
Back on the path --
I don't have time --
To research these leads
  Of my own life
I've found one more
  Name to ponder
  Awaiting Monday --
  To call her up
I'm seeking another --
Name my memory's lost
  I know I must
  Find all of them
All the misplaced threads
That should be insignificant
  Yet they're NOT --
  In this time
  Of the stalking.

By Lady Lost
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this poem is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
Questions to Lady Lost:
(Off the Cuff Answers)

1)It seems sadly necessary, under these particular circumstances, to ask some questions in regards to the symbol displayed upon this page. Do you have any information in regards to this symbol's significance? No, not at all. It could be a part of some foreign alphabet, it could be an ancient symbol of some kind. I honestly have no idea in the world what it is, if it's even anything at all. I just figured, since a good number of people appear to be reading this website that perhaps one of them might have seen something like this before.
2) Does this symbol have an in depth significance to you personally? No, it can't really since I have no clue what it is! LOL! I merely saw it once and I've always wondered, in the back of my mind, from time to time, what it was, what it meant, is there more than one definition, or is it utterly meaningless. I'm sort of that way, once I see something I want to define it in some way. Especially when it might be language related.
3) Do you hold any concerns that the alleged perpetrator will exploit your inquiry in regards to this symbol? Well, I'm pretty positive that he will find some sick way to exploit the heck out of it. That's one reason why I requested it be shown with a note explaining that it was not a riddle, as the A-P is fixated on non-existent riddles. It can’t be a riddle, not any I created at least, because I didn't draw the original one I saw a long time ago and I still don't even know what it is. So if it's a riddle it's someone else's riddle and since I also don't know who drew the original one I saw I can't guess who the riddler was! Personally I'd venture to guess it's something out of an ancient alphabet.
4)Was the initial drawing created by any of your family members? No, definitely not. And also not by any friends of mine either. 
5)The center of the triangle seems to contain a mark, in your opinion, what precisely is this mark? I'm not sure, I'd guess it could be a "Z" or an elongated "S" or a lightening strike type of mark or some other who knows what? I just sketched it, recreated it, from memory. And believe me it's not like I've recreated a bunch of these either. In fact, this is like the first or maybe second one I've ever drawn. I may have drawn one when I first saw the original. I suppose I should be grateful that it was a simple sketch. Anyway, the marking in the center could have been slightly but not drastically different. In a sense I feel pretty silly that this little drawing has to come with all this ridiculous explanation! I feel like it should be much more simple than it is to put it out there and ask an honest question. But then with the A-P out there, I realize that any truthful explanation I give won't ever be enough. Ugh!
6) I regrettably agree with your analysis of these circumstances. Have you asked others to define this symbol? Once or twice when I thought of it and was around someone who might know. I've never gotten much of an answer. And this symbol or whatever it is, isn't a primary focus of my life. Really it's not that big of a deal, no more of a major thing than any other minor routine I embark upon while living under the A-P's deranged microscope. I'm just curious about the symbol. Hopefully putting this out on a website will result in some logical answers that I can mull over. Like if it's part of an alphabet, which alphabet? From which era? Or is this a symbol from some well-known movie or novel?

Copyright © 2003
All rights reserved
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
**This work is designed to represent a casual chat session with Lady Lost. This work is not edited for typos and spelling errors.


Dear Viewers,
  I have already received information about the meaning of the above symbol from three sources. The first two sources immediately leapt to the task of discovering the symbol's potential meaning and sent me many rapid-fire emails in a row. This first source, a combination of two friends working together, found the symbol to be Satanic in nature. The marking in the center representing an elongated "S," which literally stands for the "S" in the sickening term Satan. The triangle is also a satanic symbol. There were no examples of exactly what it means when the "S" marking and the triangle are combined together like they are in my recreation of this thing. A separate second source guesses that the triangle represents, "Completeness," in this case, due to the "S" it stands for completeness in Satan. Needless to say, this was not delightful news to me. I am forever shocked at how sick people and situations in society are! I was truly hoping to hear that this symbol was a mere character in some ancient yet benign alphabet. It seems that this is not the case. I will be requesting that the symbol remain on this website for awhile longer for two reasons. First, I am interesting in hearing any other explanations. Second and at this point primary, due to the A-P's site stalking. It is very likely that if I have the symbol removed promptly, which would be my gut reaction, the A-P in all his utter derangement would find some even more exaggerated way to go to town on warping the fact that this symbol is shown on this site. For example, the A-P might revel in falsely claiming that I quickly had the symbol removed to hide some flipping non-existent riddle. There are multitudes of other potential examples on how the A-P could change the truth of why this symbol was presented. Needless to say, the A-P would totally disregard the realities that I asked honest questions on the symbol's meaning and that I did not create the original symbol, etc. etc. etc. So, for me it is better to have the offensive symbol remain on this website for a little longer. Once enough people have seen this symbol and commented on it through email or the guest book, I may then have it removed. I would like to publicly thank the three sources that helped me to define this thing. Moreover, I would like to advise people not to recreate this symbol, as it is apparently not an emblem of anything benign, good or positive. 

Lady Lost

Copyright © 2003
All rights reserved
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere other than upon this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
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Researching & Request of Viewers to Define a Symbol Once Observed. Additionally: Questions to Lady Lost & A Letter From Lady Lost January, 19, 2003.
Unrelated to the Stalking: Lady Lost has once observed this symbol & she would like to know its meaning. Please email should any viewer know the meaning or any significance of this symbol.Due to the continued website stalking it is noteworthy to add that this photo is not a riddle. This photo is presented due to a sincere question on Lady Lost's behalf. Questions to Lady Lost & A Letter From Lady Lost Presented Below.
Name: Agent: of the Author: Gunther  S. Vanludwick