Questions to Lady Lost:
Questions to Lady Lost:
  (Off the Cuff Answers)

1) What human traits or behaviors irk you the most? Violence, senseless aggression, aggressively disturbed minds, highly delusional minds, immature-dangerous adults, low-impulse control, power games, control freaks, inability to communicate openly and honestly, senseless betrayals, lack of empathy, unhealthy fixation especially in the face of better options, mind set to destroy others beyond recovery, perversions, hazardous dysfunctions, destructive dependency without desire to change, destructive draining clingyness in the face of better options, Anti-social Personality Disorder, psychotic minds, sociopath(s), continuous destructive covert agendas, stereotyping without regard for individual reality, non-communication, withholding games, abuses, onslaughts, debasements, inability to listen, black lies, megalomania, expectations to forgive when unforgivable behaviors continue, delusions of grandiosity, greed, coercion, blackmail, extortion, projection, cruelties, slander (which means the person saying something knows it to be untrue and/or is steadfastly unwilling to hear reality), dependency on inanimate objects as replacements for adult responsibility, minuses, bottling up emotions to explode later rather than communicate, irresponsibility, exploitation, strip mining without regard for the future, classlessness, ignorance, apathy, vendetta oriented behaviors-agendas, stalking personalities, short fuses without cool down abilities, rage oriented persons, fear oriented persons, spinelessness, viciousness, vicious denials with disregard  to consequences, callousness, arrogance, egomania, holier than thou when thou isn't known, impatience, senselessness, lack of conscience, stalking, battering, role confused males, mind games, music addiction as replacement for adult responsibility, refusal to see behavior patterns that transcend current circumstances, refusal of others to acknowledge positive past reality, refusal to view strengths and potential in people with good hearts, discrimination, judgmental activities, mendacity, hot-headedness in highly inappropriate situations, the "it's my way or no way" attitude, lack of compassion, lack of warmth, lack of genuine attitude, heartlessness, cowardice, wishy-washy behaviors, unpredictability, failure to protect the innocent, cold corruption(s), single-mindedness, inflexibility when flexibility is the only ethical choice, passive thinking processes, passing the blame for own behaviors, refusal to accept consequences for own behavior, low-impulse control, persons who are excited by viewing others suffering, disrespect at times when respect is everything, general disrespect, scape-goating, the disposable person theory, invalidation(s), verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, victim-hood, door-mat syndrome,  lack of assertiveness, etc.
2) Wow! All right, which ones of the above traits do you suffer from? LOL! Now there's another loaded question (like many asked of me when the books were being compiled!). I'd have to admit to the last three (victim-hood, doormat syndrome, lack of assertiveness) as being severe problems of my past -- hopefully not of my future. I do have some super solid protections in place now to prevent anymore nonsense in my future. All things considering, if I make it to my future! As far as the victim-hood thing goes, empathy and work-able solutions and/or aid is a wonderful thing, but I must caution all readers, "DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!" Seriously, the victimization routine is purely lousy -- it's a perpetual low point of one's life. Please be careful to protect yourselves from it! Being a door-mat or lacking assertiveness which leads to becoming a door-mat isn't good either and most ladies do it when they're young, naïve, and/or stupid because they were taught that's how you are nice to people and you've always got to be nice! Ick! Don't be afraid to be something a lot less than nice and passive! Your life may depend on it someday!
3) Are there more items that you believe ought to go on that long list of traits and behaviors that irk you? Sure there are, but I definitely don't want to think of them all right now!
4) You mentioned a few things more than once, like low-impulse control, for instance. Why is this? Because there are certain things that I wish to tolerate even less than others! I can imagine I should have repeated items I didn't repeat because this list, as all question and answer sessions, was done off the cuff. Please forgive the typos -- I'm positive they exist in that long list especially!
5) What do you believe will become of your future? I truly have no idea whatsoever. It's up to fate and sheer luck right now.
6) How many of the listed traits have you seen in others? Too many.
7) What is your favorite poem on this website? Probably the work entitled, "Sinister Lull".

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**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
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Questions to Lady Lost:
Name: : Gunther S. Vanludwick