Questions to Lady Lost (Added Information)
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Questions to The Lady Lost:
(Off the Cuff Answers)

1) Do you believe the alleged perpetrator has received a death threat? No way! I absolutely don't believe it; not even for one second. And in the rare chance he has received a death threat it did not come from this website. It is the honest candid truth that this website has never provided his identifying information, ever. Even when he demanded this website publish one of his e-mails in full, complete with his identifying information, it didn't happen. Thus if there was a death threat, huge massive IF, it came from someone he was talking to! He should learn to stop blabbing to anyone and everyone who might remotely listen to his nonsense because by blabbing he is placing himself at risk for problems. But seriously, I'll never believe there was a death threat until I personally meet and check out the supposed death threat writer. I believe this death threat story is just another lie he's using to control me and anyone who might support me in any way. It's another attempt to silence me and take my freedom of speech and expression rights away. Something he was looking to do from the get go as witnessed by his previous e-mails demanding the same thing, even though at that time the site was smaller and less thorough. This death threat garbage is simply more overly dramatic theatrical bs on his part. I mean, come on already, how could anyone figure out who he is and where to find him by the contents of this website. It's an illogical, absurd and transparently false statement. It's more coercion he's trying on for size. If anyone might receive death threats it would certainly be either the co-victims or me because of the way he blabs my name and others names and locations around like this information is free Halloween candy.
2) Do any of your works herein or in the book invite an attempt on the alleged perpetrator's life? No, they don't.
3) Why do you believe the alleged perpetrator wants this site revised? For all the reasons in, "Site Stalking 02," he doesn't want me to talk about what he's done to my life and the lives of others.
"Site Stalking 02"

He wants the site --
He wants it --
I can imagine
I can envision
    Exactly why
He doesn't wish --
The world to know
What he's doing
What he's done
What he's said
What he's attempted
Despite the world's --
Over who he is!
He wants to be --
A hit and dash --
Stalker of balderdash
Without a trace
   Without trace
Perpetrating upon --
A lark's wild wing
What does the stalker --
    Honestly FEAR?
Detection, Capture
A victim with any teeth
    Or borrowed teeth
Imprisonment, Knowledge.

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this poem is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.

4) What would you say to the alleged death threat writer if you met this individual (However, I agree that there is no such person)? I'd tell him or her to forget about it and that the alleged perpetrator isn't worth it. Despite what's happened and how loathsome this creature might be, he isn't worth anyone risking a lot of potential trouble over.
5) What do you currently wish would happen to the alleged perpetrator? The ultimate would be an arrest or COT, but since that isn't happening, well, I've written about a solo solution aplenty already. A solo solution is just exactly what it says too, solo, not aided by any fantasy death threat artist in the alleged perpetrator's mind. I think it's also really interesting and revealing that this so called mock terrified alleged perpetrator didn't think to include a copy of this alleged death threat complete with all the identifying information of the death threat writer with his coercion e-mail too. That's even more proof, in my opinion, that a death threat never happened. Now if he sends one we'll know, logically, that he's still site stalking and that he read this and made up a death threat letter to support his false claims. As I've said before, I'd have to meet this alleged death threat artist in person and check him or her out thoroughly before I'd ever even begin to believe it. Moreover, if I met this fantasy death threat artist I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts it's someone the alleged perpetrator talked to himself and not someone from this site as the notion of someone from this site knowing who he is remains a total impossibility.
6) How would you respond to this fantasy (as I agree that there is no real death threat writer) alleged death threat writer if he or she was indeed real? If I thought the person was serious about committing a physical act I'd turn him or her over to the police. I would deal with him or her the same way that I've dealt with the alleged perpetrator. I don't condone violent activity against others. This site has never condoned or supported violent activity against others. Of coarse, my paint gun pleasures are held aside on this issue, but then paint guns don't really hurt people.
7) Would you actually aid in the preservation of the alleged perpetrator's life (again, I do not believe there is a death threat writer) supposing there was an actual death threat writer? Definitely and without a second thought. I would document the fantasy death threat artist to the absolute maxim possible, for this answer pretending with some difficulty that such a person even existed, complete with whatever photographs, video, audio-tape evidence I could get and I would hand it all over to the police ASAP. I would act in this manner only if I saw the alleged death threat artist in person and was fully able to check him or her out to make certain that this person was really a death threat artist. I believe the A-P could and would easily pretend there was a death threat artist even if there wasn't. In my opinion, it's all part of his manipulation tactics. I wouldn't put it past him to lie, alter the reality significantly, or do whatever else possible, in order to skew the perception of his desired captive audience and make an innocent person look like a serious and dangerous death threat artist. So I'd be careful when I looked at the supposed death threat artist and whatnot to make sure it was the real McCoy. However, with all of this said, I can add that I guarantee that no death threat artist will ever surface because I don't believe there is any such thing in this case! No death threat artist is ever going to call me up and arrange a meeting, no matter how available I am to collect the evidence on this person and turn him or her right over to the police, because there is no such person. I don't even have to be hesitant about those in person meeting statements about the alleged death threat artist, because it's not real. Moreover, I can guarantee that the A-P won't suffer any attempts on his life unless he makes them on himself by himself or unless he keeps blabbering indiscriminately to everyone he believes might possibly listen and eventually makes someone unconnected with this website extremely angry. It's a fact that when one runs around everywhere with the kinds of stories he tells that this person could enrage someone. I can imagine that if he went at it with a real ex-munchausens victim or someone similar that in time such a person could become upset enough to strike back. I also don't see any evidence that the A-P would leave a person alone once he thought he had a potential captive audience. This behavior pattern of keeping at it and after it incessantly with someone who doesn't want anything to do with him could cause a problem. This too could motivate the wrong kind of loony tune person to become extremely angry. But that person, if that person ever comes into the forefront, sure won't be anyone this site has notified of who the A-P is or where he can be found. This site will never divulge that kind of information. Unless of coarse, this site has some super "Clairvoyant," readers tuning in all the time! LOL! That last sentence was absolutely a joke. There really are no clairvoyant readers that I can imagine.

No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work (Questions to Lady Lost) is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
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Questions to Lady Lost (Added Information)
Name: Gunther S. Vanludwick
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