Questions To Lady Lost:
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Questions To Lady Lost
(Off the Cuff Answers. Spelling is Unedited Due to Time Reasonable Constraints):

1) Due to the maniacal derangement of one particular site stalking alleged perpetrator, I believe it is necessary to question you best loved film and television program list, for additional clarification. Can you tell our invited viewers something more about these lists? Well, the lists represent my favorite films and TV shows of all time. Meaning, my favorite shows from childhood into the present. I forgot to mention, "Mr. Rodgers" and "My Favorite Martian," as favorites of the past, as we; as a few similar others. Of coarse, Mr. Rodgers is boring beyond belief to me now. Ugh! But I still like Flipper. Flipper is way cool. I love the ocean scenes and those neat little motor boats. I'd like to have a boat myself someday and cruise around on the water like I used to. I have many found memories of vacations near or on the ocean. If I recall correctly, the trilogy series goes into some of my fondest memories, albeit guardedly, due to the existence of the A-P and his unwelcome skewed coo-coo beans obsession with my life.
2) What films from your list do you most recommend for children? For kids five and up: "The Summer of the Monkeys," is the most awesome. Followed by: Shiloh, Where the Red Fern Grows, Bambi, Charlottes Web, Flash, National Velvet, International Velvet, Anne of Green Gables, and whatnot. The age appropriateness increases with certain films. The rated R films are not suitable, needless to say, but then again one can never be sure when there's a sick little site stalker lurking around and sucking all this in like it's his life-force.
3) How do you think the alleged perpetrator will react to the film lists, as it is pointless to pretend he's not prowling in the wings of this website? I believe he will find some bizarre way to warp the film list. We can always count on him to do something sick and utterly senseless. We can never count on him to see something, anything for that matter, in realities light! 
4) Have you truly prepared to market a film entitled, "As the Stalker Turns," or any audio representations of this matter? No, not really.
5) Do you plan to create a Stalkersville on your premises? Somewhat, yes. Why not? After two years of this nonsense any victim is likely to react. And this is the reality of the situation. However, if I do erect anything like this is will also keep his identity anonymous. I'm sure he will likely do everything in his power to spill the beans on his own identity and then try to blame the consequences on Stalkersville. Well, Stalkersville, if it's created, will be extremely well documented to protect its reality as it stands, so he won't succeed in claiming it is something that it is not.
6) Do you plan to define any of the more recently displayed works, line by line, as you had for a short time in the recent past, to prevent incorrect interpretation of these works? Probably, I'll get around to it soon. Generally, the idea of doing something like this would be ludicrous, but under the current circumstances, I may do that again.
7) Did you ever have problems with viewers or fans of your works before the alleged perpetrator? No, never before.
8) For the viewers who are unaware of some of the circumstances involved in the situation with the alleged perpetrator, can you tell us what professional qualifications he has to make his specific claims? He has absolutely NO qualifications. He has NO education. He has NO experience with the subject matter he claims to be an expert on. He is NOT a licensed investigator. He has NEVER had any training in this area. He is NOT and has NEVER been the least bit objective (I.E. he began his so called sick investigation after threatening to destroy my life and then stating exactly how he would do this, as in "Enumeration's,"). He's a total wackadoodle. He barely knows me and he completely does not know the others he has terrorized. When I say that he barely knows me I'm being quite serious. He didn't get to know me at all really during that four-month relationship as he started acting suspicious, in other words he destroyed the trust factor, in the relationship before it was even fully established. Granted his initial suspicious behaviors weren't super obvious and I had no idea of what a sicko he really was, but he did sever the trust and the openness long before I dumped him.  In fact, I dumped him twice. The first time he begged his way back, and I accepted him back, yet I was more cautious. The second time it was permanent. How did he get back into my life after the first time I dumped him? He used the old, "It'll be different this time, It'll be better this time, I promise," lines. This is a huge lesson for all the other naive ladies out there! These kinds of men don't ever change! I did tell him some things about myself and my situation; however, he has taken that information and both abused the Hell out of it and taken it for a major spin into the Twilight Zone. He has so warped what I told him that I'd be shocked if I wasn't so used to his tactics by now. What I did tell him during that approximately four-month long unconsummated relationship was in no way anything that would lead a sane person to conclude or even to pretend to conclude that I had any of the disorders he claims I have. Nor would any sane person have started making claims that I had committed those much documented (in his e-mails) horrid acts as he does. But then, by all means, refer on back to "Enumeration's," this works pretty much tells the entire tale of what happened. Some of the other works explain it well too. This whole thing started with his determination to ruin my life because I refused to stay in the relationship with him -- he had no objectivity and no sanity.

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
**A stalker based expressive work.
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Questions to Lady Lost:
Name: Agent of the Author: Gunther S. Vanludwick
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