The Town
   "The Town"

Some people have mini coal miner villages, or ghost towns, or cheese factory town, or elf towns, or Santa's villages, etc. etc. etc. on their property. We are gearing up and getting ready to set up a mini Stalkerville on our place. Slowly but surely, slowly but surely we're working on it. Funding does continue to be a problem, but perhaps if we're exceedingly lucky budget creativity and determination combined with some artistic flare will eventually make up for what we lack thanks in rows of NO THANKS to the Stalkadillo himself! We'll need an Inn, a cemetery, and who knows what else….. Perhaps a saloon, some shops, a stalker light house, a mini-theater, a Stalkadillo paint gun shooting gallery, Stalkadillo treasure hunting grounds, Stalkadillo art museum and contest building and much more! We could play reels of the flick, "As the Stalker Turns," in the theater for a reasonable fee. The stalker victim shop could offer T-shirts that say, "Co-victim # 1," on them! The Stalker Stalking-Mart could sell binoculars and instruction manuals on how to terrorize victims, dig through trash in the middle of the night for valuable evidence, stalker-lawsuit instructions, stalker denials of stalking booklets, stalker victim coercion pamphlets and ever so much more. The treasure hunts could offer prizes! We could possibly even have Stalkadillo Margarita rides and cookouts! Perhaps we could earn some small admittance fees from spectators who want to see what it is like to be stalked by viewing the miniscule representation of the experience in Stalkerville. We could create a Stalkadillo post office and a Stalkadillo rob the bank building where stalkers can deplete victims of what they need to survive. We can also erect a Stalkadillo victims' nursery where ambitious Stalkadillos to be can practice destroying the lives of children and the non-stalking masses can observe the children of victims being terrorized and robbed by Stalkadillos.  We can include a Stalkadillo Gypsy hut where the recorded voices of experts can lecture over real forensic stalking disorder facts and research findings. Not that these educated findings and diagnosis are in the least incorrect, it just seems more light hearted under the circumstances to have the tapes played by a Gypsy character in a surreal costume and equally goofy setting. Then for one certain SICK Stalkadillo himself we can put up a munchausens puppet factory and show gallery. The potential spectrum is both amazing and utterly massively limitless. There are so many possibilities it's unreal. Some people have mini coal miner villages, or ghost towns, or cheese factory town, or elf towns, or Santa's villages, etc. etc. etc. on their property. We are gearing up and getting ready to set up a mini Stalkerville on our place. Slowly but surely, slowly but surely we're working on it. Funding does continue to be a problem, but perhaps if we're exceedingly lucky budget creativity and determination combined with some artistic flare will eventually make up for what we lack thanks in rows of NO THANKS to the Stalkadillo himself! We'll need an Inn, a cemetery, and who knows what else….. Perhaps a saloon, some shops, a stalker light house, a mini-theater, a Stalkadillo paint gun shooting gallery, Stalkadillo treasure hunting grounds, Stalkadillo art museum and contest building and much more! We could play reels of the flick, "As the Stalker Turns," in the theater for a reasonable fee. The stalker victim shop could offer T-shirts that say, "Co-victim # 1," on them! The Stalker Stalking-Mart could sell binoculars and instruction manuals on how to terrorize victims, dig through trash in the middle of the night for valuable evidence, stalker-lawsuit instructions, stalker denials of stalking booklets, stalker victim coercion pamphlets and ever so much more. The treasure hunts could offer prizes! We could possibly even have Stalkadillo Margarita rides and cookouts! Perhaps we could earn some small admittance fees from spectators who want to see what it is like to be stalked by viewing the miniscule representation of the experience in Stalkerville. We could create a Stalkadillo post office and a Stalkadillo rob the bank building where stalkers can deplete victims of what they need to survive. We can also erect a Stalkadillo victims' nursery where ambitious Stalkadillos to be can practice destroying the lives of children and the non-stalking masses can observe the children of victims being terrorized and robbed by Stalkadillos. We can include a Stalkadillo Gypsy hut where the recorded voices of experts can lecture over real forensic stalking disorder facts and research findings. Not that these educated findings and diagnosis are in the least incorrect, it just seems more light hearted under the circumstances to have the tapes played by a Gypsy character in a surreal costume and equally goofy setting. Then for one certain SICK Stalkadillo himself we can put up a munchausens puppet factory and show gallery. The potential spectrum is both amazing and utterly massively limitless. There are so many possibilities it's unreal. Perhaps we could even sell copies of my book there! Of coarse, we'd have to make all spectators sign a release and waiver of liability form in case that Stalkadillo was busy watching them parade through Stalkerville; binoculars and camera in hand -- and likely attempting to find a way to add them, each and every one, to his co-victim list. Yes, it sounds rather interesting in the light of the currently unyielding situation's grasp.
Despite the remaining glitches. It truly could be a blast! We'll see how it unfolds. Until then, should anyone be kindhearted enough to donate some seed money for this worthy cause please do write to Gunther and arrange a snail mailing of whatever you can comfortably donate! All donations will be graciously accepted and appreciated!

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this poem is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
**A stalker based expressive work.
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Name: Agent of the Author: Gunther S. Vanludwick