The Victim Unplugged and Unedited
"Victim Unplugged & Unedited"

We're setting up the ground plans for our very own mobile or stationary or mobile stationary on premises Stalkadillo campsite. We're thinking over all the angles, the exterior color, and the interior decor, the amenities, the size and shape and construction materials most readily available. The desired location. The current easily accessible external coloration appears to be a worn yet jet-black with perhaps some spiffy nifty red lettering hand painted on the dwelling with careless care. I'm debating exactly what that red lettering should declare? I'm listing the possibilities within my mind. Should it list more than one name. More in scores in delicious reality based basting of characters in snippety script. I'm not completely sure yet… It could surely stand as a place where that Stalkadillo could lay his contorted form and his loony tune craven head after a long and boring night of prowling our perimeter in his warped night vision so absurdly labeled as an investigation by his own delusional mouth's verbal idiocy. Is this an actual invitation? Hell NO! LOL! It's an entertaining option in the absence of more appealing solutions. It's an act of release, catharsis', for the victims not for the Stalkadillo who would be far too terrified to get caught red handed and dirty as sin as a stalker to ever truly use the mock accommodations! One must always recall the agenda of all stalkers, the primary directive to NEVER get captured and thus NEVER be forced to stop stalking! This is the primary directive and objective for all Stalkadillos around the world. Thus we as victims are left in the middle of the perpetual dilemma. Onward and upward towards more lighthearted images once and again. I'm mulling over the plans for internal decorations with equal attention to the desired detail. What titillates the Stalkadillo most of all that I'm even remotely willing indulge within this funny farm adaptation contraption. Perhaps some undies framed or some framed poetry or both framed undies and poetry orrrrrrr something else -- wall to wall thrills for the sick resident in mind. We could kind of sort of wall paper it or wall paper plus frame it for our own personal depiction pleasures within such justifiable measures. I'm tipping towards the wallpapering method of internal fashion design. I can almost envision that Stalkadillo busily attempting to peel all those paper designs off the inner walls in his desperate struggle to carry them off with him in strips as more evidence of his deranged and false claims! Then there's the actual itemized furniture and other matters of importance: We could furnish it complete with a Stalkadillo dossier cabinet. We could include the bible of Stalker Terrorism in a handy little cabinet or box or carton or compartment. Yippeeeeeee! Then there's the ever so vital point of location, location, location. We must decide where to place our roach motel. So much opportunity so little time until the moment knocks and rolls around and arrives. The one thing that holds quite certain is that this funny farm adaptation contraption will only be OPEN at night! We wouldn't want him to cheat too much and hop on in during the day in this hidden isolated realm of stalking insanity(s) and victims' coping comedy stratagies.

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this poem is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions. **A stalker based expressive work. **Additionally, this is a comedy release related work.
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Name: Agent of the Author: Gunther S. Vanludwick