The Stalker's Agenda
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    The Stalker's Agenda
(Many of these items overlap)

1) To terrorize the victim using and all available means.
2) To be creative in this agenda.
3) To make the victim feel as if they are in a constant state of impending danger.
4) To keep the victim scared and helpless.
5) To cause the victim to lose control over all aspects of their life.
6) To use the victim's own mainstream life and innocence as a springboard for more terrorizing events.
7) To violate the victims privacy in any manner possible.
8) To violate the victim's personal space and dignity.
9) To shatter the victim's sense of self worth and competence.
10) To injure the victim emotionally over an extended period of time.
11) To force the victim to experience an elevated stress and anxiety level for as long as it is possible to do so (many years).
12) To cause the victim continuous worries and distress.
13) To cause the victim losses of property, money, years of life, opportunities, time and self-esteem.
14) To physically damage, injure of kill the victim.
15) To rob the victim of everything they value.
16) To cause the victims to lose friends and relationships.
17) To separate the victim from all sources of help and support.
18) To threaten the victims family, friends, property and pets.
19) To slander the victim.
20) To control and dominate the victim and others surrounding the victim.
21) To coerce the victim and others surrounding the victim.
22) To damage the victim's relationship with family, friends, neighbors, etc.
23) To become the only significant factor in the victim's life.
24) To cause the victim, "To lose everything."
25) To cause the victim to become unable to work or function in any area of their life.
26) To keep the victim in a perpetual state of dread fearing the approach of the next blow.
27) To prevent the victim from establishing new relationships.
28) To shatter the victim's sanity.
29) To cause the victim to look crazy due to the reports of reality that appear too bizarre to exist.
30) To vandalize.
31) To steal whatever they can from the victim. Typically not items which normal thieves would find attractive.
32) To follow and observe the victim at all available opportunities.
33) To transfer to others the victim associates with and thus create co-victims.
34) To use whatever means become available to cause the victim fear or dread including but not limited to false accusations against the victim, slander, blackmail, threats of legal actions, and evasive injury of those items or property the victim most values.
35) To obtain photos of the victim.
36) To enter the victims home, automobiles, property, covertly for purposes of destruction.
37) To use extortion tactics. 
38) To exploit the victim and others surrounding the victim in any manner possible.
39) To threaten the victim and others surrounding the victim in any manner possible.
40) To remain persistent in these pursuits.
41) To enlist others who do not realize what is occurring to aid him in his agenda.
42) To curtail the victims human freedoms.
43) To deceive the victim and others with false conciliatory gestures and statements.
44) To dazzle outsiders with charisma.
45) To deny the reality of his stalking activities.
46) To label his stalking activities as other legitimate activities, which the uneducated or uninvolved outside world may accept as valid.
47) To lie about his victim in any manner possible.
48) To fabricate reasons for his activities.
49) To rewrite the victim's history or the history of his relationship with the victim.
50) To claim the victim had more of a relationship with him than she actually had.
51)  To become increasingly fixated and perpetually obsessed about the victim and others surrounding the victim.
52) To view the perceived traits of the victim in others.
53) To obsess about the victim in any and all circumstances.
54) To refuse to cease these activities.
55) To continue to perpetrate with consistent aggression or increased aggression.
56) To refuse to hear the words, "No," or "Leave me alone," or any words related to such words.
57) To refuse to accept the reality of the victim's life, opinions, viewpoints or lack of interest in any relationship with the stalker.
58) To refuse to listen to any person who is in disagreement with the stalker's agenda.
59) To make perpetual excuses as to why he is stalking without admitting to the stalking.
60) To refuse to listen to any evidence that contradicts his claims or refutes the validity or the wisdom of his stalking actions.
61) To refuse to seek professional psychiatric help.
62) To use all communications with his victims as further reason to continue the stalking.
63) To disregard any and all warnings to stop the stalking.
64) To disregard the pleas of others to remove himself and the stalking behaviors from the victim's life.
65) To refuse to find genuine interests other than the all consuming fixation on the victim and others surrounding the victim.
66) To perpetrate childish forms of destruction as well as more sinister forms of damages to the victim, victim's life and the lives of others surrounding the victim.
67) To refuse to accept responsibility for his stalking behaviors or the damages this creates.
68) To refuse to see how his actions cause him additional problems (I.E. loss of time, increased fixation, arrests, imprisonment, etc.).
69) To refuse to acknowledge that either he or his stalking behaviors are at fault.
70) Refusal to respect Court Orders of Protection or Restraining orders beyond his increased efforts to continue perpetrating without getting captured in these acts.
71) Believe that his stalking behaviors, which he refuses to label as stalking behaviors, will give him what he truly wants in the end despite all logical evidence that this is not the case in reality.
72) Refusal to understand that whatever relationship he once had with the victim does not grant him permanent rights to participate in the victim's life.
73) Refusal to accept that he is incorrect in his assessments of his victims thoughts, feelings, actions, potential, relationships, habits, life and inner being.
74) Refusal to see his behaviors as abhorrent.
75) Refusal to see his behaviors as damaging to others.
76) Refusal to view the victim as the person she is in reality.
77) Refusal to see himself as he is in reality.
78) Refusal to view himself as inept, incompetent, delusional or disturbed.
79) To project his actions in partial or whole onto the victim.
80) To isolate from those that do not agree with him.
81) To become more cautious, cunning and paranoid as the stalking progresses over time in order to avoid capture.
82) To continue his stalking behaviors until such time as he obtains what he wishes.
83) To place a great deal of effort into studying avenues for the continuation of his agenda.
84) To believe that repeating this same behavior pattern will eventually reap different and desirable results.

A combined effort work:
Copyright © 2002
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Copyright
International Copyright
No rights to copy, print, download, duplicate, or display elsewhere in partial or whole form other than this specific website granted or implied without the direct written permission of the author. Please contact agent of the author: Mr. Gunther S. Vanludwick at

**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this work is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.

Greetings Viewers!
I am thoroughly pleased with this list of a stalker's agenda! I will forward this page to my relatively new webpage associate Cyrissnick for inclusion on his website! 

Best Wishes!
Gunther S. Vanludwick

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A Stalker's Agenda
Name: Gunther S. Vanludwick
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