Additional e-mail(s) From The Alleged Perpetrator and Svanludwicks Opinions Displayed Through Comments Included Within The Text
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**These e-mail correspondences began with the Alleged Perpetrator e-mailing Lady Lost's Husband at his place of work during a break between court orders of protection.
**The nature of the e-mail communications became increasingly more coercive and domination oriented.
**The Alleged Perpetrator denies any of his e-mail and letter communications were any of the following: Coercive, domination efforts, control oriented, unfounded, abusive, vendetta oriented, obsessive, wrongful in accusation factors, indicative of any delusional disorder, or an attempt at blackmail.
**No rights to copy, print, download, redistribute, redisplay the portions of this explanatory production, which is created in explanation of these e-mail communications, for this sites readers, in partial or whole form without the direct written permission of the author and co-author implied or granted within this display.
**These version(s) are altered in that the names of the parties involved are replaced by participant related titles for this specific Internet display. The alleged perpetrator is quite clearly the willing participant whereas Lady Lost attempted within her communication to set boundaries and disperse this form and other forms of negative predatory behaviors on the part of the alleged perpetrator.
**The viewpoint of this site as expressed herein with these explanatory comments are the opinions, beliefs, feeling, and impressions of this site's creator, others supportive persons involved and of Lady Lost.  
**The expressed viewpoints within the actual e-mails from the Alleged Perpetrator are his claims of reality. Thus far, no other source has come forward in agreement of these claims.
**It is with steadfast certitude that Lady Lost's supporters vindicate this gentle poet's reputation by consistently stating that these accusations are ludicrously incorrect. Those many supporters who have come into tremendous, direct and long-term contact with Lady Lost and her son know these accusations are not only ludicrous and unfounded but moreover attempts to damage Lady Lost and her family in ever manner possible.

Please contact:
Gunther S. Vanludwick

-----Original Message-----
From: Alleged Perpetrator's Name
<Alleged Perpetrator @e-mailaddress>
husband@2-mail address>
Sent: Wed Dec 26 10:43:53 2001
Subject: final offer to mediate

Final Plea to Mediate Legal Issues in Matter of (Alleged Perpetrator's Last Name) vs. (Lady Lost's Last Name)

To (Name of Lady lost's Husband),

   This is my final plea that we come together to mediate a solution to the legal issues that confront (Lady Lost) and myself .
  I do not know if you are aware of the fact that I did attempt to negotiate a resolution with (Lady Lost) on 12-18-01 . These talks
**(svanludwick comment: These conversations are well documented and, in the opinions of Lady Lost's supporters, evidence of this alleged perpetrator's false statements and rampant coercion attempts can be observed therein)
went so poorly they only managed to purify the steel in my resolve to bring my case to the courts. (Lady Lost)is capable of forming two sentences without inserting four lies . This is the reason I am addressing my final plea solely to you .
   The first point I must address is the fact that regardless of any agreement or understanding we may come to I am obligated to deliver my case file to C.P.S.,
**(svanludwick's comment: No C.P.S. interest or investigation and no evidence of child maltreatment. This child's medical records are without any evidence of maltreatment)
which has this case noted , and will do so . ( This point is non-negotiable )
   The second point is that its obvious neither of us wants to go to trial so I implore you to consider giving mediation a chance . As I stated to (Lady Lost) on 12-18-01 I am engaged in this legal matter as much out of principle as I am to recover my damages . If the principle that I am fighting for can somehow be satisfied this would go a long way in reaching a settlement. This principle , of course , is having (Lady Lost) cease her predatory nature against people in general and your son specifically . If I can not be given assurances of this kind , I will proceed in filing my claim .
  This brings me to my final point , my case . (Lady Lost) seems to think my case is "garbage " and can not be substantiated or proven and perhaps you feel the same . I assure you my case will have a fighting chance.
    It's also a fair statement that if this case goes to trial it
is going to get ugly . I possess several of (Lady Lost's) writings that make references to disease , mental illness , blood  , needles ,
poisons , doctors , excrement , abuse and other related matter
**(svanludwick'c comment: I have full access to all of Lady Lost's extended writings and observe no reference to actions wherein this poet victimizes others. In addition, I see no reference to excrement).I additionally observe no references wherein this poet mistreats others with any toxin or other aggressive action.)
. I fully intend to subpoena (Lady Lost's son's Name) medical history and link at least one of these reports to (Lady Lost's) writings . I will also be testifying to (Lady Lost's)statements made to me regarding diseases , and abuse, including claims she made that you had slapped , kicked and violently shook (Lady Lost's son's Name), all of which I will be linking to writings authored by (Lady Lost).
In addition I am in the process of procuring a witness who has stated that (Male Friend of Lady Lost's and Fellow Rancher)was privy to talk of poisonings and that (Lady Lost)was engaged in an affair with (Male Friend of Lady Lost's and Fellow Rancher).
**(svanludwicks comment: I have observed no affair between Lady Lost and this above mentioned Male friend and fellow rancher. In addition, I see no evidence of this male friend being privy to any illegal or immoral activity.)
I will be deposing the (Male Friend and Fellow Rancher), both husband and wife , the (Nieghbor's of Lady Lost) several other people and will call you to the stand to testify .
**(svanludwick's comment:I have interviewed these neighbors, those which had the most significant contact with Lady Lost and her family and I have found no indication to support them as having such a negative opinion of Lady Lost.)

(Your attorney will explain to you that you do not possess husband / wife confidentiality privileges in issues pertaining to child abuse . }
   As far as showing that (Lady Lost) was the one who released (Lady Lost's Friend and Fellow Ranch Owner's Name)horses , she made the mistake of leaving both her keys and shoeprints
**(svanludwicks comment: Many shoe prints were indeed privately filmed at site and recorded by Lady Lost's Supporters. There were prints that did not match those of this Lady Poet. In addition, Lady Lost's key's were reported stolen to the Sheriff's Department. Many other points of evidence are available.)
at the scene of the crime . Add into this mix her statements to Detective (Name of officer) that you and I were conspiring to have her harmed , and her claim to Detective (Name of Officer) that you have stated that she hates (Name Of Lady Lost's Son who this alleged perpetrator has never met) and you have an inkling of what my case is going to be like .
  In return I expect your attorney to portray me as a crazed stalker , out of touch with reality. As I have stated this is going to get ugly if it goes to trial and I am acceptable to negotiating in good faith to put an end to this ordeal . However , I am resolute in presenting my case to the courts if this cannot be accomplished .

Sincerely ,

(Alleged Perpetrator's signature)

Date:  Tue, 15 Jan 2002 03:45:23 +0000
From:  "Alleged Perpetrator's Name"
<Alleged Perpetrator@e-mailAddress> [add to address book] [add to spam block list]
Subject:  final offer to compromise
To: Lady Lost@e-mail address
To (Lady Lost's First Name) ,
           My attempt to negotiate an offer of compromise for your poetry was just that , an offer of compromise , not blackmail or extortion . I did this assuming that this was the only tangible resource available to you to settle this matter out of court . I am still willing to settle for some type of literary deal , even one that does not include your poetry . ( Perhaps a fictional or factional account of abuse . ) In addition , I would be open to splitting all proceeds 50 / 50 . ( 90/10 for any screenplay I may create and sell ) .  I will leave this offer on the table until 1-16-02 , at which time I will consider it rejected and proceed to file and present my case to the courts .  Unless I hear from you by 1-16-02 regarding this offer of compromise , this will be my final communication to you , with the exception of any court proceedings . In closing I request that you consider my offer as a suitable way to bring a resolution to our legal issues .
                                                                                       Sincerely ,
                                                                                   Signature of Alleged Perpetrator
               As for being out of touch with reality , your friend of 20 years believes you poisoned (Lady Lost's Son's First Name) . In fact (Lady Lost's Female Friend) is the only person who comprehends what I mean when I say you tortured (Lady Lost's Son's First Name) at the infant stage to play havoc with his brain chemistry . In addition , your claim that no one wants anything to do with me is entirely correct . I stand alone in this fight against child abuse and by all rights my claim should read (Alleged Perp's Last Name) vs. Everyone instead of (Alleged Perp) vs. (Lady Lost's Last Name) or The State of (Location) vs. (Alleged Perp's Last Name) . ( You see it hardly concerns me weather I present my case in a civil court or criminal court for I will never join the cowards who turned their back on you as a child or turned their backs on (Lady Lost's Son's First Name) , and by their lack of action delivered both you and your son into the hands of sadistic child predators . Let others sit idly by . ) I also want you to know that my offer of settlement is hardly about money . Although I believe you have captured , in a unique way , a rare glimpse into a world of evil unleashed , the chances of successfully having it published are not what I would consider high . This means that I would most likely be settling my case for $0 due to the low probability of landing a publishing contract . ( Note about your writings . I ' ve often wondered what Edgar Allen Poe would think of your works . As for myself  I must grudgingly admit that I would classify them as the works evil genius ) At any rate, I again request that you give mediation a genuine chance at working out our problems . I assure you that I am not in this fight to " extort " money from you . I am hardly a prize fighter but a person who fights on principle and a challenge and if we can not come to a resolution  , the mind numbing ordeal that we have both experienced will not end until a verdict is rendered .
                      (Initials of Alleged Perpetrator).

(Lady Lost's Note: The friend of 20 years denied to me that she ever indicated that I committed these acts).
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Name: Gunther S. Vanludwick
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