Onward Once Again
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Onward Once Again:

  Alas, the time has arrived to move beyond this brief vacation from works portraying the alleged perpetrator. I do so hope you have enjoyed these alternative topic poems? I would like to thank this site's many faithful viewers for your truly generous responses. Additionally, I would like to remind this website's fans that none of the romantic works upon this site feature the alleged perpetrator. Indeed, Lady Lost's mistaken relationship with the alleged perpetrator did not last for a time long enough to create any lingering positive inspiration in regard to this maniacal individual. Please do feel invited to continue communicating with me about this site's contents.
  Moreover, I will make an effort to include more non-stalker works as soon as possible. Beyond this, I would like to make brief mention of the exciting fact that the works upon this page, with the exception of one work, are not overlapping with the works in the Trilogy Series! Therefor, the Trilogy Series remains a very new collection, which is available to the public for purchase. Please do contact me for additional information regarding this series of books.

Best Wishes
Gunther S. Vanludwick

No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at svanludwick@yahoo.com

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
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Onward Once Again
Name: Agent of the Author: Gunther S. Vanludwick
Email: svanludwick@yahoo.com
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