Questions To Lady Lost Part Ten. Off The Cuff Answers.
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Questions To Lady Lost Part Ten:
(Off the cuff answers)

1) How are you holding up after the incident this morning? Reasonably well. I've pretty much already accepted the reality of what you so accurately and catchingly call a state of lawlessness within this situation. There is absolutely NO preventative law enforcement in these cases in most states. Therefore, whatever happens happens. I'll mourn it and go on to other things. If it gets serious enough there will be other options, which had thus far appeared unattractive to me. Some of these other options could be lucrative. You have to remember that I've been living with this hopelessness and helplessness for too many years now. The alleged perpetrator is losing his power to cause significant impact. He's been playing his sick little games -- his grotesque monkey circus for far too long now. He is nothing beyond my writings. He is a serious problem but there is no workable solution within this situation.
2) Do you truly believe he (Alleged Perpetrator) is to blame for the incident this morning? It is overwhelmingly suspicious. There is no one else who'd even remotely want to do something that sick and cowardly. In addition, there is a distinct and undeniable pattern of retaliatory behaviors here. The whole thing is a demented vendetta to him. Yes, I believe he did it. There's tons of motive, opportunity, and capability. There are tons of threats. There is a long never ending now history of stalking behaviors. Stalkers typically do these things -- it follows the pattern to a T. The past and the recent sightings support the heck out of his culpability. I really don't have a doubt in my mind.
3) Can you share with us what the officer on the scene said that surprised you? Sure, from what I heard, he stated that my (Male Friend and Fellow Ranch Owner -- the Co-victim) has done the right thing by not calling the police and making tons of reports about all the little and mediocre incidents. A mediocre incident would be a sighting of this perpetrator blatantly breaking the court order of protection repeatedly, trespassing, drive by(s), other similar stuff. The officer didn't elaborate on this point as I am now, but this is the gist of it. He stated that the victim loses credibility within the eyes of law enforcement if they report too many incidents of the minor or mediocre scale. This is in extreme contradiction to what the anti-stalking experts advise victims to do -- they tell victims to report everything. It is also in contradiction to a least a portion of what I gathered from speaking with the detective that was on the case at one time. This detective seemed very frustrated because the co-victims would not report the mediocre stuff. He seemed unconvinced that the co-victims felt, "offended," by the perpetrator because they didn't report stuff. So there are drastically conflicting ideas about what the victim is supposed to do when things happen. In short, this officer today indicated that the thing to do is wait until there is nearly a blood bath or until there is a blood bath until you call the police and make a report. It all circles right back around to an unwillingness to enact any effective prevention and cost maintenance maneuvers within investigations. If it costs too much or takes too much time they don’t want any part of it. It strongly encourages the victim to view it as a state of lawlessness and to develop a general disrespect for law enforcement due to lack of prevention. It is very normal and psychologically sound for the average victim to want --- to insist upon prevention rather than waiting for a real disaster to occur. The system cannot for the life of them comprehend this so they label the victim as defective and/or unbalanced. This desire on the part of the victim for prevention remains strong until the system teaches the victim that there is no such thing as prevention so anything goes unless the police are called about it and have to deal with paperwork and manpower issues. There are no consequences for illegal activity unless the perpetrator chooses to suffer consequences or unless he's a lousy/inexperienced perpetrator. The perpetrators absolutely feed off this reality. The perpetrators love the way it works and they can't get enough of it. The victim figures it all out later. It took me almost two years to understand how it works and that it never works. It's anything goes and it's only a matter of what you're capable of and how experienced you are at getting away with it. It shouldn't ever be this way but it is.
4) Do you suggest victims adopt this viewpoint in coping with individuals such as stalkers? I believe they should try to report crimes and sightings, but they should realize that it probably isn’t going to work in their favor. If they can they should flee and vanish. If they can't vanish due to responsibilities and whatnot they need to be realistic and not count on the police for much of anything beyond a few written reports that sit in a file while the victim's entire life is being destroyed. After a certain number of reports are written up the response will likely get worse and worse until it is even more useless than those stationary reports no one cares about.  I suggest victims work really hard on winning ten or twenty million in the lottery as there is no other realistic or palatable solution. Winning the lottery is a joke -- a sarcastic one for the desperate while they're still able to care enough to be desperate. What's beyond insane in this particular situation is that we have a Chief of Police in this state that proclaims himself to be a huge animal welfare advocate. Where the HELL is he in this situation? What is he doing to protect these animals from this alleged perpetrator?  Why isn't he taking an interest and ensuring that this alleged perpetrator be jailed or institutionalized so that these helpless victims can be safe? You know before this creep show came onto the scene absolutely none of this stuff or anything even remotely like it ever happened. Isn't that amazing? And I'll bet anything in the world that is he went away permanently all of this would stop and be forgotten permanently. It would be a miracle! LOL? Dripping with sarcasm.
5) What is the most extreme thing you've ever thought of doing to halt this alleged perpetrator? Awhile ago I thought of confessing to every incorrect loony tune thing he's ever accused me of plus making up a few hundred, or however many I could think of, extra things so that he'd go away! At that moment it just didn't matter to me that I was innocent and it didn’t matter that I'd be fibbing about everything I said during the confession -- I was that desperate.
6) How would you have formulated the extra false items to confess? I just figured I'd sit down with some strikes, a bottle of Jack Daniels, A bottle of Coca Cola, some ice, a glass, a pen and paper and start making up every vile and absurd thing I could think of. You know, like I'm into taking big bloody bites out of my dogs, eating them alive while they're whimpering and trying to run away from me and I'm pregnant with an alien baby and I ate the last alien baby even though it was all green and had five eyes and eighteen legs, and my nine millionth personality is Hannibal Lector.  
7) Did you believe this would be effective? To an extent. It would have gotten rid of him for a short while. It was the only thing available to me that I hadn't tried already.
8) Do you believe the authorities would have believed the contents of this false confession? It's hard to say. If they were viewing it with any logic at all of coarse not. However, if not they may have believed a part of it and the other part they may have been accepted because it was easy to do so. In other words, if they bought it enough to lock me up the alleged perpetrator would have gone away for a short while. The trouble is that he would have returned and started up again. So it wasn't even an unpalatable workable solution. Hey, worst case scenario, it would have been some comedy relief. I was at the who cares point. It's not like I'd have lost anything I currently had at the time -- like their respect. Do you know that one time I had a guy pinned on the hill behind my place with a spotlight, breaking the court order, so I dialed 911. It took the officer about two hours to get here and when he got there he chuckled at me because the alleged perpetrator was no longer around. What am I supposed to do? I know, I could set up a stalker tent in my yard complete with fine wines and an inflatable Lady Lost doll that he could enact all his sick fantasies on -- that way he'd stick around long enough to be captured! LOL! Of coarse, I have no positive ID on this for this incident. At the time I didn't know it was my sole responsibility to hike up there and obtain a positive ID and some personal evidence to prove I saw what I saw! LOL! Drenched with sarcasm! You've got to understand that after years of being a victim you don't see things or react to things the same way as you used to anymore.... 

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**As with all poetry, essays, correspondence and/or published letters, e-mails or other communications presented on this webpage, this poem is a personal subjective expression of its author's own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. This statement is in no way intended to invalidate or minimize the powerful and poignant experiences of this author. However, this statement is intended to indicate that creative expressions such as these written forms of artwork are derived from their author's own personal feelings, thoughts, beliefs and opinions.
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Questions to Lady Lost Part Ten:
Name: Agent of Lady Lost: Gunther S. Vanludwick
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