "She rejected me so now she's going to pay and pay and pay…….." Or it could be the comparable complexity of an ego defense of sick sorts -- the old, "She dumped me and I KNOW I'm Mr. Great, so there's something terribly wrong with her and I'm going to spend the rest of my life proving it to the world!" Why? Because he simply can't accept that there's something horribly wrong with him that so drove her away! It's fun, dripping with sharp spades of sardonic sarcasm, to crawl into the mind of a stalker. Everything is a riddle to stalkers as stalkers are balefully baffled; confused they are over reality. They're immature, dysfunctional, dangerous yet ever so cowardly. They exist in an ego defense fantasy world. They bide their time and they're time stretches into the whimsical yawn of a lifetime. They have no life; they WANT a life, they can have NO life, because they are deranged, fixated, obsessed, controlling, coercive, etc.etc.etc. They deceive others with their charisma and they deceive themselves with their boundless ego defenses. They drift in tides; they drift in tides of their own maniacal minds. They're forever, projecting, projecting, projecting their very own aggressive insanity(s) onto others. They project every potential dripping toxin of their stalking darkness onto others. Stalkers blame the most innocent, their victims, for what they do in their stalking. They can't move on. They can't process their pain or desires as others do. They can't stop their cycles of perpetration -- anti-social personality disorder, sociopaths, psychopaths or characteristics of the like…. Stalkers are the Everready bunnies of misery. They vacillate in their emotion, vacillate in their tactics, and flip from sugar sweet to guarded surface generosity to low-impulse control. They wobble from cowardice to homicidal thoughts or intent and back to cowardice. The underlying being of the stalker is always a coward. The question is always whether the coward is overtly aggressive or covertly destructive at the time. Stalkers swagger as fools through stalking travesties and stalking pursuits and stalking proclamations of their core-being as anything other than a stalker, as all the while they are stalking. They label their stalking many different things -- investigations, welfare checking, protections, love's dedications, etc. etc., etc. If there's a name for denial they will think of it! Some say stalking is a form of Domestic Violence and I must confess to agree with this categorization. Another same-old same-old different-form of the proverbial same-old abusive pattern. Restraining Orders and Court Orders of Protection do NOT stop stalkers, but they may drive the stalker underground. Ah, the underground, where the victim receives a whole year's worth of covert abuse from the little cowardly hazardous damaging Stalkadillo. Stalkers plot their stalking activities with the great care most others reserve for the preparation of a first born child's birth. Another difference between us and the stalker(s) is that our gestation only lasts for nine-months, while the stalker's could last for an entire life-span. Stalkers transfer to others as a contagious disease spreads and stalkers investigate every singular miniscule insignificance of their victim's life --- Including but not limited to the daily contents of their victim's garbage can….. Despite the every growing number of stalking victims there is nearly no free-public support for these victims and even less interventions designed to effectively investigate, track and halt the stalkers. The victims die and the stalkers dine on the victim's demise. When it's over the stalker reverts back to his lone life or eventually he may latch onto another victim. The cycle begins again and again and again.

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this poem is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
"Reference Information Page:"

Below are some valuable USA referral numbers & information sources for families, children and individuals in crisis: If any of these numbers should undergo change in the near future and you require crisis services please dial information in your state location and ask for Information and Referral. Information and Referral should be capable of assisting you in your search for necessary services within the USA.
False accusations of Munchausens by proxy:

1) M.A.M.A. (Mothers Against Munchausers by Proxy Accusations) Located on the Internet by searching for, "mothers against munchausens by proxy accusations." Sources of aid are extremely expensive; however, some support is offered by individuals involved.
Youth Help Lines:

2) Kidspeace Children's Crisis Line:
3) Children's Crisis Line:
4) Girls and Boys Town Hotline:
Mental Health Help:

5) St. Luke's Behavioral Health (Mental Health Care and Crisis):
6) Value Options Crisis Network (Mental Health Care and Crisis):
Domestic Violence:

7) Coalition Against Domestic Violence:
8) National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1-800-799-7233 (Open 24 hours)
9) Contacs (homeless, domestic violence victims):
1-800-799-7739 (24 hours)
Child Abuse Issues:

10) Child Protective Services:
or 1-888-767-2445.
Support and Education for Parents in Crisis:

11) Parents Anonymous Family Lifeline:
"Hope when parenting gets tough"
Further Information:

11)Information and Referral: 1-800-352-3792
`12) Tenant Lines:
12) Information and Referral:
1-800-564-5465 (24 hours)
Elder Abuse:

14) Adult Protective Services:
Special Children Resources:

15) Raising Special Kids (Serves Parents of Disabled Children):
HUD Issues:

16) HUD National Hotline:
Food Sources:

17) Food Banks Information Center (AZ):
18) WIC (Women, infants and children)
19) American Red Cross:
Easter Seal Society:

20) Easter Seal Society:
Additional Children's Services:

21) Intervention Program Children's Information Center:
1-888-439-5609 (children 3 and under at risk for developmental delays)
22) Epilepsy Foundation:
23) Kids Care (AZ):
877-764-5437 (kids without medical insurance).
Pregnancy and Nursing Information:
24) Pregnancy and Breast-feeding Hotline:
Sexual Abuse Issues:

25) Sexual Abuse CASA:
Teen Crisis Issues:

26) Teen Crisis Line Nat'l Christian Crisis Line:
27) Teen Lifeline:
28) Ala Teen and preteen (children of substance addicted parents):
Pregnancy Issues:

29) U of A Pregnancy Risk Line :

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The Stalker Ridicule and Examination Page
Name: Agent of the Author: Gunther S. Vanludwick
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