Example Repeated in Singular Form of e-mail Communication From The Alleged Perpetrator
**Example of an unsolicited e-mail from the Alleged Perpetrator. This alleged perpetrator seeks to conceal his true agenda by hiding behind accusations and coercive threats of a, thus far non-existent, court case.
**These e-mail correspondences began with the Alleged Perpetrator e-mailing Lady Lost's Husband at his place of work during a break between court orders of protection.
**The nature of the e-mail communications became increasingly more coercive and domination oriented.
**The Alleged Perpetrator denies any of his e-mail and letter communications were any of the following: Coercive, domination efforts, control oriented, unfounded, abusive, vendetta oriented, obsessive, wrongful in accusation factors, indicative of any delusional disorder, or an attempt at blackmail.
**No rights to copy, print, download, redistribute, redisplay the portions of this explanatory production, which is created in explanation of these e-mail communications, for this sites readers, in partial or whole form without the direct written permission of the author and co-author implied or granted within this display.
**These version(s) are altered in that the names of the parties involved are replaced by participant related titles for this specific Internet display. The alleged perpetrator is quite clearly the willing participant whereas Lady Lost attempted within her communication to set boundaries and disperse this form and other forms of negative predatory behaviors on the part of the alleged perpetrator.
**The viewpoint of this site as expressed herein with these explanatory comments are the opinions, beliefs, feeling, and impressions of this site's creator, others involved and of Lady Lost.  
**The expressed viewpoints within the actual e-mails from the Alleged Perpetrator are his claims of reality. Thus far, no other source has come forward in agreement of these claims.
**It is with steadfast certitude that Lady Lost's supporters vindicate this gentle poet's reputation by consistently stating that these accusations are ludicrously incorrect. Those many supporters who have come into tremendous, direct and long-term contact with Lady Lost and her son know these accusations are not only ludicrous and unfounded but moreover attempts to damage Lady Lost and her family in ever manner possible.

Please contact:
Gunther S. Vanludwick
Date:  Mon, 10 Dec 2001 07:44:02 -0800
From: "Lady Lost's Husband's Name"
<Lady Lost's Husband@e-mail adress> [add to address book] [add to spam block list]
Subject:  FW: lawsuit
To:  "Lady Lost's Name (E-mail)" <Lady Lost@e-mail address>

-----Original Message-----
From: Alleged Perpetrator's Name [mailto:Alleged Perpetrator @e-mailaddress]
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 5:34 PM
To: (Lady Lost's Husband's Name@e-mail)
Subject: lawsuit

To (Lady Lost's Name) and (Lady Lost's Husband's Name),

            I am writing this letter to inform you that I will soon be commencing a lawsuit against (Lady Lost's Name) on the grounds of slander with malice under " The Uniform Single Publication Act "
( Courts and Civil Procedure ) for her numerous attempts to manipulate The (StateLocation) County Sheriffs Office to arrest me which cumulated in her criminal act of releasing (Lady Lost's Male Friend's and Fellow Ranch Owner's Name) horses , slashing his tires and identifying me as a suspect .
            As a conciliatory gesture I am willing to attempt an out of court settlement for the significant damages I have incurred . Although I am open to negotiating directly with (Lady Lost's Husband's Name) I strongly prefer that a mediator or attorney be found who is acceptable to both parties . I refuse to conduct any direct negotiations with (Lady Lost's Name) , who I consider a criminal psychopath .
            I will leave this offer on the table until the date of 1-10-02 at which time , if I have not heard from you or your attorney , consider my offer rejected and will file my claim and begin the process of strengthening and presenting my case to the courts .
            In closing I request that you give careful consideration to my offer , as once I file my claim this case will take on a life of its own and I will be extremely reluctant to settle for anything less than a trial by jury so I maybe fully exonerated from the maliciously false allegations that have been leveled against me .

Sincerely ,
(Alleged Perpetrator's Signature)
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Example of e-mail From Alleged Perpetrator in Singular Form
Name: Agent of Lady Lost: Gunther S. Vanludwick
Email: svanludwick@yahoo.com