Questions to Lady Lost
Questions to Lady Lost:
  (Off the Cuff Answers)

1) You stated that the poem, "Sinister Lull," is your favorite of these particular web poems. Why is this? Oh, I guess mostly it stuck to my mind more than the others --- to me it had more lasting impact. This may just be because of the most current circumstances… I'd have to ponder this question really and I'm kind of sleepy-tired right now + these answers are meant to be off the cuff impressions! LOL! I guess my off the cuff webpage favorite is simply, "Sinister Lull," but I like "Burnings," a lot too and a few others!
2) Are the lull times most sinister to you? No, not  all. All of it is equally sinister/all of the stalking. The active periods are sinister in a different way though.
3) What are the authorities in your region doing to help you at this time? As far as I know, currently they are doing absolutely nothing. Unfortunately this is a common problem in these cases. Victims are left to their own defenses -- whatever those defenses may consist of.
4) What would it require to create stronger anti-stalking laws? As far as I understand, the laws are reasonably in place. The trouble lies with the investigation end of the problem. Due to the following: inadequate manpower, inadequate education for officers on how to deal with these cases, inadequate income for the officers, inadequate police investigative resources/equipment, short time allotments for these types of investigations mixed with a serious lack of understanding of stalkers - stalking behaviors -- and victims, continued budget cuts, no utilization of forensic psychiatric task forces/teams to evaluate the stalker, etc. etc. etc. The situation isn't going to get any better and it will probably get much worse -- creating more victims and more destroyed lives. The victims become disposable people if they can't find ways to defend themselves adequately without police protection.
5) How can victims protect themselves? Get paranoid; don't trust anyone because they might be a stalker! LOL! That's not really practical and it's against healthy human nature…… So once you're a victim there basically is no way I know of to effectively protect yourself and others around you other than A) win the mega lottery B) go underground permanently. Both of these necessities are well beyond absurd. Case B further victimizes the victim, but may be the only solution. Case A is the ideal but it isn't going to happen. However, only case A permits you to buy the services you will require to stop the stalker. Contact an anti-stalking expert and ask them what to do!
6) Would you ever flee or move to Germany? Well, I don't know for sure. I might have to before this is over.
7) How do you feel about Germany? It's a beautiful country really. I've been there before (I spent a month there) and I loved the forested areas. I also enjoyed the wonderful warm-blood horses and cross-country courses there!  
8) Is there anywhere else you'd rather flee to? Hmmm, well probably not!
9) What is your favorite poem in the entire trilogy series? It's a contest between quite a few -- "What Midnight Sees," "Tango," "Camera Shutters," "Crescendo," "Wishmaker," annnnnnnnnnnddddd a couple special surprises (not previously published in books like the others already mentioned have been) I don't want to mention right now!
10) Why are these you favorites? It depends on which one really. Some are dear to me because they are so very whimsical and magical. Others because they are so right in there with reality. Others yet because of the processing value and/or impact factor.
11) The flesh eating bacteria (I must admit, my most loved term for him) accuses you of many things. Do you wish to discuss those things here? No, I've pretty much said all I want to say about it in other places.
12) I have been asked if you would give his name in this web site or in another similar setting. To this I replied that I do not think it will ever occur. What do you say to this much asked question? NNNNNNNo way! Unless he makes the first move and hops this whole thing right into the public domain, it'll never happen.
13) Do you think he will bring it into such a domain? There certainly is a possibility, but I can't be sure either way.
14) What is the most important thing in you life at this time? I'd rather not explain that one due to my situation!
15) How many pre-publication copies of the book would you like to place at this time? Oh, a few million!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Really that'd be GGGGGGGreat! However, I doubt the sales could ever be that high. Honestly, I think the readers of poetry are more likely to wait until the final copies of the books come out before they purchase anything. Considering what I have seen as sample scenarios, it will be these more refined copies that are most marketable even though the pre-publication versions contain all the same material and have the added extra of a personalized touch.

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No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
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Questions to Lady Lost :
Name: Gunther S. Vanludwick