One of Lady Lost's Replies to Alleged Perpetrator
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One of Lady Lost's e-mails to The Alleged Perpetrator From Early 2002. Written and Sent During a Break Between The Two Court Order's Of Protection:
Alleged Perpetrator,
I have thought about the contents of our last telephone conversation. After consideration I have come to some unyielding conclusions. These conclusions are as follows:
1) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) will NEVER come to any realistic understanding of my poetry, which seems to be one item of your obsession.
2) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) will forever warp the meaning of my poems.
3) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) will never accept the true definitions of
the meaning behind any of my poetry.
4) Explaining the true meanings in my poetry is an outlandish waste of my time.
5) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) will NEVER NEVER under any circumstances get permission to publish any of my poetry.
6) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) will NEVER NEVER get permission to use my poetry in full form or in partial form in any book you write, co-write, or are affiliated with in any capacity.
7) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) will no longer succeed in your efforts to
exhaust, intimidate, bully, or control me.
8) I will not meet with you in any effort to set your incorrect and sick viewpoints straight.
9) (Alleged Perpetrator's BROTHER and his girlfriend's names) are very correct in their concern for your mental
and physical health. I think you need to seek some help from a therapist.
10) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) need to go on with your own life separate from anything to do with me.
11) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) need to stop obsessing about me, my family
and everyone else around me. We don't want anything to do with you.
12) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) need to leave me, my family and my friends
ALONE. We don't want anything to do with you.
13) You (Alleged Perpetrator's Name) need to stop your obsessive and demented investigation of my life. I am not interested in your utterly senseless and deranged maneuvers.
14) GO AWAY (Alleged Perpetrator's Name).
I hope this letter makes things clear enough for you. And if you think this letter is harsh let me tell you that it is a mild interpretation of what I fully think of you and your bizarre SMI condition as demonstrated by the activities of your "investigation".  So leave me alone!

Signature of Lady Lost
**The alleged perpetrator did not react positively to this e-mail.
** This e-mail may contain typing errors. However, the meaning of it's content in context remains quite clear.
** The real names of invididuals involed have been removed from this to publish on the Internet version and these real names have been replaced with titles reflected by the activities of the individuals involved.
**Copyright © 2002
**No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, redistribute, redisplay this work with the inclusion of title and comments from the creator's of this particular website implied or granted without direct written permission from the author of this additional information.
Please contact Agent of Lady Lost: Gunther S. Vanludwick at:
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Reply to Alleged Perpetrator
Name: Gunther S. Vanludwick
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