Stalkadillo Suicide
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"Stalkadillo Suicide"
(Extreme Freestyle Unedited)

Come on now; just let me wake up one fine morning to the stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my back porch! SOON! S-O-O-N! All I want to see in my whole life is ONE stinky bloated Stalkadillo body POST-SOLO-SUICIDE on my very own back porch complete with HIS SUICIDE NOTE. I believe this would make my decade! I dare him, no I double dare him to DO IT ALREADY -- To be a man and do the world a favor! One brief fleeting moment of morning SOLO-SUICIDE CLARITY OF MANHOOD just doesn't seem like too much to ask for after two years of suffering through HIS insufferable stalking of the helpless, the hapless, the innocents, the voiceless, the four legged fury blameless, the human co-victims, my son, myself and others who have been harassed! It seems to be a self-imposed execution via solo-Stalkadillo-suicide of righteousness. It's the only way for him to go! The only way which bespeaks of a shred of human decency within his deranged soul. The only way in which HE could BEGIN TO JUSTLY repay HIS MANY VICTIMS -- all victimized for two long years now. The only way HE could demonstrate his dawning of vision of reality in night vision when such clarity oftentimes arrives in tides. Indeed it would be ever so sweet to wake up one fine morning SOON and find the SOLO-STINKING-BLOATED-BODY OF THAT STALKADILLO POST-SUICIDE on my back porch. Complete with HIS suicide note! SOON! S-O-O-N! I would suggest he use the gun a Stalkadillo PERFECTLY (and I mean, P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y) MATCHING HIS PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION USED to shoot at my friend, one of the co-victims in the year 2001. Or perhaps he could use the Neff 32 Caliber pistol that was stolen from my house shortly before the attempted homicide of the co-victim in the year 2001. Yes, this way I could get my pistol back too! Perhaps he could be extra generous and bring with him a backpack stuffed full of all the non-consumables that have mysteriously vanished from both my home and the co-victims home over the past two years too -- hint, hint! I really wouldn't mind the BOOM of my long lost stolen neff 35 caliber pistol in the Stalkadillo's SOLO-SUICIDE of righteousness waking me up late one night! I promise I stir a notch or pop outside to investigate. It could be like Christmas when I was five and my father tripped over the Christmas tree lights -- I'll wait until morning before I tip toe out and view the Stalkadillo's lovely demise! My friends all proclaim he'll NEVER do it, he'd never dare. They say his kind never does because they suffer from such delusions or grandeur and such megalomania. They say the survival instinct of the perpetrator is more powerful than anything else on earth, but I can still hope and note this down this wish in earnest on my Christmas list. Items 1-101:
1) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
2) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
3) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
4) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
5) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
6) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
7) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
8) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
9) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
10) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
11) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
12) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
13) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
14) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
15) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
16) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
17) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
18) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
19) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
20) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
21) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
22) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
23) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
24) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
25) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
26) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
27) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
28) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
29) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
30) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
31) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
32) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
33) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
34) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
35) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
36) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
37) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
38) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
39) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
40) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
41) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
42) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
43) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
44) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
45) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
46) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
47) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
48) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
49) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
50) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
51) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
52) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
53) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
54) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
55) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
56) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
57) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
58) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
59) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
60) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
61) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
62) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
63) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
64) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
65) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
66) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
67) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
68) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
69) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
70) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
71) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
72) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
73) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
74) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
75) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
76) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
77) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
78) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
79) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
80) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
81) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
82) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
83) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
84) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
85) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
86) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
87) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
88) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
89) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
90) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
91) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
92) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
93) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
94) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
95) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
96) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
97) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
98) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
99) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
100) The solo-post-suicide bloody stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my very own back porch SOON complete with HIS suicide note and his backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him; no I double dare him to do it soon!
101) backpack full of all the goodies that have vanished from our homes! I dare him, no I double dare him to do it soon!
Come on now, just let me wake up one fine morning to the stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my back porch! SOON! S-O-O-N! All I want to see in my whole life is ONE stinky bloated Stalkadillo body POST-SOLO-SUICIDE on my very own back porch complete with HIS SUICIDE NOTE. I believe this would make my decade! I dare him, no I double dare him to DO IT ALREADY -- To be a man and do the world a favor! One brief fleeting moment of morning SOLO-SUICIDE CLARITY OF MANHOOD just doesn't seem like too much to ask for after two years of suffering through HIS insufferable stalking of the helpless, the hapless, the innocents, the voiceless, the four legged fury blameless, the human co-victims, my son, myself and others who have been harassed! It seems to be a self-imposed execution via solo-Stalkadillo-suicide of righteousness. It's the only way for him to go! The only way which bespeaks of a shred of human decency within his deranged soul. The only way in which HE could BEGIN TO JUSTLY repay HIS MANY VICTIMS -- all victimized for two long years now. The only way HE could demonstrate his dawning of vision of reality in night vision when such clarity oftentimes arrives in tides. Indeed it would be ever so sweet to wake up one fine morning SOON and find the SOLO-STINKING-BLOATED-BODY OF THAT STALKADILLO POST-SUICIDE on my back porch. Complete with HIS suicide note! SOON! S-O-O-N! I would suggest he use the gun a Stalkadillo PERFECTLY (and I mean, P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y) MATCHING HIS PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION USED to shoot at my friend, one of the co-victims in the year 2001. Or perhaps he could use the Neff 32 Caliber pistol that was stolen from my house shortly before the attempted homicide of the co-victim in the year 2001. Yes, this way I could get my pistol back too! Perhaps he could be extra generous and bring with him a backpack stuffed full of all the non-consumables that have mysteriously vanished from both my home and the co-victims home over the past two years too -- hint, hint! I really wouldn't mind the BOOM of my long lost stolen neff 35 caliber pistol in the Stalkadillo's SOLO-SUICIDE of righteousness waking me up late one night! I promise I stir a notch or pop outside to investigate. It could be like Christmas when I was five and my father tripped over the Christmas tree lights -- I'll wait until morning before I tip toe out and view the Stalkadillo's lovely demise! My friends all proclaim he'll NEVER do it, he'd never dare. They say his kind never does because they suffer from such delusions or grandeur and such megalomania. They say the survival instinct of the perpetrator is more powerful than anything else on earth, but I can still hope and note this down this wish in earnest. Stalkers are such worthless vicious creatures one must look at all the victims and co-victims that have been wrecked by their Stalkadillo jolly's rise… Look at the lives of the numerous innocents that have been devastated by Stalkadillos -- devastated physically, medically, emotionally, and financially. Stalkadillos are irreparably flawed perpetrators of disgusting proportions who dine on their onslaughts in maniacal tides of victims' losses and damages and demise without the decency of remorse for those many victims' and co-victims' and innocents their stalking plows over and flings by the wayside in their single-minded megalomania driven delusion drenched stalking pursuits and projections trajectories. Stalkadillo's simply become titillated, stimulated, exhilarated, delighted, satisfied off of victims' and co-victims' miseries. Stalkadillos call it many things. Stalkadillos call it many things -- they call it investigations and pursuits or devotions and just causes but it ALWAYS boils down to the filthy nitty gritty of abusive stalking behaviors bathed in Stalkadillo pusillanimity over Stalkadillo jolly's and beyond this the Stalkadillo's lone pursuit of creating victims' horror soaked sickness sodden tribulations. Stalkadillos think they're SPECIAL because they can cause harm. Stalkadillos believe they're spectacular onslaughts stand out as the maxim to be proud of. Stalkadillos don't realize, they fail to see, that their defilement is simply another same-old same-old in cruelty's bullying effort to break the bough, to shatter the bough and fell the cradle which upholds the innocents downward into the great abiss of hideousness and nothingness. Nothing more and nothing less. Stalkadillos are the base definition of sniveling poltroonery Stalkadillos revel in delusions of grandiosity over this ability to shake the frail frail tendrils of stability in the lives of those who have so little stability. In the Stalkadillo's unwarranted megalomaniac cowardice they believe this feat is noteworthy and great when in reality it is NOTHING more than the bottom belly slithering bile spitting nefarious finale of a dysfunctional stupidly drooling spud oozing vomit frothing mooncalf -- a Village Idiot with not enough sense for clarity's vision. A Village Idiot who can derive no pleasure other than the afflicted pleasure of victimizing the most helpless victims, the most innocent victims he can find to fulfill his vendetta's flurry. All the while, all the while spinning HIS spools of Stalkadillo lies and projections and Stalkadillos mad chases of actualized slander and control and coercion of the innocent victims… Stalkadillos are a waste of resources. Stalkadillos are a waste of skin. Stalkadillos are a waste of form in the form of garbage sifting vermin. Stalkadillos seek as only the sickest fools do to receive positive rewards out of negative methods and negative behaviors. The slide within insanity's definition scale of, "If it fails the first time and the results are punishing keep doing the exact same thing over and over and over again in the very belief that eventually it will reap the results they wish for." Therefore, Stalkadillos stalk and stalk and stalk and plug away at slightly varied forms of similar terrors believing the victim will fold and reward them for their negative modes of gaining what they want. Come on now; just let me wake up one fine morning to the stinky bloated body of my Stalkadillo on my back porch! SOON! S-O-O-N! All I want to see in my whole life is ONE stinky bloated Stalkadillo body POST-SOLO-SUICIDE on my very own back porch complete with HIS SUICIDE NOTE. I believe this would make my decade! I dare him, no I double dare him to DO IT ALREADY -- To be a man and do the world a favor! One brief fleeting moment of morning SOLO-SUICIDE CLARITY OF MANHOOD just doesn't seem like too much to ask for after two years of suffering through HIS insufferable stalking of the helpless, the hapless, the innocents, the voiceless, the four legged fury blameless, the human co-victims, my son, myself and others who have been harassed! It seems to be a self-imposed execution via solo-Stalkadillo-suicide of righteousness. It's the only way for him to go! The only way which bespeaks of a shred of human decency within his deranged soul. The only way in which HE could BEGIN TO JUSTLY repay HIS MANY VICTIMS -- all victimized for two long years now. The only way HE could demonstrate his dawning of vision of reality in night vision when such clarity oftentimes arrives in tides. Indeed it would be ever so sweet to wake up one fine morning SOON and find the SOLO-STINKING-BLOATED-BODY OF THAT STALKADILLO POST-SUICIDE on my back porch. Complete with HIS suicide note! SOON! S-O-O-N! I would suggest he use the gun a Stalkadillo PERFECTLY (and I mean, P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y) MATCHING HIS PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION USED to shoot at my friend, one of the co-victims in the year 2001. Or perhaps he could use the Neff 32 Caliber pistol that was stolen from my house shortly before the attempted homicide of the co-victim in the year 2001. Yes, this way I could get my pistol back too! Perhaps he could be extra generous and bring with him a backpack stuffed full of all the non-consumables that have mysteriously vanished from both my home and the co-victims home over the past two years too -- hint, hint! I really wouldn't mind the BOOM of my long lost stolen neff 35 caliber pistol in the Stalkadillo's SOLO-SUICIDE of righteousness waking me up late one night! I promise I stir a notch or pop outside to investigate. It could be like Christmas when I was five and my father tripped over the Christmas tree lights -- I'll wait until morning before I tip toe out and view the Stalkadillo's lovely demise! My friends all proclaim he'll NEVER do it, he'd never dare. They say his kind never does because they suffer from such delusions or grandeur and such megalomania. They say the survival instinct of the perpetrator is more powerful than anything else on earth, but I can still hope and note this down this wish in earnest on my Christmas list. Items 1-101 in growing numbers of enumeration's:Could he DO IT SOLO? COULD HE DO IT SOLO? COULD HE EVER HAVE ENOUGH GUTS TO DO IT AS IT SHOULD BE DONE -- SOLO?

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
**Previously published work.
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this poem is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions

   "The Writings Again"

My writings --
Are my accounts,
Of what's happened!
If you don't like it!
My written words --
Are reality and fiction,
Complexity and simplicity,
Literal and figurative,
Concrete and metaphorical,
Truth and personification,
It is rated --
Both PG and R!
If you don't like it --
If it gives you strange --
Destructive urges,
Stop reading NOW and --
Seek help immediately!
If it makes you want --
To do bad things,
To yourself or others,
See a qualified professional -
Warn your would-be --
Do not personally visit --
Your would-be victim!
Use the postal system --
Send only written words!
Things are, "bad" --
Anytime they might upset,
The victim, the victim's friends or family!
Warn your would-be --
Therapist in writing,
Before your first --

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
**Previously published work.
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this poem is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions
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Name: Agent of the Author: Gunther S. Vanludwick
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