Plain Banners
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Important: please read before proceeeding!

The Banners  you will find here are all made by me. These banners are PLAIN which means easier to edit. If you are to take or use 'em please atleast credit me as Sweet Usako and take one of my banner found in the
banner xchange.  I would realy appreciate it! I will gradually add more and more banners for your own convenience  in time. .the layout your seeing is one of my fav. and is BTW not free for the taking! all of my entrance layout i.e this, wp's, bg's meaning the first layout you  see when entering a section was especially made for only this site and shouldn't be taken out of contents!. 
To get the banners, simply right click and save as, then upload it to your site. PLEASE NO DIRECT LINKINGNG! i