Words From Gunther S. Vanludwick
Greetings Viewers,
  Today's date is November,11,2002. The work numbered 231 and entitled, "Afraid," is presented on this website with much trepidation. Everyone involved on Lady Lost's behalf remains concerned that this work will excite the alleged perpetrator to increased heights of violation oriented "megalomania". However, it is our belief that the youngest victim's small voice should be heard if only for a brief moment. It is for the safety of this child that more is not said both on his direct behalf or in his own words. 
  Therefore, this website contains only, "Swirled Delusions," "Afraid," and inadequate mentions of the child as a co-victim, in representation of this innocent child. Within the original trilogy series there was indeed a short section of, "Questions to the Youngest Victim," in which this child was able to answer with stunning clarity. This child's thoughts, feelings, fears, and beliefs did not waver at any point within his interview, which was conducted upon his own wishes to talk about these specific circumstances. He was focused and impressively expressive for one so very young. His words were uniquely and undeniably his own words. He did not require nor receive help with words to describe his personal feelings. In the alleged perpetrator's "frenzy" it becomes all too easy for outsiders to lose track of this now five-year-old victim. It becomes easy for others who are not exposed to forget that a child can and does communicate and oftentimes does so with a precision all his/her own. This is a child with no detectable disability whatsoever. Despite the alleged perpetrator's unrelenting attempts to paint a public picture of this child as a pitiful munchausens victim and the victim of other severe abuse crimes, this child remains both a bright and verbally advanced youngster. I believe the time has come to ask all this sites readers to extend their prayers towards this child victim of the alleged perpetrator. I personally wish this child a miracle as it is my belief that this is unfortunately what this little one will need should the activities of the alleged perpetrator continue much longer. I pray this child will find the resilience necessary to grow up unscathed despite the behaviors of one maniacal stalker. The research findings on the subject of child victims of other crimes related to terrorism and continued domestic violence do not bid well for this small victim's future. Nonetheless, it is a crime in its own right to discard hopes for this child's future on the research findings alone. I thank our viewers for their prayers.

Best Wishes
Gunther S. Vanludwick

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**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions
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Words From Gunther S. Vanludwick
Name: Gunther S. Vanludwick
Email: svanludwick@yahoo.com