1300m Cruiser Statistics

1300m Cruiser
ROLE: cruiser
Length 1300m.
Predominantly grey hull plating.
Winged design.
3 Cylindrical thrust nozzles in main dorsal bank at stern, plus 2 cylinders in ventral bank amidships.
At least one flank hangar, carrying at least 3 squadrons.
Produced no later than Battle of Hoth.

The major Calamarian cruiser seen in the computer game TIE Fighter is quite different from those seen at the Battle of Endor. It is slightly longer than the MC80 series, and has an elliptical, winged design. Engines are placed amidships in dorsal and ventral clusters as well as at the stern. This is vaguely like the available drawings of the MC80a, but there are differences: the 1300m ship is more slender and the wings are further back.

Mon Calamari fleet